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McAfee Virus Scan Killing SVCHOST.exe

If you have updated to Dat 5958 today your computer will reboot and you may not be able to use your computer.

We have thousands of computers affected and a team are working to get it fixed by downgrading to 5957 and restoring SVChost.exe

Is anyone having issues with mcafee virusscan enterprise 8.7i?

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  On 21/04/2010 at 15:38, u2_storm said:

Anyone at all? This is getting fairly big!

Yes basically, what ever you do do not reboot yours system if you managed to do the shutdown -a command to stop it as its kills ye pc and network.

I've had many sites affected by this.

Windows XP SP3

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5 & 8.7

Taskbar disappears, no start button, no network connections.

Unable to view events in event viewer also.

I hear McAfee are rolling a new update very soon.... but how to remotely update a PC which has had it's network b0rked?

Nice. Can't wait for work tomorrow!

How about starting the machine in safe mode? Does that work? If so, can you have them remove the latest DAT file? If not, can you ahve them remove the antivirus and then talk them through re-installing?

Last known config? Does that restore the dat to the old version?

Have you tried speaking to Mcaffee about this at all? Are they working on a DAT update or patch? If so, when its released, can you boot to safe mode and install it?

If the machine starts and simply starts shutting down, have the user run the command "shutdown -a" as mentioned above. Does that stop it from restarting?

I really dont understand what U2_Storm was posting so much for?

I thought he wanted help, but now i think he is trying to give us advise?

I use Sophos here, so it doesnt effect me... I used to use McAffee in another company though... Both products seem to fail in their own way to be honest.

  On 21/04/2010 at 17:07, Panacik said:

I really dont understand what U2_Storm was posting so much for?

I thought he wanted help, but now i think he is trying to give us advise?

I use Sophos here, so it doesnt effect me... I used to use McAffee in another company though... Both products seem to fail in their own way to be honest.

I do want your help but at the same time I am trying to fix it and organise how to fix computers remotely, I am also trying to warn people NOT to update McAfee.

The process we are trying to replacing the Engine folder and replacing SVChost.exe from a good machine via PE.

  On 21/04/2010 at 18:25, u2_storm said:


We have just put up a page on our website @

We are currently testing a PXE boot system to fix this issue remotely for our clients if anyone wants the scripts PM me.


Thanks for posting this information u2_storm. It was very helpful and has worked for at least one of our systems so far. Just wanted you to know that your sharing of information is very much appreciated. :)

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