Official Neowin PNG/Icon thread

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Looking for a couple PNG icons, at least 64x64.

1. Newspaper of somesort (Just an icons for news)

2. Icons about Tech news

3. Video Game Console or something

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Any one got any cool icons for a empty/full recycle bin, my computer, my documents, hard disk drive and my network places...


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I am not sure if this has been requested, so I apologize if it has. I was wondering if somone could make a nice image for the VLC Player and Opera.

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I'm just PRETTY new in this stuff of Icons ... I've been reading several of your post, searching the several sites that you have mentioned (I know that some are even from the designers that post here) ..

my concern is that I'm just not able to get what I need, that is: I want to get the basic collection of NON XP Icons; ie: open file, save file, print, etc...

I've visited (and surfed of course), some of the sites that you mention and here is what I get:

@ the site just takes ages to load ... I actually dubt if it actually works (I've wait for about 20 mins and it just does not ends to load) ..

@ they have just TOO MANY icons to be searched at, and it is quite hard to find the one's I'm looking for ..

I know that you metion several times through this thread that you have solved this problem but I just cannot get these icons!

I hope you could help me and won't feel bothered by a newbie :D


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I updated my Doom 3 icon set.


Made in anticipation of what seems to be one of the most hyped games in a very long time. There was already some Doom 3 icons floating around but they were based around an older version of the Doom 3 logo, I decided to whip up one on the newer version found on the doom 3 site!

Download from

DOOM is a registered trademark of id Software. I do not claim credit for the original art, only the modification into an appropriate icon.

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