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Nice thread!

I would like to update this userstyle to work in Minefield.

It only shows favicons from my Bookmarks Toolbar.

@namespace url(;
#bookmarks-ptf toolbarbutton:not([container="true"]) label,
#bookmarksBarContent toolbarbutton:not([container="true"]) label
{ display: none !important; }



plz could someone help me?

so is the beta still coming out this Thursday?

Delayed , but this week "hopefully".

Some news :

latest minefield now scores 196 points in HTML 5 test (its like a 10 score improvement)!

Secondly , Title bar drawing is now very very very close to land , its like one or two more days (tentative , but 99% sure)

Thirdly , Jaeger monkey with FatVals is now really fast , and is expected to land sooner (in next weeks)

Faaborg noted some of them, ?Having a control at the edge of the window frame to set the active Weave account. Drawing a persona throughout all of chrome (including the title bar). In private browsing mode changing the appearance of the theme, including the title bar. Placing tabs slightly into the area of the title bar will help us free up space for the content area.?

so true , ladies and gentlemen , you get perfect reason for this small delay :)

He's stating his opinion, I don't see anything wrong with that.

its not , but you can't keep talking about funny youtube videos in a browser discussion thread (note browser, not browsers)

Once again, another 64bit build for Mac OS X that can't load 32bit plugins - what is the use of OOP when you can't even load a damn 32bit plugin?

And it's not going to for a while, 32bit OOPP have loads of bugs, they aren't going to start working on other less important goals first (64bit builds don't even submit crash reports)

OOPP is primarily there to help responsiveness and reliability, not to allow for a 64bit host and a 32bit plugin.

so true , ladies and gentlemen , you get perfect reason for this small delay :)

its not , but you can't keep talking about funny youtube videos in a browser discussion thread (note browser, not browsers)

Whats youtube got to do with my comment? :blink:

Im quite clearly stating that i personally do not like the new look of the browser and would like the option to revert to the current look because its not only suites my needs better but i personally prefer the look of it. I personally HATE using chrome because i do not like the look or feel of the browser and this is what FF is copying there looks which i personally hate, there is no need to bash me for having an opinion on what i prefer the look of and use.

Now go back to your kitty videos on youtube! :devil:

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