Meet Firefox 4.0.1

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I was having an issue after standby, if I went into suspend/standby, when I loaded it back up the UI would hang

Guess why my dock icon for it looks like this:


Glassed Silver:mac

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Are you serious?

Dead serious, man. Dead serious.

Glassed Silver:mac

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I think I just got trolled. I get a bomb icon.

Noticed my cute Firefox icon for 3.6 on the left-hand side of it? ^_^

Glassed Silver:mac

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Ahhh, custom icons. I've never figured taht one out.

Copy a picture (from your browser, within Preview, etc... the PICTURE, not the file... so... the displayed pixels ;D) - preferably a *.png, due to transparency.

Right click the app, select Get info, click on the icon (top left) so it's surrounded with a blue glowing.

Paste by pressing Apple+V. Done.

Enjoy (Y)

Mind you: for Apple icons you will need special software. :(

CandyBar for example.

Glassed Silver:mac

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Things for Post Beta 8,

Another New Post concerning I/O

Basically you will get less I/O blocking with your UI elements such as AwesomeBar , bookmarks, history etc.

Then there are a group of memory bugs, once fixed should lower the total memory of current nighties by 30 - 50%.

Compartmental GC for beta 9.

Some additional JavaScript Enchantment and tidy up.

Those who have used the latest nighties will know Firefox 4.0 will be a great release.

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engineering teams are engaging in The Great Re-triage of all existing blockers

* already 100 bugs taken off the list

* focus is on cutting back feature set and shipping what we have

* may move some features to be behind preferences in order to get to completion

* will be able to estimate time to product completion after this

could this mean that we will get firefox 4 final sooner now? still possibly in Q1 2011? i hope so :D

I'm glad that they are re-evaluating what is needed and what isn't, as 4.0 really does need to get out as soon as possible. I deployed Firefox 3.6 at work last week for our Post 16 students to use for testing web designs in muliple browsers and I was shocked at just how dated and far behind it looks now.

Dump some features, hold them back for Firefox 4.5 or something :p

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They've pretty much revaluated list of blockers.

Here's some more info:

In a coordinated effort, the Firefox and Platform engineering teams wrapped up the last of our blocker re-triage events, reducing the overall blocker count by an AMAZING 353 BUGS! This is an approximate decrease of 35-40% from our original blocker bug count. Blocker bugs are those which must be killed before we can ship the product. The bug count reduction above includes those that we've moved to the next release, decided just shouldn't block, and some that we've dropped entirely. Of course, this is a fuzzy metric as not all bugs are created equal, but this is a huge step forward as now we have a ton more clarity into the release.

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i have been thinking of just upgrading to 4.0 now because i cant wait for final anymore.. is is stable enough for everyday use and to put on other family members computers?

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I'd say get beta8 and find out yourself. I've been using it since beta1 and while up to b5-b6 it had some annoying issues (flash especially) - since b7 it's getting way better. Installed beta8 today and it feels VERY fast.

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i have been thinking of just upgrading to 4.0 now because i cant wait for final anymore.. is is stable enough for everyday use and to put on other family members computers?

Well, I have not really had any issues since beta7, but I still would say "no." One example is that TurboTax doesn't work with Fx4, unless you pretend to be Fx3. So I would at least install user-agent switcher if you are going to put it on family's computers.

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Well, I have not really had any issues since beta7, but I still would say "no." One example is that TurboTax doesn't work with Fx4, unless you pretend to be Fx3. So I would at least install user-agent switcher if you are going to put it on family's computers.

well nobody in my family uses turbotax so that isnt a issue for me if i get firefox 4.

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Things for Post Beta 8,

Another New Post concerning I/O

Basically you will get less I/O blocking with your UI elements such as AwesomeBar , bookmarks, history etc.

Then there are a group of memory bugs, once fixed should lower the total memory of current nighties by 30 - 50%.

Compartmental GC for beta 9.

Some additional Javascript Enchantment and tidy up.

Those who have used the latest nighties will know Firefox 4.0 will be a great release.

Woah! Thanks for the info :D

Now something personal :/ i find as if software giants are now using "Meet XYZ" inspired from this thread :p

see :

Meet Firefox

Meet Opera 11

*note for ppl from future : idk if its the same for u also*

Back to topic , now we have ~478 total blocking bugs! (as mentioned by iwod) , which makes Q1 release realistic to me

Also , site AWFY 2 now has a small note

This is a beta preview of a new AWFY. We added the Kraken benchmark and Google's Crankshaft engine to the mix. We'll be adding a legend and a line for our type inference engine shortly after the new year. In the meantime, enjoy the holidays! -dvander

Sounds good :D and we got a 2% win in SS and 3% in v8 :cool:

Update Bookmark Star Icon has now landed !

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I've been using Minefield for quite a while now and the only thing that REALLY bothers me is the stupid "tab group"... Is there a way to disable all of it? I can't find an option anywhere :(

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Meh, I prefer the older mockup style more.

Same. The shade of yellow looked a bit better.

Why did it take so long to implement that little star anyway?

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well nobody in my family uses turbotax so that isnt a issue for me if i get firefox 4.

That was just an example of something that wouldn't work. All my websites work fine with Fx4, but certain websites (such as TT) may artificially limit you from using an unreleased browser. Heck, for a few months after Fx4 is released, sites will probably still restrict its use by browser agent string. Just a heads up.

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Woah! Thanks for the info :D

Now something personal :/ i find as if software giants are now using "Meet XYZ" inspired from this thread :p

see :

Meet Firefox

Meet Opera 11

Neat, they redesigned their website, looks nice.

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