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If you don't want tabs in Title-Bar -> about:config -> browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar set it to "false".

While you play with it, you see instantly the change without restart.

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Any way for enabling tabs on titlebar also when in window mode?

Any option in about:config to enable it?

I did a quick check in about:config and didn't see anything. :/

I'm sure there will be a style for that on here or tomorrow, though.

38 tabs, 1,202,608k :woot:

Still relatively responsive though, much better than b7

Ouch. You using b8 or nightlies? My RAM usage has dropped by about 40% since about a week or so ago using nightly builds.

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Well if it doesn't creep up much more, my statement about using 40% less memory was spot on :p

Clean profile, for me, brings memory usage quite a bit lower but I can't be arsed to transfer bookmarks etc. to a new profile since Firefox isn't showing any signs of slowdown with the current memory usage.

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Yeah, he went from 1,202,608K to "creeping towards 700,000K" switching to Minefield.

I kind of took the improvements for granted, I guess, but now that I think about it this was probably my biggest issue with previous releases of Firefox. Memory usage was getting higher and higher and the browser was getting slower and slower. Initially, with FF4 the memory usage got even higher, but it didn't affect my browsing experience. Now it still runs just as smooth (if not smoother) while memory use has been steadily decreasing.

It's been a long time coming. :)

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Most of the memory usage comes from font loading and the new JS engine, they're working on bringing it down though.

Edit: With the font loading at least, most of the usage is "fake", i.e. just reserved memory.

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Use "small icons" in firefox and then compare too

with small icons firefox is the winner, but i used the default set for each browser!

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with today's tabs in titlebar patch!

Now make a comparison with the browsers windowed rather than maximised. Some of us consider maximising a web browser a waste of screen estate.

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I'm using the latest nightly and I don't have the tabs in titlebar option, not in about:config either.

That's because tabs in titlebar when maximised will only land in today's nightly, which should be out soon-ish.

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That's because tabs in titlebar when maximised will only land in today's nightly, which should be out soon-ish.

OK cheers (Y)

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Now make a comparison with the browsers windowed rather than maximised. Some of us consider maximising a web browser a waste of screen estate.

with firefox default: (big icons)

with firefox small icons:

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Try THIS userstyle ! ;)

Thanks :)

Thankfully I use the Tab Counter add-on, so I've got inactive part of the titlebar to grab on to.


On a side note, I cant get rid of that close tab button on the titlebar

It was a Tab Mix Plus option :whistle:

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