Meet Firefox 4.0.1

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i have a problem with this version!

normally facebook like button works good. but sometimes doesnt recognize my accuont ,means i must login to my facebook accuont first!! or first goto facebook page then like button works! there is not any solution for this??

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I'm going to make a prediction that when they push out 4.0 to the general public, it's not going to be very well excepted. I can already see my customers being completely lost when they install this update. It's only a few beta versions away from release and every time I test it I want to run back to firefox 3.6. The new 4.0 UI is horrible just doesn't feel right..

There are always people who can't deal with change. I for one am glad companies don't only focus on them and have the stones introduce new things.

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i'm using beta10 (portable), is hardware acceleration enabled by default? I was reading you had to change stuff in about:config, but that was maybe for b5 i'm not sure about the latest ones. I'm really hoping Firefox 4 smashes Chrome 8 to pieces!

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I'm going to make a prediction that when they push out 4.0 to the general public, it's not going to be very well excepted. I can already see my customers being completely lost when they install this update. It's only a few beta versions away from release and every time I test it I want to run back to firefox 3.6. The new 4.0 UI is horrible just doesn't feel right..

One way or another, they don't really have a choice....

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i'm using beta10 (portable), is hardware acceleration enabled by default? I was reading you had to change stuff in about:config, but that was maybe for b5 i'm not sure about the latest ones. I'm really hoping Firefox 4 smashes Chrome 8 to pieces!

It should be enabled by default, but you can check by opening options and clicking the advanced pane.

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One way or another, they don't really have a choice....

I knows, that's what killing me. As much as I hate it and go back to 3.6 I know that at some point and time i'm going to have to make the switch.

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i have a problem with this version!

usually (facebook like button) works good for me. but sometimes doesnt recognize my accuont ,means i must login to my facebook accuont first!! or first goto facebook page then like button works! there is not any solution for this??

anybody else doesnt have this problem??!

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Fast in terms of What? Start up? Page Rendering?

The UI. Page rendering and startup times are fine. The UI's responsiveness is still laggy.

It used to be that Firefox froze up shortly after a cold boot, but they might have fixed it for beta 10. However there is still noticeable choppiness in the UI. For instance, the open/close tab animations.

Also - and this might sound insignificant but it still ties into the UI being not so responsive - try resizing the lower right corner of the window and do it rapidly. Chrome repaints the fastest. IE9 and Opera repaint at an acceptable speed. Firefox chops up everywhere.

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I don't see how the not so fast repainting when resizing the window is such a problem.You are not going to be resizing the window 24/7.

I think that's missing the point. He's not describing a problem in and of itself. He's describing a symptom. The problem being Firefox is slower than other browsers at drawing all its elements, and going through its various animations, which has everything to do with how unresponsive its UI is.

That's why he said, "and this might sound insignificant but it still ties into the UI being not so responsive"

On that topic, I've noticed a big improvement in responsiveness on pages with a lot of flash, and on some parts of the UI, like the add-on manager. It used to hang for a bit while maximizing and restoring the window. The hang time has been noticeably reduced, but it's still there.

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Maybe I'm a little too much of a perfectionist, but I think this corner needs a little polishing. Its in the "Get-Addons" screen.


What do you think guys?

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Fast in terms of What? Start up? Page Rendering?

In terms of everything. I stopped using Firefox for one main reason: Chrome 8 is [currently] faster. I like Firefox 4 because of the updated interface, built-in support for hardware rendering, and various other changes (from Firefox 3.6). However, I don't like the fact that it's slow in comparison to Chrome 8 and Opera 11. If they make it faster, I'd probably make the switch as fast as humanly possible.

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Chrome seems about 5-10% percent faster from version to version, doesn't cut it.

In terms of everything. I stopped using Firefox for one main reason: Chrome 8 is [currently] faster. I like Firefox 4 because of the updated interface, built-in support for hardware rendering, and various other changes (from Firefox 3.6). However, I don't like the fact that it's slow in comparison to Chrome 8 and Opera 11. If they make it faster, I'd probably make the switch as fast as humanly possible.

If ignoring the bugs, Opera 11 seems to be a good choice to move to from FF4.

The interface should be familiar to FF4 users more so than Chrome.

It also gives more options than Chrome to tinker with.

Although, factoring in the bugs, Chrome and FF seems to be the most compatible browsers with everything on the net.

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There are always people who can't deal with change. I for one am glad companies don't only focus on them and have the stones introduce new things.

Amen. I've been using Fx since it was Phoenix .3. There has been plenty of good and bad since then, but I personally think Fx has never looked better. I'm not a chrome fan, either. I just think the changes, regardless of where they come from, lead to a much nicer looking browser than Fx 3.x ever was.

Of course, I am using some stylesheets to make the tab colors match my windows theme, but I was doing that in Fx 3.x anyway. And now I don't need glasser...

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Chrome seems about 5-10% percent faster from version to version, doesn't cut it.

If speed mattered , Firefox 4 would have been like Firefox 6 or something , but it doesnt matter enough

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