Meet Firefox 4.0.1

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This bug landed due a stupid decision by firefox devs, I think.

It still saves them, y'know. Now it just doesn't ask every single time you quit (likely because a tiny minority ever made a different choice on it).

It's getting better, but it looks like they are waiting until the RC or even final build to finish the UI.

They're not waiting, they're prioritizing. Tweaks land all the time, in general order of importance.

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It still saves them, y'know. Now it just doesn't ask every single time you quit (likely because a tiny minority ever made a different choice on it).

I usually start firefox with the home page set to SpeedDial.

But, sometimes I need my tabs back on restart: on addons updates, Firefox updates, privacy concerns or just closing the browser, grabbing a coffee and returning to work.

The old way, all I needed to do was choose to save my session.

Now, please, explain to me, how can I do that, after this devs decision?

And removing from configs too, ow man, bad bad decision.

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I get a message that I'm closing multiple tabs, but after i start FF again it doesn't load them.And what do you mean it still saves them?

It does for me. Try using TMP.

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I get a message that I'm closing multiple tabs, but after i start FF again it doesn't load them.And what do you mean it still saves them?

He means that it automatically saves your tabs when you close Firefox, and should restore them the next time you start it up. Under Options > General, do you have "Show my windows and tabs from last time" set?

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It does for me. Try using TMP.

Tabmix plus ask you about the sessions every time you close the browser, even with only one tab.

Tabmix plus is excellent, I also use it. Not for this.

And also, why do we need an addon to do what firefox was already so well?

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Restoring tabs and windows from last session is stupid.I don't want it to always restore them.For example i open 10-20 tabs and at the end of the day i close firefox.The other day i start firefox and it will load tons of tabs i don't want.The FF 3.6 behavior was fine.It asked you if you want to save them for the next start of FF.And who doesn't want the dialog could disable it.Everyone was happy.Is there any way to save tabs on exit only when i want?Any script or something(except that TMP addon)?

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Restoring tabs and windows from last session is stupid.I don't want it to always restore them.For example i open 10-20 tabs and at the end of the day i close firefox.The other day i start firefox and it will load tons of tabs i don't want.The FF 3.6 behavior was fine.It asked you if you want to save them for the next start of FF.And who doesn't want the dialog could disable it.Everyone was happy.

While I understand the case, you are likely in a very small minority of users. Multiple clicks to close a program is something to avoid, thus their plan to remove less used items. I do hope you find something that lets you choose though.

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I'm forced to use TMP now.

Actually no your not. The separate Session Manager extension will do exactly what your looking for. Even if you accidently close Firefox it backs up a certain amount of tab sessions. You can even tell it to never load them on startup and instead do that part maually if you decide to want to open all your saved tabs again.

I myself like saving all my tabs, if I ever close Firefox, because I always have 20 to 50 + tabs open 24/7!

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im guessing it will be mid march by the time we see FF4 final. if that is the case i am done.

Dude, just use beta 11. You've complained for days now about wanting to use it, so just give it a try. The UI is barely going to change from here on out, so it doesn't make much sense at all to bitch every few hours about wanting to leave firefox, while at the same time wanting to use the new firefox.

If you're scared of losing your settings, install the beta to another directory or use a portable version of it ( or just create a whole new profile to test it. I'm sure once you use the beta, you won't go back. I've been using the beta for months now and I've enjoyed it far much more than FF 3.x.

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I've gotten my frustration out and gonna just live with 3.6 till 4.0 goes final even if it's months away. Anyway back down to 13 blockers so that's a plus.

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Just wanna make sure is it normal for my install folder to say Beta 10 still right? I checked the about thing and the FF I am currently using is Beta 11.

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Actually no your not. The separate Session Manager extension will do exactly what your looking for. Even if you accidently close Firefox it backs up a certain amount of tab sessions. You can even tell it to never load them on startup and instead do that part maually if you decide to want to open all your saved tabs again.

I myself like saving all my tabs, if I ever close Firefox, because I always have 20 to 50 + tabs open 24/7!

TMP has it's own session manager.

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