Meet Firefox 4.0.1

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There is another way to speed up firefox scrolling and rendering even more yourself but it is manually and a pain. It works though. It basically like seeing the future of Firefox 4.1 or 5 when each tab is a separate process like IE. Once this happens it will help Firefox a a ton! Just wish it was easier to do manually so it wasn't such a pain in the butt to do now. I don't mind waiting though sense I have a way around it if I really need to make it faster before it is put into firefox.

Having each tab as a separate process will end up using more memory and make it slightly slower than in-process tabs (Since you need to do the cross process talk, instead of being inside the process)

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Crashes, bugs, slowdowns, etc.

One other disadvantage, is you get used to features months before they're in a release build, when I updated my PC from 3.5 to 3.6 I suddenly realised a whole bunch of stuff I was missing out on (vs. the "3.7" nightlies on my Mac)

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I'm currently using ff4 beta and I'm interested on trying out the nightly builds. What are the possible disadvantages of using the nightlies?

Blue icon , no firefox branding , prone to crash/bugs

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Having each tab as a separate process will end up using more memory and make it slightly slower than in-process tabs (Since you need to do the cross process talk, instead of being inside the process)

Yep your right but it does help speed it up a lot.

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What is mult-core support in a browser exactly and which ones have it ? What is the benefit ?

Increased UI responsiveness. When firefox is under load the UI often very noticeably lags (just becomes totally unresponsive for a second) even on my quadcore processor. With opera/chrome/ie9 I never see this happen.

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Increased UI responsiveness. When firefox is under load the UI often very noticeably lags (just becomes totally unresponsive for a second) even on my quadcore processor. With opera/chrome/ie9 I never see this happen.

Yep I know exactly what your talking about. So Opera actually has mult-core support ? I didn't know this.

How long has this been a issue for Firefox because it has seem like it has gone on for a while. At least from what I have seen. I didn't start noticing it until a couple of years ago.

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Firefox's UI has always been the least responsive for me, but the problem is greatly accentuated in fx 4 because of additions like tab animations that make any lag even more noticeable.

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Looking at the hardblocker bug list and not counting blocklist bugs, we have 22 bugs without patches (out of 51 open) that remain to be fixed to get to RC.

This is it. It's time to do the final push to get Firefox 4 to release candidate.

I still see 91 non-blockers being fixed in the past seven days, and 84 actual blockers fixed. With 22 hardblockers remaining without patches, I believe it's time to do daily blocker driving on these few remaining items--triage the noms, review and push on each and every hard blocker, and give approvals the required attention to prevent regressions. We'll organize this today and announce in the engineering meeting. We can't afford to continue landing patches that risk significant regressions. It's churn we don't need.

Time to show fortitude. We've done it before, and we'll do it again. Let's finish these last few bugs and aim to finish RC by Feb 25th.

All my best,


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Blue icon , no firefox branding , prone to crash/bugs

While you're taking a risk using it as a main browser, I've been running the nightlies for a few months and I've not had a single crash/problem yet.

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Firefox's UI has always been the least responsive for me, but the problem is greatly accentuated in fx 4 because of additions like tab animations that make any lag even more noticeable.

It has for me too but only after it has been running for about 4 to 8 hours depending on how many tabs I have open. The problem is most people never leave their browser open so they have no freaking idea what your talking about when you say Firefox slows down after a while. If you ask me it all has to do with memory usage. I noticed once Firefox.exe*32 process goes over 500 MB is when it becomes knowable the UI slowdown. At least for me. I could be wrong but it seems to always tell me when I can expect to see slowdowns. If I forgot to look at it and start to notice the ui reacting slowly sure enough I got to Task Manager and it is using over 500 MB of memory.

Now given this don't get me wrong. I don't care how much memory firefox uses. I have 8 GB of ram. The problem I have is when the ui starts to slow down because of the result of this. Thankfully I have figured out how to fix this issue for now until Firefox 4.1 comes out.

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Can someone please reply to my post about the Bookmarks Menu bug? Here it is again. Anyone else notice that when you go to the bookmarks menu, then right click on a bookmark and say go to delete or properties, it like flickers? I'm guessing this is a bug. I think I noticed it in Beta 10 also, but not in Beta 9. I don't mean the bookmarks toolbar. That is smooth as can be and the way it should be. I mean when you go to the Bookmarks Menu next to History. It seems even the history menu flickers when you right click on stuff. I'm disabling add-ons to see if it's add-on related. So far no luck. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

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While you're taking a risk using it as a main browser, I've been running the nightlies for a few months and I've not had a single crash/problem yet.

Well, I've been using the betas only, since about beta 5, and I've had plenty of crashes. It crashed on me today, even.

But, I am using firebug, which is in alpha right now, so that's likely part of the problem.

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there are actually 10 beta N hard blockers left so the 37 others probally wont make the last beta and get moved to RC or firefox 5 so beta 12 is just around the corner :D

the goal is to get RC1 out by Feb 25th :)

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Can someone please reply to my post about the Bookmarks Menu bug? Here it is again. Anyone else notice that when you go to the bookmarks menu, then right click on a bookmark and say go to delete or properties, it like flickers? I'm guessing this is a bug. I think I noticed it in Beta 10 also, but not in Beta 9. I don't mean the bookmarks toolbar. That is smooth as can be and the way it should be. I mean when you go to the Bookmarks Menu next to History. It seems even the history menu flickers when you right click on stuff. I'm disabling add-ons to see if it's add-on related. So far no luck. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Yes .. I see what you mean .. I get it here too!

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It has for me too but only after it has been running for about 4 to 8 hours depending on how many tabs I have open. The problem is most people never leave their browser open so they have no freaking idea what your talking about when you say Firefox slows down after a while. If you ask me it all has to do with memory usage. I noticed once Firefox.exe*32 process goes over 500 MB is when it becomes knowable the UI slowdown. At least for me. I could be wrong but it seems to always tell me when I can expect to see slowdowns. If I forgot to look at it and start to notice the ui reacting slowly sure enough I got to Task Manager and it is using over 500 MB of memory.

Now given this don't get me wrong. I don't care how much memory firefox uses. I have 8 GB of ram. The problem I have is when the ui starts to slow down because of the result of this. Thankfully I have figured out how to fix this issue for now until Firefox 4.1 comes out.

I don't seem to notice it being any slower over time, for me its just slow from the get go (UI responsiveness, page loading is fine, what I am talking about it opening like a folder of bookmarks and seeing the whole UI totally stop, and jerky animations). Mem usage for me never really goes past 300 mb or so and I have plenty of free memory (4 gigs) opera uses more than firefox for me and always stays responsive.

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Yes .. I see what you mean .. I get it here too!

Thank you for replying. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I hope that bug is fixed in Beta 12. It's just a minor annoyance, but it still would be nice to have it fixed. I'm glad they fixed the Panorama bug where the sites thumbnails didn't always load properly. Sometimes they would have an ugly white background. Beta 11 fixed that, so hopefully Beta 12 fixes the bookmark issues. Also, there's another small annoyance with the bookmarks menu. If you try dragging and dropping a bookmark from one position to another, it doesn't go where you want it to go. If you try moving it down, it goes to the top. I hope that is fixed as well. It doesn't seem to be doing it now, but it's happened before.
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I don't seem to notice it being any slower over time, for me its just slow from the get go (UI responsiveness, page loading is fine, what I am talking about it opening like a folder of bookmarks and seeing the whole UI totally stop, and jerky animations). Mem usage for me never really goes past 300 mb or so and I have plenty of free memory (4 gigs) opera uses more than firefox for me and always stays responsive.

Ah I don't use bookmarks anymore. I use to but would never take the time to organize and the little time I tried I still couldn't ever find the one I wanted. Had way to many bookmarks I guess. Have an interesting question for you how many tabs do you usually have open and Firefox Add-ons installed?

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Ah I don't use bookmarks anymore. I use to but would never take the time to organize and the little time I tried I still couldn't ever find the one I wanted. Had way to many bookmarks I guess. Have an interesting question for you how many tabs do you usually have open and Firefox Add-ons installed?

I'll generally have anywhere between 4-20 tabs open. Rarely a whole lot more than that unless I am researching something.

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While you're taking a risk using it as a main browser, I've been running the nightlies for a few months and I've not had a single crash/problem yet.

i am talking about nightlies in general and not nightlies of present , i myself use nightlies and they haven't crashed on me since jan i guess , but i remember when D2D landed , it crashed too often , so that's what i am saying , its just prone to crashes

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