Meet Firefox 4.0.1

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Anyone know of a great RSS extension? I used to use RSS Ticker til I discovered it was causing that annoying bookmarks display bug. Now, I'm using an awesome one called Simple RSS Reader, but it has some issues. It's not fully compatible with Firefox 4, sometimes it will hang when loading the next set of feeds, it doesn't have an option to ignore read articles, and there's no option to remove a feed without having to delete your bookmark. It also only displays one feed at the same time. I really loved how RSS Ticker would scroll multiple feeds at the same time. Are there any good ones out there that have all those features?

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In the jumplist, Firefox 4 doesn't display the recently visited sites' favicons. o_O; Just a document with the Firefox logo in it... Big fail imho Mozilla.(Yes, and I'm a big fan of Firefox)

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There is still some polishing to do in minefield:

  • hardware acceleration in option>advanced>general when turned on and firefox is restarted result in fonts that are noticeably not as crisp as they should be
  • in Gmail, this results in the archive button being bigger than it should be
  • the jumplist doesn't use the website's favicons
  • firefox's aero border is bigger than it should be in comparison to other apps

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Fonts being different with hardware acceleration on is on purpose, it's using a better API to render text.

And the archive button on Gmail is a problem with the font they're asking for (Arial weight 900, which has different metrics than the rest of the Arial family due to an MS mistake)

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If only they would allow hardware acceleration without DirectWrite.

You can disable Direct2D and DirectWrite while leaving Direct3D enabled*, but you can't have Direct2D without DirectWrite.

* Leave the HW accel box checked, but in about:config look for a pref called "gfx.direct2d.disabled" and set that to true. Then restart the browser.

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Can anyone tell me how to increase the scrolling speed without having to do that in control panel? For some reason, these don't seem to work for me.


Edit, I meant these:


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You can disable Direct2D and DirectWrite while leaving Direct3D enabled*, but you can't have Direct2D without DirectWrite.

* Leave the HW accel box checked, but in about:config look for a pref called "gfx.direct2d.disabled" and set that to true. Then restart the browser.

Okay, hm. Where exactly is D3D being used?

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Can anyone tell me how to increase the scrolling speed without having to do that in control panel? For some reason, these don't seem to work for me.


Edit, I meant these:


Yet Another Smooth Scrolling. I use this little extension and the difference it makes with scrolling is incredible. Firefox suddenly turns from the worst scrolling browser to the best (or a close tied with IE9). Give it a try.

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Okay, hm. Where exactly is D3D being used?

D3D's being used to composite the interface and web pages together (as well as accelerated video display, etc.)

What exactly does layers.prefer-d3d9 do?

Absolutely nothing, especially on XP (since it can't use Direct3D10, and it always prefers Direct3D over OpenGL)

Edit: Actually, on Vista/7 it'll cause it to use Direct3D9 over Direct3D10, which isn't good since D3D10 is faster than D3D9.

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D3D's being used to composite the interface and web pages together (as well as accelerated video display, etc.)

Absolutely nothing, especially on XP (since it can't use Direct3D10, and it always prefers Direct3D over OpenGL)

Edit: Actually, on Vista/7 it'll cause it to use Direct3D9 over Direct3D10, which isn't good since D3D10 is faster than D3D9.

Okay, well then. I've enabled HWA in options, disabled D2D in about:config - which also disables the dreadful DirectWrite.

So D3D is still enabled? Is there any benchmarks i can run to see if it is?

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I think with that way you disabled entirely HA...

Check "about:support" last section.

You want HA but without DirectWrite? I tried too but didn't manage to accomplish the target.

If you have LCD monitor, try to lower a bit the Sharpness... I did it, from 5 to 3 and looks better. Not lower because you will get a blurry effect.

Check the results: That's of course with DirectWrite on.

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What exactly does layers.prefer-d3d9 do?

Those two settings will drop the blurry font (7/Vista HWA) and enable the next best thing available (XP HWA).

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