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When Beta 7 comes out, it will be at least 5 days behind the nightly builds. They are quite stable now.

I just really don't like the nightly/minefield branding. I know it's stupid, but I prefer it to be called Firefox on my system laugh.gif

That and I'm patiently waiting on BoneyardBrew's upcoming themes, which I know won't be released till Mozilla stop tinkering so much with the interface coding.

Are you kidding? It is indistinguishable from Chrome in its speed. It starts up almost instantly. Firefox takes forever to start up, appears to hang prior to loading any webpage, and then is slow to load the page. I don't like IE, either, but don't go spreading lies just because you prefer Firefox. Mozilla still has a lot of work to do. I don't give a **** about gfx acceleration when it's making zero difference in actual usage (in Firefox).

Mine does not take forever to start up in fact my home page loads in less than 0.10 of a second. How much faster would you want it?

Thanks, seems to work better than others I have tried in the past ;)

Have you tried the one called Yet Another Smooth Scrolling?

I have been using this one for years now and it has been an excellent add-on that has been well maintained and a ton of customization.

I messed around with SmoothWheel for about half an hour and I couldn't really get a smooth scroll that I liked. If you decide to try this one out, here's the settings I use.

I have noticed though that smooth scrolling hasn't performed as well in FF4 as it did in FF3, kinda saddens me :(


JM seems to be essential for better performance.. and I find pathetic that b8pre is out however x64 fix for critical bug in JM (crashing ff in first seconds) hasn't been pushed to nightlies for 3 days now. What do they patch and update then. Makes no sense to me and I can't let it go (

I wonder if 4.0 release get such a bug (we hope not) in x32, and it will be ignored as well.

The 64bit Windows builds are unsupported and mainly for developers, they're not like the normal nightlies which are meant for general testing.

That being said, the 32bit build would never have a bug like that left in the final version, and it's strange to think they would leave a bug like that in.

Looks like I'm back on 32-bit for a while. It's crazy that for days now 64-bit builds have crashed on startup. I don't even know why they even bother posting builds that absolutely will not work. I noticed builds are marked 4.0b8pre now; beta 7 release should be soon.

On an unrelated note, now that double-clicking the tab bar maximizes the window instead of opening a new tab, and middle-clicking opens a new tab instead of reopening the last closed tab, does anybody know a quick way to reopen the last closed tab without having to dig through the history menu?

Spreading lies? You should seriously check with some benchmarks. Firefox may still be lacking behind in terms of start up speed. But not so much are you are putting it as "forever" to start up. With a Clean Profile and lastest nightlies it is almost instantly, that is if you consider Chrome as instant. As a matter of fact IE 9 start up about the same time as firefox on my old Pentium M 1.8Ghz 1GB Ram Windwos 7 32bit Laptop.

Like i said Firefox perform much better on older spec machines. ( Or you could choose Opera for even better experience ).

And IE 9 appears to hang prior to loading my webpage, as well as slow to load the page, on my machine.

Benchmarks aren't really relevant, real-world usage is. Firefox 4 is much faster than Firefox 3.6, but it's still very noticeably the slowest browser. Of course it's going to seem like they're all generally equal an a severely outdated CPU; they're all being held back by the hardware. Run them on something more modern, even a 1.6GHz Atom netbook, and you'll notice the difference.

Yes, "forever" was an obvious exaggeration. It generally takes about 10-15 seconds to start up + load Neowin (home page), whereas Chrome might only take less than 5 seconds.

Mine does not take forever to start up in fact my home page loads in less than 0.10 of a second. How much faster would you want it?

Do you have a SSD? And what is your home page?

On an unrelated note, now that double-clicking the tab bar maximizes the window instead of opening a new tab, and middle-clicking opens a new tab instead of reopening the last closed tab, does anybody know a quick way to reopen the last closed tab without having to dig through the history menu?

Ctrl+Shift+T ?

With tab mix plus installed, I have middle clicking set back to reopening the most recently closed tab.

Thanks for the replies. I may try tab mix plus again.

Do you know what's the difference between a pre and beta build, besides the daily updates and name change? I mean, would a final beta 7 be "better" or "more stable" than a good frozen pre?


Yes they are removing that damn progress bar when loading tabs!

I saw that a while ago. That whole project needs to go back to the drawing board or put to rest. I think an extension for that is sufficient. The browser doesn't need the gizmos, especially ones that hit the cpu hard.

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