Meet Firefox 4.0.1

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Thanks, that's just one level higher than the link I posted (I had linked directly to the en-US folder). The en-US folder in that folder is still empty...

Obviously they are building them, so it's going to be out shortly. Personally I don't care much, as I'm running build1 already. But it's not "officially" out while the en-US folder still has nothing in it. Also, until they announce it and put it on this page:

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Thanks, that's just one level higher than the link I posted (I had linked directly to the en-US folder). The en-US folder in that folder is still empty...

Obviously they are building them, so it's going to be out shortly. Personally I don't care much, as I'm running build1 already. But it's not "officially" out while the en-US folder still has nothing in it. Also, until they announce it and put it on this page:

EN-US has already been compiled and is available here〈=en-US

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I'm glad to see that Beta 12 has been released, but is there any real reason to use it if 4.0b13pre is faster and takes less memory? It's a Minefield build, so you're not going to get the Firefox logo, right? Is that really the only reason not to use it at this point? I'm wondering if I should upgrade to Beta 12, or just go to 4.0b13pre? Will all my extensions still work? How stable is it? I've had no problems running Beta 11 except for the hotmail bug that everyone knows about, and the bookmark display issues I've posted about already. Also, is there a changelog for Beta 12/4.0b13pre, or is it too soon for that? Thanks!

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I'm glad to see that Beta 12 has been released, but is there any real reason to use it if 4.0b13pre is faster and takes less memory? It's a Minefield build, so you're not going to get the Firefox logo, right? Is that really the only reason not to use it at this point? I'm wondering if I should upgrade to Beta 12, or just go to 4.0b13pre? Will all my extensions still work? How stable is it? I've had no problems running Beta 11 except for the hotmail bug that everyone knows about, and the bookmark display issues I've posted about already. Also, is there a changelog for Beta 12/4.0b13pre, or is it too soon for that? Thanks!

Yes I believe you can only upgrade to a Firefox final version from the betas and not the nightly builds. Please correct if I am wrong someone. I always thought that suck. That is why I use the beta and the nightly on the side to check out what is new as a secondary testing browser. I would love to use the nightly as my default main browser but I don't want to have to redo my whole browser to my likely every time a final version comes out. Don't mind the minefield icon or name though. That can all be changed pretty easily.

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Just updated to Beta 12. It def feels a little faster in opening and closing tabs, though it could be the placebo effect. It also seems like the fonts are better and standout more on the tabs. Particularly when using bold text. Once again, could just be my mind playing tricks on me. They still didn't fix the small but annoying bookmarks display issue that I have posted about previously. I hope that gets fixed in time for the final release. The full changelog is here.

Quick summary of what is new...

Increased performance while viewing Flash content

Improved plugin compatibility with hardware acceleration enabled

Hovering over links now displays the URL at the bottom of the window rather than in the location bar

General stability, performance, and compatibility improvements

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While I like the simpleness of the new default "Firefox Home Page", I've never liked it saving its "form" history as opposed to displaying google suggestions, anyone know if it is possible to change this behavior?

Though I guess I could just use Google, but it would be nice for the default page.

Hovering over links now displays the URL at the bottom of the window rather than in the location bar

Was this not in Beta 11?

I know I had it, lol.

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...Hovering over links now displays the URL at the bottom of the window rather than in the location bar

And just when I got used/trained to look at the location bar, they went and changed it to the bottom again. :)

I noticed that it had brought that back a bit ago in this release and was pretty happy to see it there again. I just didn't feel natural or right for me to look at the location bar, but do welcome the option to toggle top/bottom eventually for those that like it there.

Glad to see it didn't break any of my plugins. Was getting tired of the 'ol update FF then fish out the nightly for the plugins every time I did update.

And Yeah, flash did seem to load almost instantly on my connection when I went to Speedtest so might be a nice improvement overall.

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Now that the hovering over links now displays the URL at the bottom of the window rather than in the location bar is back, does that mean I can get rid of the add-on, Status-4-Evar, or is it still needed in some capacity? I'll answer my own question: Yes, it does unless I wanna keep it because Status-4-Evar handles it better.

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While I like the simpleness of the new default "Firefox Home Page", I've never liked it saving its "form" history as opposed to displaying google suggestions, anyone know if it is possible to change this behavior?

Though I guess I could just use Google, but it would be nice for the default page.

Was this not in Beta 11?

I know I had it, lol.

No it only had the loading text at the bottom of the browser. I hate that. Annoying. Now the hovering over the links is awesome! Just like Link Target Display Addon but on Firefox 4 as default! No more Link Target Display add-on compatibility issues with others! Woohoo!! I loved it but hated all the problems it caused sometimes.

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awesomebar? compared to ie9 and chrome, the address bar of firefox is not so awesome..

awesomebar is an addon that combines the address bar and search bar

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