Meet Firefox 4.0.1

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They might release Firefox without some good improvements for IE9 demos.

I don't understand why this wasn't a priority before FF4 went RC.

So? Just use some "better" browser like that Iron clone and be happy.

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Is it just me, or are the fonts abysmal in FF 4? Neowin looks horrid compared to the same page rendered in FF 3.6 or Chrome.

EDIT: It appears to be an issue. Not quite sure that I want to disable hardware acceleration to fix this.

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I'm glad they put "Open Link in a New Tab" above "Open Link in a New Window". I'm also glad that Direct2D font rendering is disabled by default. It's still not as fast as Chrome but it's definitely faster than the beta versions I tried.

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Is it just me, or are the fonts abysmal in FF 4? Neowin looks horrid compared to the same page rendered in FF 3.6 or Chrome.

EDIT: It appears to be an issue. Not quite sure that I want to disable hardware acceleration to fix this.

Yeah it's just horrible, makes Fx 4 completely unusable for me.

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I Shall be sticking with FF3.6 if this RC1 is how it's going to be. Many annoyances - chief of which, font rendering aside, I end up having the layout the same as FF3.6 because I want the bookmarks toolbar visible but if I do the bookmarks button - which I have placed next to the home button - gets moved to the far right of the toolbar, I don't want that. I wouldn't have put it next to the home button otherwise. Also it refuses to focus on input boxes on no matter what extension or about:config settings I use.

But mainly the font rendering.

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Try disabling hardware acceleration.

There are custom styles that enable you to auto hide your bookmarks toolbar. As fore the autofocus, I don't know, but why don't you just use as you're address bar search engine?

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This ain't good, adblock + FF4 not fixed either,

Unfortunately, the issue is most certainly in Firefox and I can do little about it other than creating a clean bug report. has been fixed so it might be the same problem as or maybe it's a new one. It looks like garbage collection in Firefox 4 is still making trouble..

Edited by Udedenkz
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Not seeing this horrid font issue mentioned so often. nVidia 330GT with latest drivers. Yes acceleration is on and at 1080P doesn't look much softer than IE9.

I don't see a problem either .. looks the same as a page in IE to me ..

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No problems here.

What add-ons and plugins do you all have installed?

Adblock Plus, Ghostery, Barlesque and no more..

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I'm glad they put "Open Link in a New Tab" above "Open Link in a New Window". I'm also glad that Direct2D font rendering is disabled by default. It's still not as fast as Chrome but it's definitely faster than the beta versions I tried.

DirectWrite isn't disabled by default, unless there's an issue with drivers or such causing Firefox to blacklist your hardware.

As for DirectWrite and Direct2D, eventually every browser will be using it, the benefits far outweigh personal opinions against it.

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(...)the benefits far outweigh personal opinions against it.

Such as? I really want to know... What can we test today and now with RC1 and Direct2D/DirectWrite?

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How do you install firefox 4 rc in ubuntu? With "sudo apt-get install firefox-4.0", what I got is minefield. I don't know how to handle the file provided by the main website (what do I need to do after downloading it?). I use windows, but I sometimes use ubuntu for school works.

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Wow just had to remove a bunch of extension config settings from 4.0 RC1, apparently uninstalling *some* add-ons doesn't remove the entries in about:config.

One of them was Google Toolbar, which I was trying out for the inline page translations.

And Yoono :/

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The more accurate text positioning due to sub-pixel positioning allows for proper text scaling and rotation.

It's also faster, and supports more languages than GDI+Uniscribe.

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Wow just had to remove a bunch of extension config settings from 4.0 RC1, apparently uninstalling *some* add-ons doesn't remove the entries in about:config.


localstore.rdf is another file that retains old entries.

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Is it just me, or are the fonts abysmal in FF 4? Neowin looks horrid compared to the same page rendered in FF 3.6 or Chrome.

EDIT: It appears to be an issue. Not quite sure that I want to disable hardware acceleration to fix this.

On my Win XP work machine the fonts look fine; just as they were in FF 3.6. But on my Win 7 machine they look horrible, like the font smoothing went crazy. How do I disable the hardware acceleration to fix this?

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Firefox 4

* RC is now the Firefox 4 Desktop build that has the most users (yay!)

* early this week we hope to be able to make a go/no-go call based on stability and feedback

So we should know by wednesday the release date of FF4?

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Firefox 4

* RC is now the Firefox 4 Desktop build that has the most users (yay!)

* early this week we hope to be able to make a go/no-go call based on stability and feedback

So we should know by wednesday the release date of FF4?

So long as the RC is stable, I don't care how long before they release it. It's the same as RC anyways.

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