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Latest nightly is completly bugged up, must be the new retained layers... scrolling and some things remain stationary whilst other things move and some text/links ghost and repeat, you end up with a page of unreadable text. it will be good once they manage to fix this bug.

Latest nightly is completly bugged up, must be the new retained layers... scrolling and some things remain stationary whilst other things move and some text/links ghost and repeat, you end up with a page of unreadable text. it will be good once they manage to fix this bug.

Yeah its coz of Retained layers , as the name say "retain" (just kidding)

Hopefully Roc will fix it soon

Got a question. I'm using the portable version of Firefox 4 Beta 1 and there is one thing that's bothering me.

I use the Bookmarks Toolbar and there is one thing really annoying me. They added this Bookmarks button. Is there a way to remove it, and if not, have they fixed this since?


Latest nightly is completly bugged up, must be the new retained layers... scrolling and some things remain stationary whilst other things move and some text/links ghost and repeat, you end up with a page of unreadable text. it will be good once they manage to fix this bug.

have you got directwrite enabled? if yes, disable it by setting false the key:


in about:config

Got a question. I'm using the portable version of Firefox 4 Beta 1 and there is one thing that's bothering me.

I use the Bookmarks Toolbar and there is one thing really annoying me. They added this Bookmarks button. Is there a way to remove it, and if not, have they fixed this since?

no for now :(

This thing is shweet in OSX, going forward & backward is practically seamless, loading seems to be faster as well ................ anybody manage to get Stylish running seamlessly ?

This thing is shweet in OSX, going forward & backward is practically seamless, loading seems to be faster as well ................ anybody manage to get Stylish running seamlessly ?

Its cause of fixes to TM and some changes landed to cache system weeks ago


This is what mine looks like, however I miss the "new tab" button next toi the last tab, is there a stylish script I can use for it?


Installed mods found in this thread, thanks guys :)

it should still be next to the last tab, one the the stylish scripts you used must of moved it without you realizing

K one more question, is there a way to force Echofon extension to run? I can't remember what I have to do to force extensions in about:config

Edit, found the instructions here: And Echofon works :D

What mine looks like now, very happy with this!


I take no credit for these stylish add-ons, all found here in this thread

Tabs in titlebar

@namespace url(;


position: fixed !important;


#navigator-toolbox[tabsontop=true] #TabsToolbar{

padding-left: 95px !important;


#appmenu-button .button-text { display:none !important; }

#appmenu-button dropmarker:before { content: "Firefox" !important; }


padding: 1px 10px 3px 9px !important;

height: 22px !important;


#navigator-toolbox[tabsontop=true] #TabsToolbar{

padding-left: 90px !important;

padding-top:3px !important;


Home Button as app tab

@namespace url(;

#TabsToolbar > #home-button {

-moz-appearance: none !important;

background: transparent -moz-linear-gradient(left center , transparent, transparent 1px, rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1) 1px, rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1)) repeat scroll -6px 0 !important;

background-clip: border-box !important;

background-origin: padding-box !important;

background-size: 200% auto !important;

margin: 0 !important;

padding: 0 1px !important;

-moz-border-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/tabbrowser/tab.png") 3 5 3 6 / 3px 5px 3px 6px !important;

-moz-border-radius: 6px 4px 0 0 !important;

margin-left: 3px !important;


#TabsToolbar > #home-button:hover {

background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, transparent, transparent 1px, rgba(255,255,255,.4) 1px, rgba(255,255,255,.4)) !important;


#TabsToolbar > #home-button > .toolbarbutton-icon {

margin-top: -1px !important;

margin-bottom: -1px !important;


Blue Firefox Button (less distracting)

@namespace url(;


margin: 0px 0px 4px 4px !important;



padding: 3px 10px 3px 9px !important;


#appmenu-button dropmarker:before {

padding-right: 5px !important;



background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(40,95,178,1), rgba(78,147,229,1)) !important;

-moz-border-radius: 0px 0px 4px 4px !important;

border-top: 0px !important;

margin-top: 1px !important;



background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(40,95,178,.9), rgba(78,147,229,.9)) !important;


Is there a fix for this overlap problem? A fix would be to not allow the tabs to go as far as the 3 buttons on the right


Only in maximized windows

#main-window[sizemode="maximized"] #navigator-toolbox[tabsontop="true"] #TabsToolbar{
padding-right: 120px !important;

also in non maximized

#main-window #navigator-toolbox[tabsontop="true"] #TabsToolbar{
padding-right: 120px !important;

Yeah I found a fix, but opted for 92px, looks like this (also non-maximized)


#main-window #navigator-toolbox[tabsontop=true] #TabsToolbar


margin-right: 92px !important;


I was going to use the same clearance as the Firefox button, but then I thought why? :p

Trying the latest nightly now. Scrolling is definitely improved, especially on fixed image site (like the bc2 forums, was REALLY laggy there before) still not as smooth as opera's for me though but its way better than it was before :)

Wait for them to fix Direct2D rendering.

That, along with bug fixes to the next rendering code, should perfect it.

The autoscroll (when you click middle click) in particular is not smooth for me. Noticeably laggier than just scrolling with the middle click. If they fix that so its smooth it will be great.

Yeah hopefully d2d will improve things even further, I am not using it at all right now because I have always had issues with it (not just with the recent broken builds)

The autoscroll (when you click middle click) in particular is not smooth for me. Noticeably laggier than just scrolling with the middle click. If they fix that so its smooth it will be great.

Yeah hopefully d2d will improve things even further, I am not using it at all right now because I have always had issues with it (not just with the recent broken builds)

Did you enable smooth scrolling in Options?

I disabled it because scrolling lines seems faster and less laggy.

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