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Try this:

@namespace url(;

 #appmenu-button {
   border: 2px solid !important;
   border-top: none !important;
   -moz-border-left-colors: rgba(255,255,255,.5) rgba(83,42,6,.9) !important;
   -moz-border-bottom-colors: rgba(255,255,255,.5) rgba(83,42,6,.9) !important;
   -moz-border-right-colors: rgba(255,255,255,.5) rgba(83,42,6,.9) !important;
   -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.25) inset,
                    0 0 2px 1px rgba(255,255,255,.25) inset !important;

 #appmenu-button {
   -moz-appearance: none !important;
   background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(rgb(247,182,82), rgb(215,98,10) 95%) !important;
   background-clip: padding-box !important;
   -moz-border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px !important;
   border: 1px solid rgba(83,42,6,.9) !important;
   border-top: none !important;
   -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.25) inset,
                    0 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,.25) inset !important;
   color: white !important;
   font-weight: bold !important;
   text-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.7),
                0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.5) !important;
   padding: .1em 1.5em .15em 1.5em !important;
   margin: 0 !important;

 #appmenu-button:-moz-window-inactive {
   background: transparent !important;
   background-clip: padding-box !important;
   border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.4) !important;

 #appmenu-button:hover:-moz-window-inactive:not(:active):not([open]) {
   background-image: -moz-radial-gradient(center bottom, farthest-side, rgba(252,240,89,.5) 10%, rgba(252,240,89,0) 70%),
                     -moz-radial-gradient(center bottom, farthest-side, rgb(236,133,0), rgba(255,229,172,0)),
                     -moz-linear-gradient(rgb(246,170,69), rgb(209,74,0) 95%) !important;
   border-color: rgba(83,42,6,.9) !important;
   -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.1) inset,
                    0 0 2px 1px rgba(250,234,169,.7) inset,
                    0 -1px 0 rgba(250,234,169,.5) inset !important;

 #appmenu-button[open] {
   background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(rgb(246,170,69), rgb(209,74,0) 95%) !important;
   -moz-border-radius: 0 !important;
   -moz-box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.4) inset,
                    0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.2) inset !important;
#main-window {
  margin-top: -1px !important;

Try this:

@namespace url(;

 #appmenu-button {
   border: 2px solid !important;
   border-top: none !important;
   -moz-border-left-colors: rgba(255,255,255,.5) rgba(83,42,6,.9) !important;
   -moz-border-bottom-colors: rgba(255,255,255,.5) rgba(83,42,6,.9) !important;
   -moz-border-right-colors: rgba(255,255,255,.5) rgba(83,42,6,.9) !important;
   -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.25) inset,
                    0 0 2px 1px rgba(255,255,255,.25) inset !important;

 #appmenu-button {
   -moz-appearance: none !important;
   background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(rgb(247,182,82), rgb(215,98,10) 95%) !important;
   background-clip: padding-box !important;
   -moz-border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px !important;
   border: 1px solid rgba(83,42,6,.9) !important;
   border-top: none !important;
   -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.25) inset,
                    0 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,.25) inset !important;
   color: white !important;
   font-weight: bold !important;
   text-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.7),
                0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.5) !important;
   padding: .1em 1.5em .15em 1.5em !important;
   margin: 0 !important;

 #appmenu-button:-moz-window-inactive {
   background: transparent !important;
   background-clip: padding-box !important;
   border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.4) !important;

 #appmenu-button:hover:-moz-window-inactive:not(:active):not([open]) {
   background-image: -moz-radial-gradient(center bottom, farthest-side, rgba(252,240,89,.5) 10%, rgba(252,240,89,0) 70%),
                     -moz-radial-gradient(center bottom, farthest-side, rgb(236,133,0), rgba(255,229,172,0)),
                     -moz-linear-gradient(rgb(246,170,69), rgb(209,74,0) 95%) !important;
   border-color: rgba(83,42,6,.9) !important;
   -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.1) inset,
                    0 0 2px 1px rgba(250,234,169,.7) inset,
                    0 -1px 0 rgba(250,234,169,.5) inset !important;

 #appmenu-button[open] {
   background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(rgb(246,170,69), rgb(209,74,0) 95%) !important;
   -moz-border-radius: 0 !important;
   -moz-box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.4) inset,
                    0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.2) inset !important;
#main-window {
  margin-top: -1px !important;

No, that didn't work for me. It just moved the firefox button and tabs up a little bit.

OH the home button. :laugh:

I thought you were talking about the firefox button. The home button is not implemented yet, but there are some addons available, and a "make into app tab" in the latest nighlies.


So it's an add-on that can make the home button like that, not a stylish script? Do you know the name of the add-on?

So it's an add-on that can make the home button like that, not a stylish script? Do you know the name of the add-on?

Just right-click on the bar, go to customize, and move the home button up to the tabs. :)

What do you think of this, I modified the Aqua Toolbar script I had (for ages, Vista theme) to your blue button colors, only thing I'm having trouble with is getting the home button to stick, after a restart.. Maybe one of the scripts is conflicting (Tabs in titlebar?)


My home button is sticking on Beta 1 portable, it could be your re-color to the home button itself. Also, could you post that Aqua Toolbar modded script?

Will installing the beta wipe my FF3 out, or can I have both on the same machine?

I'm personally using the portable version of the beta to test it out.

Can someone help me make the home button the same color as the active tab?

Here's what I have now -moz-dialog doesn't work (tried that).


How did you get your home button to look like that? I tried this stylish code, but it didn't work for me.

@namespace url(;

#TabsToolbar > #home-button {
-moz-appearance: none !important;
background: transparent -moz-linear-gradient(left center , transparent, transparent 1px, rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1) 1px, rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1)) repeat scroll -6px 0 !important;
background-clip: border-box !important;
background-origin: padding-box !important;
background-size: 200% auto !important;
margin: 0 !important;
padding: 0 1px !important;
-moz-border-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/tabbrowser/tab.png") 3 5 3 6 / 3px 5px 3px 6px !important;
-moz-border-radius: 6px 4px 0 0 !important;
margin-left: 3px !important;

#TabsToolbar > #home-button:hover {
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, transparent, transparent 1px, rgba(255,255,255,.4) 1px, rgba(255,255,255,.4)) !important;

#TabsToolbar > #home-button > .toolbarbutton-icon {
margin-top: -1px !important;
margin-bottom: -1px !important;

The beta is nice...might switch back from chrome to firefox if it delivers better speed while taking up less resources when the final comes out

Jaeger Monkey already overtook webkit engine (of chrome and safari) in v8 benchmark , its just that it will take some weeks (months?) to land , so don't worry about its performance in Final version

couple weird quirks i noticed recently

1. every now and again the title bar wigs out and you have to restart the browser to fix it, i think it might be related to the modded greasemonkey extension though (i'll try remember to get a screenshot next time it happens)

2. I noticed that sometimes the tab preview down in the superbar turns itself off but creating a new tab turns it back on

So are those going to be the default icons from now on? What happened to the home button?

no, that person is using small icons, what he's directing you to is the close tab icon.

home button hasn't been worked in yet, one step at a time my friend, one step at a time


Does anyone else have the issue with the popup windows not working properly (i.e., the title bar gets covered making it hard to close the popup window, and the firefox button overlays)?

Can some people post screenshots of what their popup windows look like? Here's an example popup window for testing:

no, that person is using small icons, what he's directing you to is the close tab icon.

home button hasn't been worked in yet, one step at a time my friend, one step at a time

Oh I see, thanks for clearing that up. It looks like to me the only thing that's changed is a red square replacing the blue square, in the close tab icon. Is that the change?

1. every now and again the title bar wigs out and you have to restart the browser to fix it, i think it might be related to the modded greasemonkey extension though (i'll try remember to get a screenshot next time it happens)

I've had this happen to me with Firefox 3.6.4 - > 3.6.7 and Beta 1 portable. I'm not sure what's causing it, but maybe it is a bug in an extension.

Jaeger Monkey already overtook webkit engine (of chrome and safari) in v8 benchmark , its just that it will take some weeks (months?) to land , so don't worry about its performance in Final version

Chrome and Safari use 2 different JavaScript engines, JaegerMonkey isn't currently anywhere close to beating them.

It's faster than the current JS engine, but not JSC or V8 at the moment.

Chrome and Safari use 2 different JavaScript engines, JaegerMonkey isn't currently anywhere close to beating them.

It's faster than the current JS engine, but not JSC or V8 at the moment.

On some individual tests it is.

Also, Moz is holding back the merged branch.

... what he's directing you to is the close tab icon.

I'm not really interested in beta testing Fx myself this time (though I did for the previous versions.) Can anyone tell me if they have re-added the close button on a tab if there is only ONE tab open? The removal of that in Fx 3.x really irritated me. I enjoyed being able to close all tabs and just get back to a blank page.

My home button is sticking on Beta 1 portable, it could be your re-color to the home button itself. Also, could you post that Aqua Toolbar modded script?

@namespace url(;

#main-window #navigator-toolbox #PersonalToolbar


border-top: 0 none !important;

-moz-appearance: none !important;

/* Thanks to Carl Booth for the aqua image - public domain license I assume */

background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(58,127,197,1), rgba(47,119,189,1), rgba(0,58,229,1)) !important;

padding: 1px 3px 0px 3px !important;

color: white !important;


#main-window #navigator-toolbox #PersonalToolbar toolbarbutton


padding: 0 5px !important;


#main-window #navigator-toolbox #PersonalToolbar toolbarbutton > label


color: white !important;


#main-window #navigator-toolbox #PersonalToolbar > toolbaritem > menubar > menu


padding-top: 2px;

margin-bottom: 1px !important;


#main-window #navigator-toolbox #PersonalToolbar > toolbaritem > menubar > menu > label


color: white !important;


#main-window #navigator-toolbox #PersonalToolbar .toolbarbutton-menu-dropmarker


margin-left: 5px;



aznkid25 my home button stylish script

@namespace url(;

#TabsToolbar > #home-button {

-moz-appearance: none !important;

background: transparent -moz-linear-gradient(left center , transparent, transparent 1px, rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1) 1px, rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1)) repeat scroll -6px 0 !important;

background-clip: border-box !important;

background-origin: padding-box !important;

background-size: 200% auto !important;

margin: 0 !important;

padding: 0 1px !important;

-moz-border-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/tabbrowser/tab.png") 3 5 3 6 / 3px 5px 3px 6px !important;

-moz-border-radius: 6px 4px 0 0 !important;

margin-left: 10px !important;


#TabsToolbar > #home-button:hover {

background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, transparent, transparent 1px, rgba(255,255,255,.4) 1px, rgba(255,255,255,.4)) !important;


#TabsToolbar > #home-button > .toolbarbutton-icon {

margin-top: -1px !important;

margin-bottom: -1px !important;


To get it there you have to disable tabs in titlebar stylish script (if you have that) then drag it to the left of the tabs (otherwise it will stick to the right) apply the script (above) and then re-enable tabs in titlebar.

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