[Joke] Border Crossings

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Let me see if I have this right:

If you cross the North Korean border illegally you get 12 years hard labor.

If you cross the Iranian border illegally you are detained indefinitely.

If you cross the Afghan border illegally, you get shot.

If you cross the Saudi Arabian border illegally you will be jailed.

If you cross the Chinese border illegally you may never be heard from again.

If you cross the Venezuelan border illegally you will be branded a spy and you fate sealed.

If you cross the Cuban border illegally you will be thrown into political prison to rot.

If you cross the U.S. border illegally you get:

  • 1 - A job,
    2 - A drivers license,
    3 – Social Security Card,
    4 - Welfare,
    5 – Food Stamps,
    6 – Credit Cards,
    7 – Subsidized rent or a loan to by a house,
    8 – Free Education,
    9 – Free Health Care,
    10 – A Lobbyist in Washington
    11 – Billions of Dollars worth of public documents printed in your language
    12 – And the right to carry your country's flag while you protest that you get enough respect.

I just wanted to make sure I had a firm grasp on the situation.

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Sadly that's how tucked up it is in the US and the fact that the mexicans are getting cocky and are starting to say "Spanish is becoming the 2nd language of this country" is downright bull**** and they can rot in hell.

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Sadly that's how tucked up it is in the US and the fact that the mexicans are getting cocky and are starting to say "Spanish is becoming the 2nd language of this country" is downright bull**** and they can rot in hell.

Yeah, how dare new settlers speak their own tongue. We all know Europeans learned the Amerindian languages. (Y)

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Yeah, how dare new settlers speak their own tongue. We all know Europeans learned the Amerindian languages. (Y)

it's not speaking your own tongue. My parents do thy and I do too. It's when you respect others to learn your language because your the majority of the minorities.

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Yeah, how dare new settlers speak their own tongue. We all know Europeans learned the Amerindian languages. (Y)

right, make all languages of the world US official ones and make all citizens to learn all of them. (Y)

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right, make all languages of the world US official ones and make all citizens to learn all of them. (Y)

Right, because that's totally what I was implying with my post. (Y) Try making an argument without putting words in other people's mouths.

it's not speaking your own tongue.

You do understand that US wasn't always an exclusively English speaking country, and that regions, especially those that border Mexico have had sizable Spanish speaking communities? It is as much of a question of preserving your community's language as it is for the US to try and keep English.

My parents do thy and I do too.

Good for you, but you and your parents are just you and your parents. Spanish is estimated to have around 40 million native speakers in the US. Saami language in Norway has 30,000 speakers and it's an official language in their respective region.

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if i would move to another country because im not doing well in mine (for whatever reasons), i wouldn't try to adapt that country to myself, but i'd adapt myself to that country.

is there something wrong with this logic?

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if i would move to another country because im not doing well in mine (for whatever reasons), i wouldn't try to adapt that country to myself, but i'd adapt myself to that country.

What country? Is there a community you're tied to in there? One that speaks your language? One that has tens of millions of speakers?

is there something wrong with this logic?

Aside from how the scenario you've applied your "logic" to is entirely hypothetical and vaguely described? No, nothing at all.

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it doesnt matter at all how numerous is my community.

im going to ANOTHER not MINE country.

not to mention that human nature is such that eventually people demand state not only tongue.

(and im not an american nor westerner)

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it doesnt matter at all how numerous is my community.

im going to ANOTHER not MINE country.

How would that situation have anything to do with speakers of Spanish or any other language in the United States?

The size of the community does matter, especially from a sociolinguistic point of view. You can't discard it.

not to mention that human nature is such that eventually people demand state not only tongue.

There are plenty of examples of multilingual countries. What's your point?

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after all shouldn't i learn the language of the country which gave me a better life ?

and shouldn't i show at least that much of thankfulness to speak that language in official institutions (nobody prevents me of using my tongue in the everyday's life) ?

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my point is to emphasize ungreatfulness of newcomers across the (mainly western) world.

this is the rule not the exception.

until i get papers, im nice, modest and grateful and then suddenly i take my national flag in my hand and start to DEMAND (whatever).

that's a common human behaviour, and i just cannot stand it. :crazy:

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If you live in North Korea you have no human rights.

If you live in Iran you have no human rights.

If you live in Afghanistan you have no human rights.

If you live in Saudi Arabia you have no human rights.

If you live in China you have no human rights.

If you live in Venezuela you have no human rights.

If you live in Cuba you have no human rights.

If you live in the U.S. you have human rights.

Now tell me which country you'd rather live in.

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Right, because that's totally what I was implying with my post. (Y) Try making an argument without putting words in other people's mouths.

You do understand that US wasn't always an exclusively English speaking country, and that regions, especially those that border Mexico have had sizable Spanish speaking communities? It is as much of a question of preserving your community's language as it is for the US to try and keep English.

Good for you, but you and your parents are just you and your parents. Spanish is estimated to have around 40 million native speakers in the US. Saami language in Norway has 30,000 speakers and it's an official language in their respective region.

You do understand that US as a country for the last 250+ years has spoken English right? You also do understand that, majority of the spanish race are illegals. Thats a FACT, check it anywhere. On top of that, your telling me, that I should adopt there language because its now becoming popular... So basically they can come into OUR(if your from the US then nevermind) country, not bother to learn our language, and then convert us into them? Really? By converting i mean "forcing" us to learn there language?

Are you bull****ting me dude? I wanna see half of the US go into mexico, and start speaking english, not adopt spanish, and see how well it goes. Same goes for China/Russia/etc. You must really have a reason to argue that they have all the right to come into the US and not adopt to our culture/language but we have to turn around and adopt theres.

You stated, "The bordering states with mexico are heavy spanish communities", yeah... and downtown NY is ALL CHINESE, and 1/4 of NY is Brown. You want a cookie for pointing out the obvious? Theres a difference between a state allowing it and then the WHOLE US having to adopt the language. Apparently me knowing 3 languages means jack**** to colleges because I dont have "spanish" on my transcript.

To that I say a Big FU. If you want to continue to defend it go ahead, im done with you then. I dont see a point in defending it but to each there own (Y).

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You do understand that US as a country for the last 250+ years has spoken English right?

Same goes for Spanish. It hasn't been a majority language, but it has been spoken. Also, it's not the "country" that speaks a language, it's the people.

On top of that, your telling me, that I should adopt there language because its now becoming popular...

When did I say that?

So basically they can come into OUR(if your from the US then nevermind) country, not bother to learn our language, and then convert us into them? Really? By converting i mean "forcing" us to learn there language?

Again, that is not true. There have been Spanish speakers in the US long before this day.

Also, regarding this particular line

"So basically they can come into OUR(if your from the US then nevermind) country, not bother to learn our language"

European settlers didn't learn the Native American languages.

Are you bull****ting me dude? I wanna see half of the US go into mexico, and start speaking english, not adopt spanish, and see how well it goes. Same goes for China/Russia/etc. You must really have a reason to argue that they have all the right to come into the US and not adopt to our culture/language but we have to turn around and adopt theres.

I'm not arguing for an immigrants right to force his language onto you... for Christs sake. Do you have comprehension problems? Spanish isn't merely an immigrant language in the US.

Theres a difference between a state allowing it and then the WHOLE US having to adopt the language. Apparently me knowing 3 languages means jack**** to colleges because I dont have "spanish" on my transcript.

Who is proposing that the whole US should "adopt the language"? What does "adopt the language" mean? I've never heard of this terminology.

Do I need to remind you what you said?

getting cocky and are starting to say "Spanish is becoming the 2nd language of this country" is downright bull**** and they can rot in hell.

Spanish is the 2nd language but you somehow figure that speakers of said language "can rot in hell".

To that I say a Big FU. If you want to continue to defend it go ahead, im done with you then. I dont see a point in defending it but to each there own (Y).

I do see a point in defending it because there are plenty of examples of Western countries that take care of a minorities culture and language.

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Sadly that's how tucked up it is in the US and the fact that the mexicans are getting cocky and are starting to say "Spanish is becoming the 2nd language of this country" is downright bull**** and they can rot in hell.

If you want understanding and respect from the Mexicans, you should think twice before posting (Displaying) such... :/

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plenty of examples of Western countries that take care of a minorities culture and language.

"plenty of examples .." ??

youre stubbornly trying to compare incomparable, and you're mixing terms.

taking care of a minorities culture and language is one thing and establishing their language as official is completely different thing.

there are no similar situations in europe that you can take as a standard.

there's not a SINGLE european country which millions of the same nationality or language, swarmed in.

(how many spanish speakers there were in the us 50y ago ? how many of them are still illegal ?)

to some extent it applies to arabic language in europe, but i DON'T SEE that any european country considers to establish it as the official one. why is that so? they have so large community here. according to you it should be enough reason.

moreover, if some politician would say something like that, he would fly through window straightaway.

comprende ?

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@Crowned: you fail to realize that I've gotten the disrespect first before giving it. So (Y) good job on reading what I wrote. And I'm targeting the people that don't try and/aren't legal.

@brental: wow... You are comparing incomparables. Like stated above.

Now to reply to your post, you do realize that when America was taken over from the natives ever since people spoke English. Also the first largest group to immigrate were Irish people. After that was Italians then Chinese. Spaniards have NOT been here as long. So WTF are you on?

Also you defend Spanish people so well, what if Arabic/hindi/punjabi/Chinese/japanese were the majority and Spanish wasn't, would you defend them?

And to the "how is it being forced down your throat", ah let's see, everywhere now "requires"(strongly suggests) you have Spanish Under your belt. Colleges will ask you 7495739 questions on why ou don't have Spanish under your belt despite the fact that you have french/German(widely available in schools around the us) or Japanese/Arabic/ etc. I don't like how it went from "foreign languaguea are food" to "oh you dot have Spanish, why's that?".

Until I see some fairness it's bull****. Helping out the biggest minority is one thing(I.e. Signs, etc) but to totally adopt them, em no.

I would love to see the numbers of illegal immigrants. Then specific break downs. You would see mexicans are the top for most minority and most illegals. Take them out and now Spanish isn't the biggest minority.

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