World Cup 2010: South Africa ponders vuvuzela ban

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I honestly dont think the discussion even matters. FIFA is not going to listen to the complaints and whining from a country where 80% of those watching probably don't even enjoy football to begin with. FIFA does not care about what the U.S is goign to be complaining about; this isn't the Superbowl, for the next month nobody cares about the U.S. We are a speck on the global scale of the world cup. Let the real countries enjoy what they waited four years to enjoy.

I honestly dont think the discussion even matters. FIFA is not going to listen to the complaints and whining from a country where 80% of those watching probably don't even enjoy football to begin with. FIFA does not care about what the U.S is goign to be complaining about; this isn't the Superbowl, for the next month nobody cares about the U.S. We are a speck on the global scale of the world cup. Let the real countries enjoy what they waited four years to enjoy.

Must be why players from all nationalities have voiced their concern over it :rolleyes: You obviously haven't got a clue about the extend of this matter.

I honestly dont think the discussion even matters. FIFA is not going to listen to the complaints and whining from a country where 80% of those watching probably don't even enjoy football to begin with. FIFA does not care about what the U.S is goign to be complaining about; this isn't the Superbowl, for the next month nobody cares about the U.S. We are a speck on the global scale of the world cup. Let the real countries enjoy what they waited four years to enjoy.

It isn't only the US. Here in Germany many people are calling the local TV senders (ARD & ZDF) and complain about it. This sound doesn't belong to a football stadium and it should be banned ASAP.

The vuvuzelas are really annoying. Can't hear the commentators at all... :(

who cares about the commentators. all the do is babble the same contrived cliches and point out blatently obvious facts like "with ~insert country here~ down 2-0 they really need to play better if they want to win this match" well no chit, Einstein!!!!! . i wish they would just freakin shut up so i can watch the game

i agree with the vuvuzela should be banned, but Blatter has a different story..... anyways it suppose to represent 'African culture', in the RSA vs France rugby game, many people called in and stated the same thing, vuvuzela's have no place in Rugby AT ALL, same for football really, more of a distraction and I see nothing wrong with criticising the culture of the vuvuzela, I won't be labelled as 'intolerant' or any other political nonsense. There is anyway a conflict of interest, its really Danny Jordaan vs Blatter on this one, most likely won't be banned :(

There's no atmosphere in the stadiums anymore or at least it 'looks' that way. There's no chanting or cheering, there's just a constant horn noise which sounds like a swarm of bee's. I wouldnt really mind if they was playing the horns when something happends, like someone scores but the sound is constant for the entire 90minutes.

Maybe it is just me but I don't mind them and zone them out rather quickly.

Same here, living near a busy intersection and an airport has taught me how to tune things out as well. I don't like the noise, but it's not bothering me to the same extent as others in this thread.

who cares about the commentators. all the do is babble the same contrived cliches and point out blatently obvious facts like "with ~insert country here~ down 2-0 they really need to play better if they want to win this match" well no chit, Einstein!!!!! . i wish they would just freakin shut up so i can watch the game

I totally agree. Commentators are just waffling away for the match. No loss there at all. I don't hate the vuvuzelas but I do think they drown out the crowd which hurts the atmosphere especially considering that they're blown constantly for the whole match. I wouldn't miss them if they were banned but I'll cope with them if they're not.

I hope they ban it. It's the stupidest form of "cheering" I've ever seen. It's just a constant sound throughout the whole match. If it was used in *insert situation here* then it would be fine by me, but just a constant BBBBBZZZZZZZZZZZZ with no rhyme or reason is ****ing retarded.

Just no, we can't ban it. More to the point, we shouldn't. We should learn to live with it.


edit: it is interesting to see why most people now with higher education but less tolerant to differences.

Im not deaf but i have a hearing impairment and i cant hear what the f***ing commentators are saying because of these goddamn horns that drone on for all 90 mins, no tune, no rhythm just noise, should i just "learn to live with it"?

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