[Official] Xbox 360 'Slim' Wallpapers

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Even if people only had 1024x768 still for whatever stupid reason, Wallpapers can still be downscaled to their res with Windows 7's "Fill" option or XP's "Stretch" option , and it'd still look crisp. You could even use Photoshop/GIMP/Paint.NET/whatever to downscale/crop it yourself. You can downscale overly large images all day long and not end up with a blurry desktop. However, you cannot upscale a small image bigger without it looking so bad you don't even wanna use it anymore.

So, why not just make the wallpapers really big to start with, and downscale them down from there and give us people with the good res monitors the original big ones!

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BTW, these wallpapers are all 1024x768 and 1024x819. There are no higher resolutions, despite what the OP declares. If the OP could please upload the ORIGINAL wallpapers (better yet, link to your source), that'd be nice.

These are the highest resolutions available and they are the same quality as the ones I received [Nothing I can do about it so if they do not fit your screen do not post in here, as I cannot make them bigger for you]. Also if you would of taken the time to read the first post before having your little rant you would of read that I received these exclusive wallpapers in an email off of Microsoft. If you want things like this just simply sign up for a newsletter, it is that simple.

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This is the best I can do with 15 minutes.

If there is any other resolution I will glad to make it for you, but you should wait until tomorrow.

Hope you enjoy it!

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This is the best I can do with 15 minutes.

If there is any other resolution I will glad to make it for you, but you should wait until tomorrow.

Hope you enjoy it!

Very nice. How did you do that? What sort of tools did you use in Photoshop? (or whatever photo editing software you used) I'd like to learn how to do that with other small wallpapers I've found laying around. Again good job. (Y)

That Xbox 360 is upside down unsure.gif

lol :pinch:

Thanks for the link.

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Still wrong :(. The DVD tray is supposed to be in the upper left corner, usb port door bottom right corner cool.gif

You right and I am wrong. I never look it at the console closely. Here are the good one.


And one more...


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