My router keeps losing internet connection

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So here lately my un-modded WRT54GS loses internet connectivity with my modem. If I plug the laptop directly into the modem there is internet. If I plug the modem back into the router no connectivity until I do a IP release / Renew in the router's settings page. This will happen at random, any time day or night. I never lose network connection with the router but the router loses internet from the modem. I flashed the router to latest firmware, reset it and still have issues.

WRT54GS router connected to Cisco modem with Time Warner as my ISP.

Any suggestions?


EDIT: The router is probably about 6 years old? Do they go bad?

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Some ISP's ping your IP to check for connectivity. Do you have WAN ping dis-allowed?

Also the other night I started experiencing issue with my wifi. I discovered that the issue actually was my wifi. I changed the channel and the problem went away. Do you think this may be your issue too?

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Some ISP's ping your IP to check for connectivity. Do you have WAN ping dis-allowed?

Also the other night I started experiencing issue with my wifi. I discovered that the issue actually was my wifi. I changed the channel and the problem went away. Do you think this may be your issue too?

I have no idea if WAN ping-dis-allowed is on or off. I will need to check that when I get home.

I do not think it is a channel issue since I never lose connection to the router, it is just the router losing internet from the modem.

Thanks for your suggestions

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So is it true modem or a modem/router doing nat? You give the model number of your router - how about your modem so we know what we are working with.

Since you don't make any mention of rebooting your modem when you change your devices connected to it -- Im going to assume its a modem/router -- which your 2nd router could be having dhcp issues with?

If your "modem" is really a gateway modem/router doing nat - then you have no need of the second router anyway, if your using it to add ports or wireless then it should be used as an accesspoint not doing nat..

let us know the make and model number of your "modem" and we can dig dipper into what your issue is.

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Two separate items.

Cisco 2100 cable modem

Router is a Linksys 54wrtgs

I never rebooted the modem because whenever I connect to it directly I have internet connection.

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Yup thats just a modem, thanks -- quite often when you change the device connected to the modem you need to reboot the modem since it stores the mac of the item its connected too.. Are you cloning your pc's mac on the router?

Sounds like a dhcp issue to me..

Latest firmware on the router is prob quite old on that model.. what hardware version do you have? 1.0 to I show latest 7.2 if your saying its 6 years old, I would guess very low hardware version.

Do you have STP enabled or disabled on your wan connection?

if supported I would really upgrade the firmware to 3rd party vs native firmware.. But your right it should still be able to hold an IP.

When it goes out again - just try and do a renew, vs changing to pc and then back - does this work?

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No I am not cloning my mac on the router. I was and it was still having issues so I stopped.

I have hardware version 1.0 and the firmware is v4.71.4, according to linksys support page that is the latest.

Forgive me but I do not know where to look for STP?

When ever it happens I do a DHCP renew / release on the router and get internet connection again. That has been my solution so far to the problem.

Thanks for all your help

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My point on the firmware



Its OLD!! They no longer update firmware for older devices... I would put dd-wrt or tomato on it for sure, should of been done years ago ;)

Your router is a supported model

STP would be on your internet interface settings... Native firmware might not have a way to turn it on or off?

Yup it sounds like a dhcp issue to me.. Does the native firmware show you how long your lease is? If so time the next outage by your dhcp lease time.. But I would really suggest you put dd-wrt on it.. What do you have to loose its 6 year old hardware that is having problems ;)

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Thanks for all your help.

I looked all over the interface and could not find anything about STP.

I will flash to DD-WRT tonight when I get some time.

Native firmware I think shows the lease time I remember seeing that somewhere. So you are saying to see if the lease time matches up with when I lose connectivity? For example, lease time says two days, if I lose connection in two days that could be the issue? (I have no idea what my lease time is set at need to look at that).

Thanks for all your help!


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Yes if your not able to renew your lease the normal way, then you would loose connectivity when the lease time expires.. You can not set how long of lease you get, this is set by your ISP on their dhcp server.

A dhcp client normally tries to renew the lease at the 50% mark, ie if you have 24 hour lease, at 12 hours you would renew, then 12 hours again renew.. If you can not renew before the lease expires - well then you loose your IP. And would not have connectivity..

For example I can see in my routers logs

Jun 15 09:56:19 dhclient[7508]: bound to 98.228.x.x -- renewal in 172800 seconds.

he will try and renew in 48 hours, so am getting a 4 day lease from my isp

entry before

Jun 13 09:56:20 dhclient[7508]: bound to 98.228.x.x -- renewal in 172800 seconds.

Exactly 48 hours before, etc..

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Ok so sounds like my router is possibly having issues when renewing DHCP.

Hopefully and upgrade in the DD-WRT firmware will make it better.

Thanks BudMan.

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IMO DD-WRT is quite complicated. A simpler, yet quite powerful alternative would be Tomato (if supported).

But if you feel you would be able to manage with DD-WRT, go right ahead! It is far more feature rich! :yes:

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Complicated :blink: Its a freaking web interface with help next to every setting.. Complicated?? Do you have a hard time remembering which way your pants go on? ;)

Please point out some complicated thing on it??? Its a web page you click things to turn setting on or off, or put in values, etc.

Now if you meant more features, more capable, supported on more hardware, then sure I agree with you -- but more complicated??? :blink:

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Complicated :blink: Its a freaking web interface with help next to every setting.. Complicated?? Do you have a hard time remembering which way your pants go on? ;)

Please point out some complicated thing on it??? Its a web page you click things to turn setting on or off, or put in values, etc.

Now if you meant more features, more capable, supported on more hardware, then sure I agree with you -- but more complicated??? :blink:

Oops, my mistake. I got confused with HyperWRT! :rolleyes:

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I agree with The Guardian that Tomato is simpler. DD-WRT has more features, but most of them are services that the OP won't be using. Tomato has everything you'll need in a friendlier, faster, better-looking, more intuitive interface. DD-WRT's help system is half-assed; many of the items lack help entries and the ones that do will leave you googling all afternoon or sorting through DD-WRT's cryptic Wiki, most of which was clearly written by a programmer who speaks English as a second language. Furthermore, the interface is markedly slower than Tomato's. Unless you need one of the rare services that DD-WRT offers, I think using Tomato is a no-brainer. I used DD-WRT for a while because I needed dual WPA/WPA2 encryption to support an older printer, but Tomato has that now and I'm glad I've switched back.

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I would say check DHCP settings, and if available, set a static IP address for your machine.

Most routers support DHCP reservations: the IP your router gives your computer will never change. So if this is a DHCP issue and the releases / renewals are screwing up, this will fix it.

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Conjor -- this has nothing to do with his routers dhcp server or pc's connected to it.. Its his router getting an IP from his ISP.

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One quick question before I flash tonight, do I need to start with the file: "Mini-Build required for inital flashing via WEB" or go ahead and start with those instructions you linked with: dd-wrt.v24-13064_VINT_mini



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Those instructions should be fine, from the dd-wrt site that model seems to run better on the VINT (vintage) builds of the firmware.

The mini version should be fine, the instructions go over upgrading to mega -- not something you have to do, only if there are features in the mega version that you want, etc.

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Great! So after I get the upgrade successful message after installing the mini I am done? Or do i go and do the 30-30-30 hard reset again then done?

Thanks alot I really appreciate all of your help here!

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depends if you want to upgrade it to a different version of the firmware, the mini might be all you need.

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Well I successfully flashed my router to DD-WRT and wow there are a lot more options now. Kept most of everything default except of course security and a few other things. So far so good, I will keep you updated if it maintains internet connection now from my modem.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so after a week I have had just one time where the router lost internet connection. Not bad as compared to what it was before. Would still like to know why, but it is much improved after installing DD-WRT.

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And what did you do to fix it? Did you reboot the router?

Next time -- go into the dd-wrt UI, on your wan status you should be able to have it try and get a IP again, if your lease expired?? Without having to reboot, etc.

Without rereading the thread, are you doing p2p? If so you can teak the p2p setting in dd-wrt, etc.

BTW -- are we sure its loosing connectivity, and not just dns related problem.. What are using for dns, the router or an outside like your isp directly or opendns, google dns, etc.?

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