Transformers: War for Cybertron

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I got it on Steam, and am loving it. It's Transformers heaven for the Transformers fan! Being able to transform on the fly is too awesome.

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I got it on Steam, and am loving it. It's Transformers heaven for the Transformers fan! Being able to transform on the fly is too awesome.

How is the co-op, does it support lan?

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How is the co-op, does it support lan?

How's the multiplayer?

ROFL talk about thinking alike

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Easy tiger! I haven't messed with the co-op or multiplayer modes, yet. Reviews I've read haven't said anything negative about either mode, though. When I finally get into the multiplayer aspect, I'll let you know. :)

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[Xbox 360 Impressions]

Transformers: WFC released today and so far has been getting pretty positive reviews. I have to say that I am impressed on what they have done. This is what the other transformers games should have been like. High moon studios made the best decision of their life by staying away from Hollywood Transformers and went with the old school mythos.

Controls are fluid and do not feel like I have to fight the controller to play my character. Transforming between vehicle form and humanoid form is a breeze and comes with slick animations.

Graphics are nothing that wll wow you like crysis or rage or anything of that caliber, but they are tastefully done and bring the transformers homeworld of cybertron to life. Plenty of detail and watching various transformers and turrets and bosses transform is always a joy. High moon also made another choice to go back in time and use Generation 1 transformers models which I like as well. They more they stood away from hollywood of late the better (That is not to say that I did not enjoy the recent Transformers films because I did, but they have always been lacking in depth when it comes to story and character development).

The main campaign is broken into two parts. The autobots part and the decepticons part. The first part of the game starts you out as the deadly decepticons with megatron in search of a type of energon call dark energon. He wants to take control of this powerful but unstable energon to take control of cybertron and defeat the autobots. If you feel like starting out as the autobots, the game gives you that choice. You can skip right over the decepticons and go straight to the autobots side of the house if you choose. You can also choose from one of three iconic characters to play as through each chapter of the campaigns. There is also 3 player campaign co-op so you and 2 friends can team up and fight your way to the end. I have only made it through 2 and a half chapters of the decepticon campaign but I have enjoyed it. I have been playing through on the hard difficulty as well, which makes the missions challenging but not outright frustrating like some games (CoD veteran mode). The enemies do not infinitely respawn, they do not pull out crazy ammounts of grenades and spam your cover, but they will be more than happy to lay down some lead in your robot skull and kill you quicker than you realize. You also need to be ammo concious and make your shots count on the hard setting. It is not to the point where it is insanely possible as there are plenty of ammo packs, health packs, and checkpoints to help you out along the way, you just have to tread carefully and use the cover provided. Run and gun in the open willl get you ambushed and killed. The one boss fight I have played so far was interesting in the fact that I had only one health bar in the third act of the boss fight and had to dodge a bountiful ammount of incoming objects and laser beams in order to hit the boss the final few times needed to beat him. Even still it was fun in the fact that it was a challenge and not an impossible feat. I died and started over from the checkpoint plenty, but once I found the formula to dodge projectiles, it was fun and adreneline pumping. About the only thing that I find mildy annoying so far in the campaign is friendly AI. Usually when we get stuck in battle at a choke point, they have a tendency to walk right in front of you while you are firing. Just something to be on the look out for and avoid but not a gamebreaker.

I have not played any multiplayer yet but the demo was actually one of the more solid demos on the xbl market that I have played. There are your standard gametypes. Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Conquest which is a domination style game were you fight for control of 3 points on the map, and a few others are present. There is also a escalation mode which is like gears of war horde mode in which you fight waves and waves of AI controlled enemies. The is some character customization in which you can choose primary and secondary weapons, grenade type, chassis, primary and secondary colors. There is also 4 classes of autobots with abilities, perks, killstreak unlocks ala CoD. You can shoose from leader, soldier, scout, or scientist. Leader gives bonuses to the team, soldiers are your grunts, scouts are your stealthy behind enemy lines guys, and scientists are you medic/engineer style class. I have not taken a look at the killstreaks or anything like that yet so I cannot comment. There are 2 characters you unlock by beating both campaigns to use in muliplayer and escalation (slipstream and arcee). So far the only two negatives I have found for multiplayer is Prime Mode and Matchmaking. Its the CoD equivalent of Prestige mode which if you know anything about resets all your challenges/unlocks/etc. and gives you some fancy symbol. I have really disliked this approach of level grinding over and over again in gaming, especially when it offers you no reward besides some stupid symbol of no value. MW2 helped a little with extra custom class slots unlocked but those should have been there by default in my humble opinion. I really wish weapon unlocks or ability unlocks would come from this type of level grinding. It would add way more value to the leveling system. Prime mode is just a blatant CoD clone with no flare (from the game manual description, if you get something useful out of it then game on). Matchmaking is matchmaking. Xbox live thinking its giving you the best host possible and giving the user no control of the lobby. I really dislike this approach to gaming as it lets cheaters, boosters, modders, grievers, etc run rampant with no immediate action to be taken besides a worthless complaint that may or may not get them banned 6 months later. I hope someday, someone will figure out how to incorporate public user hosted lobbies with matchmaking together to make the online experience appeal to both types of crowds. Even with these two personal dislikes, it still doesnt bust the game for me.

Overall so far the game is a hit in my eyes if not a sleeper hit. It had some talk, but not alot of promos going on. I have seen a few but nothing to the Big name titles out there (Halo, etc). If I were to rank it so far i would give it between an 8 and 9 and probably go with 9 out of ten. The things keeping me from giving this game a solid 10 are the slightly unintelligent friendly AI, Prime mode, and no public user hosted lobbies incorporated into matchmaking. Most people would probably not care about the last two items, but they are pretty important to me because they would improve my online experience in any game. Even so I recommend people at least try the game out. Its a rental at the bare minimum.

Edited by Anaron
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My friend is already playing it and he said the game is pretty good but online is not the best. Personally I do think this game looks a lot better than previous transformers games and as from the demo it sure does play a lot smoother. I am still not sure whether or not I should buy it as I am not totally sure I would play it much...Maybe I will give it a rent.

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Don't rent it. Buy it. If you're even remotely a Transformer fan, you'll LOVE this game. I know I am. It's really as good as the reviews say.

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I'm actually surprised there hasnt been a lot of talk about this. It was also released on Steam, and there has never been an anouncement about it on steam until the day it was released which is odd. But I bought this game, and the multiplayer is fantastic I think. Pretty tight, a lot of fun.

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The old PS2/etc transformers game was pretty good, but the recent one was pants. Far too limited.

But this looks quite more like a big game.

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A Transformers game made for the fans by Transformers fans, was how it was always marketed. Seems like it pulled off (Y)

Been waiting for it for quite some time, skipped the demo because I want the final game to be the first experience I have :)

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Picked this up last night and played through the first level of the Autobot story. Loving it so far. Fan service is definitely there. I'll be picking up another copy so I can co-op with my brother.

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Like the OP, I saw previews for the game a while back but never really got excited about it because I figured it would be another IP-cash-in flop. But after reading a lot of the reviews I'm pleasantly surprised. I think I may pick this one up.

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Word of advice, don't buy this for PC. FPS is capped at 30FPS. There will be no DLC for PC version. No customisable controls.

What a shame. It could've been really good on the PC.

I read on the Steam forums that the game lacks in-game communication. There's no voice/text chat. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

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I got this game on Steam last night, and I just tried out some of the multiplayer.. team deathmatch, and I gotta say it's pretty fun. I was playing as scientist and the jet form is kinda worthless but it's still a lot of fun.

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I actually really like the multiplayer.... The only downfalls are No ingame chat (wth???) and you cant change the controls unless you use a thirdparty program. Overall I actually like multiplayer.

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The co-op is insanely fun (and so over the top heh). The MP is really quite nice actually, but the lack of dedicated servers kinda lessens it a tad (but not much to be honest). Overall, very impressed with the game so far (Steam/PC version) and I can't wait to play the Autobot chapter of the campaign already :D

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