Transformers: War for Cybertron

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Game is a blast to play on 360. You can tell the devs were heavily influenced by Halo and Gears of War in the way it plays. Gfx are good, controls are good, story is good. Here's hoping for a sequel! :)

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Word of advice, don't buy this for PC. FPS is capped at 30FPS. There will be no DLC for PC version. No customisable controls.

I know, its just weird isn't it? I have never seen a game were I cannot change the controls :wacko:

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Game is a blast to play on 360. You can tell the devs were heavily influenced by Halo and Gears of War in the way it plays. Gfx are good, controls are good, story is good. Here's hoping for a sequel! :)

I would say more CoD than either of those titles...

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I really have to say I am beyond pleasantly surprised. Decided to check it out on my PC for the praise it was receiving in this thread and from my one friend saying he really enjoyed the demo, and it is definitely WAY better than the last game was.

I am checking it out on the PC though, so does seem a bit weird it is capped at 30 FPS, but not a deal breaker by any means. The only thing is the visuals are a tad hectic, I have a feeling it is because of the fact I sit closer to my monitor then I would if I was playing it on my HDTV, so I literally have to push my monitor back as far as I can on my desk, and even then the visuals still get a tad overwhelming at times, it is hard to distinguish the characters from the background here and there.

But it controls incredibly smooth, even with using the KB&M, and it just seems very tight overall, so again, just pleasantly surprised. Since I did miss release date, I just put it on my Gamefly rental queue but it is reading is Availability: Low, so it may be quite some time before it actually gets sent out to me, but the truth is it is a really dry spell for games the next few months, so I will wait it out.

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I think I am missing something here, tried this game out over the weekend. And I didn't feel anything special. Great for a bit of fun and killing some time, but that is about it.

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Can anyone who has the game clear something up for me? Last week I read reviews that were overwhelming positive. However, over the weekend I saw Gamespot's review and they are almost completely the polar opposite of a large majority of the reviews. I know, I know it's Gamespot. I hate them as much as anyone, but I do tend to read reviews from multiple sources. Is their review full of crap or not? They differ on all of the big points that IGN, for example, made in their review. For instance, the transforming mechanic. IGN said it was implemented awesomely and elevated the game above the 3rd person shooter norm, and made multiplayer awesome. Gamespot said the opposite, saying it was implemented poorly and didn't add anything of great value.


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Can anyone who has the game clear something up for me? Last week I read reviews that were overwhelming positive. However, over the weekend I saw Gamespot's review and they are almost completely the polar opposite of a large majority of the reviews. I know, I know it's Gamespot. I hate them as much as anyone, but I do tend to read reviews from multiple sources. Is their review full of crap or not? They differ on all of the big points that IGN, for example, made in their review. For instance, the transforming mechanic. IGN said it was implemented awesomely and elevated the game above the 3rd person shooter norm, and made multiplayer awesome. Gamespot said the opposite, saying it was implemented poorly and didn't add anything of great value.


The transforming is great. Not overly complex but you still see panels shifting and hiding and moving. If you need to get to your next point quickly you can transform and speed on through, you can ram enemies (which usually kills them) and I think one of the most stand-out moments in gaming, for me as a fan of Transformers, is being in my vehicle mode and coming up on some enemies and jumping, as I do so I transform, and land in front of the enemies...try it some time (everyone) puts a smile on your face :D

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I love the transforming aspect in the game. Theres times in the campaign where you need to quickly transform to evade, or drive down a fast highway to get away.

Multiplayer, it just adds more tools to your belt.

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Well I bought the game, and just finished playing the first chapter of the campaign. The graphics are top notch and the gameplay is solid. The voice acting is spot on too. So if you're a fan of the old TV show, then you'll love this game. The story so far is pretty typical of a Transformers story-line, but that's not a detriment in my eyes. It's classic Transformers at its finest, and it's just plain fun. I haven't tried multiplayer yet as I usually leave that until after I have finished the single-player portion of the game. But, it's really really tempting to jump in now.

Definitely the sleeper hit of the year.

Oh, and in reference to my earlier post, the Gamespot review really is full of crap. Even from playing the first chapter of the campaign, I've already denounced several of the negatives they cite in their review. I've chalked it up to the reviewer not actually playing the game, never finishing it, or just being plain bad at videogames; because, those are the only reasons why I can imagine them giving this game the score that they did. I think it's time to take Gamespot off my list of review sources...

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On the last chapter of the autobot campaign now. Have to say the game has been quite fun and cant wait to go back through and search for all the autobot/decpticon symbols to shoot. Another thing I noticed was the autobot campaign unfortunately really let the light shine on how bad friendly AI is. They seem to get in the way alot more and do not really help when it comes to taking down decipticon forces. Alot more duck and cover going on as I was the only one downing the enemies.

Multiplayer has been pretty fun as well, despite everyone and their mother being a stupid scout and just cloaking everywhere. Nothing that a fusion cannon won't fix though. I really like that the game focuses on teamwork though. It is very challenging to take down enemies if you are rolling by yourself. They are usually rolling in a pack so it definitely benefits to do the same. Matchmaking network code needs some work as well. A lot of games suffer from bad lag. Once a good is found, the game is solid though.

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I ended up playing through the next 3 chapters of the Decepticon campaign last night. I loved playing as Starscream. The 8 year old kid in me that remembers watching the show back in the day was nerding out good and plenty. :yes:

I eventually stopped looking for the Autobot symbols at some point. I went a long while without finding one and just figured I missed a couple, so I gave up. Either they're spaced really, really sparingly; or I just did not look hard enough. I found 9 so far, but I doubt I can find the other 16 in chapters 4 and 5. Oh well, I guess I'll have to suffer through another play-through. :woot:

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I ended up playing through the next 3 chapters of the Decepticon campaign last night. I loved playing as Starscream. The 8 year old kid in me that remembers watching the show back in the day was nerding out good and plenty. :yes:

just started this up and its actually a really good game. graphics (Y), gameplay (Y), voice acting (Y), story (Y). I really got get starscream cause as a kid he was always my favourite.

I am checking it out on the PC though, so does seem a bit weird it is capped at 30 FPS, but not a deal breaker by any means. The only thing is the visuals are a tad hectic, I have a feeling it is because of the fact I sit closer to my monitor then I would if I was playing it on my HDTV, so I literally have to push my monitor back as far as I can on my desk, and even then the visuals still get a tad overwhelming at times, it is hard to distinguish the characters from the background here and there.

yeah i noticed the FPS lock too, 30 :s. Kind of annoying. I googled this up though

Problem #1: How to increase the maximum FPS (framerate) from 30 to 60 when playing Transformers: War for Cybertron

Possible Solution #1: (by CYBORG112 from the gamefaqs forums)

Most unreal engine games have this line in their config ini






Setting that to false should remove the Fps cap.

(more tweaks on that site)

don't know if it works though, haven't tested it.

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Is this game actually that good? Gamespot rated it a 6.5.. :unsure:

Aside from never trusting GameSpot, after reading the review, Tom (the reviewer) sounds like someone who wants to just plow through a game without thinking. There's plenty of ammo in the game if you don't just blindly fire at enemies or waste a clip celebrating. Visually, Cybertron is a mechanical world, so your options are rather limited when it comes to variety. As far as gameplay, you can attack, snipe, melee, fire off mortar rounds, and transform into your vehicle form...plenty of variety there. It's a fun games that can be frustrating sometimes but that's what different difficulties are for.

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Using a good balance of Vehicle form and Humanoid form will usually keep your ammo from depleting. I have not found a point yet where I was completely out of ammo and had to use melee only to kill the enemy. Keep an eye out for ammo boxes, ammo clips, weapon boxes, grenade refills, and turrets. Using all of the resources available will help immensely. But there is that feeling of not enough ammo throughout the levels. Especially on the hard difficulty setting.

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There's tons of ammo laying around the map and generally someone has the ammo box laying around for you.

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I've been playing on normal, and I have not had any issues with ammo. I guess it could be an issue on hard if the enemies are harder to take down, but I'm not sure yet. So far though, there have been ammo crates in almost every battle area I've fought in. Like others have said, if you don't blindly fire at everything that moves and actually try to aim, you won't have a problem.

@Razorwing - my previous post should answer your Gamespot question. Yes, their review is total BS. The game is not a 6.5, it is much much better than that. It may not be all that innovative as far as shooters go, but it looks great, it's polished, and it's damn fun. I'd give it a solid 8.5.

To further disprove Gamespot's review, IGN published a "Second Opinions" article about the game:

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^ That hurts. I am sometimes running low on ammo. Especially when you come up against enemies with big fat shields.

Brutes? Melee them in the back 3 times and they should go down. I often run up behind one of my friendly AI and double jump over the Brute, 18 in the air and melee as I'm coming down.

Using a good balance of Vehicle form and Humanoid form will usually keep your ammo from depleting. I have not found a point yet where I was completely out of ammo and had to use melee only to kill the enemy. Keep an eye out for ammo boxes, ammo clips, weapon boxes, grenade refills, and turrets. Using all of the resources available will help immensely. But there is that feeling of not enough ammo throughout the levels. Especially on the hard difficulty setting.

I just want to add to that the use of common sense, that is, don't refill/resupply your ammo until you're close to running out ;)

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I swear I am missing something in this game. You guys are all loving it to the point where you are all nearly jizzing on your keyboards. I at most find it ok to play, great distraction, sprinkled with fun.

Is it because I wasn't a Transformers fan as a kid?

To further disprove Gamespot's review, IGN published a "Second Opinions" article about the game:
Not saying I agree with GS, but one IGN SO reviewer compared this to B:AA! No chance!
Brutes? Melee them in the back 3 times and they should go down. I often run up behind one of my friendly AI and double jump over the Brute, 18 in the air and melee as I'm coming down.
Ahhh, good tip. Thanks.

I am going to stick to it thought, because it is fun to play. And it's robots duh! :D

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