[Official] Kinect - Over 4 million units sold!

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This is probably one of the corniest things I've seen

I gotta give it up to MS, though. They sure do know how to draw a crowd. Some reports I've read said that this event drew more people than both the Halo Reach or Wii launches

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This is probably one of the corniest things I've seen

I wonder if the dancers working their butts off feel the same way. :rolleyes:

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So moved some stuff around in the room, now have 7 feet of room clear. Played 'Track and Field' and buddy played 'Volleyball'. Played great. Didn't see any lag or feel any. Missed a few jumps, but that was due to bad timing on my part (I'm apparently not a hurdler). Going to try some games here using both us, believe I have enough room for it.

Only been playing Kinect Sports, haven't bother to play Adventures or Fitness. Hoping to snag Dance Central tonight also.

Initial, first 2 hours of playing. Loving it.

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I wonder if the dancers working their butts off feel the same way. :rolleyes:

Of course not. They're getting paid.

But I'm sure they were freezing their butts off last night because it was damn cold

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This is probably one of the corniest things I've seen

I gotta give it up to MS, though. They sure do know how to draw a crowd. Some reports I've read said that this event drew more people than both the Halo Reach or Wii launches

That is a cool video. I love the choreography. Thanks for posting it.

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Voice command is pretty cool. Buddy said "xbox Tron" in the Kinect Hub and Tron's trailer started to play. This **** is amazing.

Most fun I've had in years being stuck in a house on a rainy day. Can't wait to pick up Dance Central later.

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Well the reviews I am reading real quick while at work, while not really negative, are not really all that positive either.

That is just IGN and Kotaku. I know people have their opinions on all sites, but those are 2 I tend to agree with more often then not with reviews, even if I do not like their politics so to speak.

Basically it seems like the voice control is the most appealing aspect so far, and that the $150 price tag is just not worth it.

So I will sit back and wait, more then likely a very, very long time, and see if it ever becomes something worthy of a purchase.

Yeah, I'm not really surprised with the reviews at all. I thought it was fun when I tried it -- I didn't feel any lag, but then again I wasn't really looking hard for it since I wasn't reviewing Kinect -- but I don't think it's worth it at the moment. I definitely agree with "eventually" must own. Just depends on how things go. I think that's the same issue with the Move -- how are developers going to utilize these products? In the case of Kinect, there can still be some fine tuning to the software, too. Not sure if that's really as much an issue with the Move.

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Blarrggh FedEx came while I am at work, have to pick it up at our local terminal after 6, and I have plans this evening. Have to wait until after work tomorrow but after messing around with one again today, I'm excited. People at our local MS branch are psyched and MS has a lot to be happy about this season. Got some hands on with Windows Phone 7, the current ads do not do it justice.

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To anyone who already owns Kinect, I have a pretty important question... I do not see anything online about the width needed for Kinect?

I stopped by my Gamestop today as I wanted to get my money back from my medal Of Honor pre-order, and sure enough they had one single Kinect in stock that had just been delivered from UPS. Literally 1. I had $74 of in store credit, so after much debate, and literally another gamestop calling to claim the one left as it was the only one in my area but the guy held on to it for me since I was deciding, I went ahead and picked it up.

Here is the thing, I have not opened it, and I am not sure if I am going to, as I am still not sold on it, and one major, major factor is although I have enough room from the TV to my couch, the width in front of my TV is not good at all. I have a sectional couch, so the right side in front of my TV is barely non existent, like less then 2.5 feet from the center of my TV.

So see the following diagram of my living room. Do I have enough room WIDTH wise to even use Kinect? Or should I just go ahead and return it?


So if anyone can let me know if I have enough width, it would be appreciated, as I really do not see much online about the width.

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ok here is my impression if anyone care :)

got it today, setup was easy not much except there was a need to switch off one of the light, other than that setup went smooth

Kinect Adventures would not install the game to hdd, called MS and they will be sending me a replacement game soon

Your shape fitness is the other game i bought, played it for half an hour asnd ws sweating like crazy

didn't notice any lag, it was really nice,

would definitely recommend to ppl sitting on the fence. this is really a great piece of equipment, on top of it probably drivers (open source) will be there within couple of months maybe and then can hook it up to pc even who knows

really happy with the equipment. will surely get more games in coming weeks

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To anyone who already owns Kinect, I have a pretty important question... I do not see anything online about the width needed for Kinect?

I stopped by my Gamestop today as I wanted to get my money back from my medal Of Honor pre-order, and sure enough they had one single Kinect in stock that had just been delivered from UPS. Literally 1. I had $74 of in store credit, so after much debate, and literally another gamestop calling to claim the one left as it was the only one in my area but the guy held on to it for me since I was deciding, I went ahead and picked it up.

Here is the thing, I have not opened it, and I am not sure if I am going to, as I am still not sold on it, and one major, major factor is although I have enough room from the TV to my couch, the width in front of my TV is not good at all. I have a sectional couch, so the right side in front of my TV is barely non existent, like less then 2.5 feet from the center of my TV.

So see the following diagram of my living room. Do I have enough room WIDTH wise to even use Kinect? Or should I just go ahead and return it?


So if anyone can let me know if I have enough width, it would be appreciated, as I really do not see much online about the width.

You'll be fine playing by yourself. Might run into some issues when moving towards the couch, but it shouldn't be too bad (I have same distance to the wall in my room). You will have an issue with 2 players though. It's doable (you have the length fine), but you may find it hard for whoever is nearest to the couch to move that way, but that's about all. If possible, if you could move your TV 1 foot away from the couch, you would eliminate about 50% of the problems you would encounter. I know that may not be feasible (wasn't for me to move the furniture), but even if you put the TV off-center so that you gain that extra foot, it'll help in the long run. This won't eliminate all your problems (I still have 'em, but it was two 200 pounds dude(width wise not height) that had the most issues). My brother and his girlfriend had no issues (other than him kicking his foot out to far playing Soccer(and by that I mean off the screen).

It's worth it dude IMO. I'm loving it. I can't guarantee what I said will fix your problems, but it did for me and I have no issues with it, other than length. It says 6ft-10ft, but in reality I'd put it at 8ft-10ft. 6ft was giving us problems with tracking and once we back'd up (nearly to the wall about 8ft) all of 'em disappeared.

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You'll be fine playing by yourself. Might run into some issues when moving towards the couch, but it shouldn't be too bad (I have same distance to the wall in my room). You will have an issue with 2 players though. It's doable (you have the length fine), but you may find it hard for whoever is nearest to the couch to move that way, but that's about all. If possible, if you could move your TV 1 foot away from the couch, you would eliminate about 50% of the problems you would encounter. I know that may not be feasible (wasn't for me to move the furniture), but even if you put the TV off-center so that you gain that extra foot, it'll help in the long run. This won't eliminate all your problems (I still have 'em, but it was two 200 pounds dude(width wise not height) that had the most issues). My brother and his girlfriend had no issues (other than him kicking his foot out to far playing Soccer(and by that I mean off the screen).

It's worth it dude IMO. I'm loving it. I can't guarantee what I said will fix your problems, but it did for me and I have no issues with it, other than length. It says 6ft-10ft, but in reality I'd put it at 8ft-10ft. 6ft was giving us problems with tracking and once we back'd up (nearly to the wall about 8ft) all of 'em disappeared.

Thanks for the response slane. (Y)

Unfortunately it is not an option to move my tv to the left at all, should have maybe included it in my little drawing i did but the opening door to my kitchen is literAlly right to the left of the tv, like it is truly as far left as it can go. Moving the couch is not really an option either. Only real option i have is putting the tv caddy corner in the upper left corner, but that introduces a whole slew of no issues, like rewiring everything (my main cable wire is on the right for my cable and modem), redoing my surround sound which would also not be ideal since it would be on an angle, and those are just the problems i can think of right away. So i am pretty much stuck with things as they are.

So really not sure what to do here. One of the main reasons i decided to get it was to try and get my wife into playing, so ideally i would want it to support at the very least 2 players. So just not sure if i want to take a $150 risk, especially since none of the current game offerings do anything for me. I would really be installing it with the hope it improves.

Really just not sure what to do here. It is just sitting there, totally unopened, and i am really tempted to just install it, but the practical side of me is holding off and to say i would be incredibly frustrated and disappointed if it only does support 1 player is truly an understatement. I would be downright angry. Just not sure what to do. Going to sleep on it.

Thanks again for the detailed response. Truly much appreciated.

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Thanks again for the detailed response. Truly much appreciated.

Here's an image to provide you with a (not to scale) visual of what I'm playing in. From where the Kinect is to the begining of the playing area is about 6 1/2 ft and the very back area is about 8ft.

Mom and brother played Volleyball in the area and was fine. Volleyball only really requires foward and back motion. I'll play some games tommorow of Adventures, which requires side to side and let ya know how that goes, but I have a feeling that will be a problem due to lack of coordination between the two of us, rather than size.


In other words, according to brother, Mom and Dad both played Bowling for over three hours (which is probably the amount of the gaming they have done combined in the last decade). Gotta say, that's pretty cool.

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**** thats some lines and advertising well done by Microsoft. I think they are in the ball park when they say they are going to move a couple million units before christmas, not the 10's of thousands like some people have suggested on here :laugh:

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Thanks for the response slane. (Y)

Unfortunately it is not an option to move my tv to the left at all, should have maybe included it in my little drawing i did but the opening door to my kitchen is literAlly right to the left of the tv, like it is truly as far left as it can go. Moving the couch is not really an option either. Only real option i have is putting the tv caddy corner in the upper left corner, but that introduces a whole slew of no issues, like rewiring everything (my main cable wire is on the right for my cable and modem), redoing my surround sound which would also not be ideal since it would be on an angle, and those are just the problems i can think of right away. So i am pretty much stuck with things as they are.

So really not sure what to do here. One of the main reasons i decided to get it was to try and get my wife into playing, so ideally i would want it to support at the very least 2 players. So just not sure if i want to take a $150 risk, especially since none of the current game offerings do anything for me. I would really be installing it with the hope it improves.

Really just not sure what to do here. It is just sitting there, totally unopened, and i am really tempted to just install it, but the practical side of me is holding off and to say i would be incredibly frustrated and disappointed if it only does support 1 player is truly an understatement. I would be downright angry. Just not sure what to do. Going to sleep on it.

Thanks again for the detailed response. Truly much appreciated.

Based on your photo/diagram that you posted, I agree with the poster that replied. 1 person, no problem. 2 people, it's gonna be tight on the right. In some of the Adventure games (and even in the Your Shape game), you do have to specifically go a little to the right to touch a wall in the game. In the game were you have to stop the water from coming in (20,000 leagues?), your right foot will have to go to the right to block the water from coming in for example.

Now, you CAN move your party of two over to the left so that you are NOT centered on the Kinect camera, and the system will tell you if you are over too far. But it does let you go off center.

The last option for you to fit two people easily, move the Kinect camera to the far left side of your TV, and play a little off center from your TV. That would work.

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Mom and brother played Volleyball in the area and was fine. Volleyball only really requires foward and back motion. I'll play some games tommorow of Adventures, which requires side to side and let ya know how that goes, but I have a feeling that will be a problem due to lack of coordination between the two of us, rather than size.

In other words, according to brother, Mom and Dad both played Bowling for over three hours (which is probably the amount of the gaming they have done combined in the last decade). Gotta say, that's pretty cool.

Yep, that is definitely cool, and thanks again. Interested to hear your feedback about the side to side.

Based on your photo/diagram that you posted, I agree with the poster that replied. 1 person, no problem. 2 people, it's gonna be tight on the right. In some of the Adventure games (and even in the Your Shape game), you do have to specifically go a little to the right to touch a wall in the game. In the game were you have to stop the water from coming in (20,000 leagues?), your right foot will have to go to the right to block the water from coming in for example.

Now, you CAN move your party of two over to the left so that you are NOT centered on the Kinect camera, and the system will tell you if you are over too far. But it does let you go off center.

The last option for you to fit two people easily, move the Kinect camera to the far left side of your TV, and play a little off center from your TV. That would work.

I am really hesitant to do that, because of this image...


Which I found here.

The moving it off center was my first thought too, and In theory, yeah that should work, but that would also kinda suck I am thinking, as the person playing would always be looking to the right, losing a lot of the immersion I imagine.

It is still unopened, and I am leaning towards returning it today, I just do not know, if I could return it after I opened it, it would not even be a discussion here and I would try it out right away.

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The First Moron To Break His TV With Kinect


Well, the first moron that we've heard of. He's not really a moron, he's Phil Villarreal, author and critic. And he's out a pricey television. You are the controller? No Phil, you are the guy with the broken TV.

"A public service announcement: Do not under any circumstances play Kinect Sports Volleyball at 1:30 a.m. while standing under a ceiling fan with a dangling chain for a light switch," he writes.

The result was that Phil apparently spiked the dangling chain into his 47-inch 1080p LCD HDTV, leaving it with a rainbow LCD teardrop of death. Kinect went on sale on November 4. It is now November 5. That television was purchased last December, and it never lived to see its second Christmas. How sad.

When the Nintendo Wii launched in 2006, there were also claims that flying Wii Remotes caused accidents ? some real, some not. Anytime you get gamers off the sofa and floundering around the living room, you're asking for trouble.

Source: Kotaku

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Yep, that is definitely cool, and thanks again. Interested to hear your feedback about the side to side.

I am really hesitant to do that, because of this image...


Which I found here.

The moving it off center was my first thought too, and In theory, yeah that should work, but that would also kinda suck I am thinking, as the person playing would always be looking to the right, losing a lot of the immersion I imagine.

It is still unopened, and I am leaning towards returning it today, I just do not know, if I could return it after I opened it, it would not even be a discussion here and I would try it out right away.

Yes, you will lose immersion indeed. I had mine off center like the image you have above for a little bit last night as I was running some wiring and my son was playing. It was all the way to the left of the TV, and it worked just fine. It's not ideal, but you are between a rock and a hard place with your living room setup.

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