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Bow down to my amazing video editing skills :rofl:

All I can think of when watching that video.

^^ pretty much same as mine, as for killstreaks surely that depends more on how good you/the other players online are..

Yeah that's true, but I find it really hard not to equip hardline. I just feel like it's essential. Ghost is cool on larger maps, but I don't use it that often.

Question, how do you change the direction of airstrikes in this game? This is on the PC version. I know in MW2 it was hold right mouse but that doesn't work here, help?

Figured it out, hold down left mouse and drag, but it's awkward in comparison. Nevermind.

Why kill the stabbing in the latest update?

Whenever I now try to stab in the same sort of distance, I get plastered with bullets.

Never bring a knife to a gun fight then. ;)

I have always used the m14 since the release of this game. I've always been a semi gun user since I started playing FPS with MW 1.

However, recently I feel like the power of the gun has gone from 2-3 shots to 4-6 shots... I suppose maybe my aim has gotten worse, but I think something has changed in how the gun registers when hit

Based off this video you really should be using Flack Jacket as two of your 3(?) deaths were by grenades and Flack Jacket practically makes you a Demi-God when it comes to explosives and you really weren't sprinting around enough to warrant Lightweight IMO. Cool video none the less, I don't know how you do so well in Jungle I friggin hate that map!

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