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Yea, i'm pretty sure as well that they're done handing out all the invites to people who can't read. Such as the person here who got one.

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I am disappointed I didn't get one for this round as I am really looking forward to this game. Have been a fan since launch of the first. I have ever intention of prepurchasing on April 10th to prevent missing out on other beta events.

To those who got invites, I hate you! Also, enjoy :)

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I really want that statue that comes with the CE but after watching friends pre-order Age of Conan and myself Aion, I don't pre-order MMOs anymore. I have to play it before I'll put money down on these things now (which I guess means no CE for me as no doubt they're super limited).

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Well, April 10 is only 3ish weeks away. If you pre order you get access to all beta events.

Also Mike O'Brien on the micro transaction system that will be in place in GW2:

I like that you don't actually have to spend money to get the micro transaction goodies. Similar to EVE's plex, it sounds good.

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Well, April 10 is only 3ish weeks away. If you pre purchase you get access to all beta events.


I know people like to use those words interchangeably but they're not the same in this case.

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I know people like to use those words interchangeably but they're not the same in this case.

Well, they will be allowing other stores to take pre orders too on the 10th if I remember reading that right. So it's not a big deal either way.

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Well, they will be allowing other stores to take pre orders too on the 10th if I remember reading that right. So it's not a big deal either way.

i think people who pre order only get 1day play game before launch and people who pre order get 3 days before launch

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i think people who pre order only get 1day play game before launch and people who pre order get 3 days before launch


Pre-orders get 1 day headstart, no access to beta events.

Pre-purchases get 3 day headstart, automatic inclusion to all beta events.

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To all the people that got into the beta, I hate you.

That is all.


Seriously though, I am purchasing this game regardless, and I think being in the beta would somehow lessen my enjoyment, that's my story and I am sticking to it.

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From the gw2 twitter(the only time i've bothered with that useless site):

Okay guys, if you did not get a beta key by now, you will not be in the test this weekend. Thanks for being patient! ~RB2

It seems that they have finished handing out all the invites to all the people who can't comprehend what "nda" means.

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Is it worth playing the first one before the second one? I came to the party late and really like the look of the second one but haven't gone through the first one yet. Is it needed/worth it?

Guild Wars have this "achievement" or "accomplishment" rewards for those who wants to play Guild Wars 2. When you accomplish a lot of things in Guild Wars, and when you tie your Guild Wars 2 to Guild Wars, you will be rewarded based on how much or what title you have accomplished. Check Hall of Monuments Reward Calculator and you should have some idea what are the rewards given to, in Guild Wars 2.

I really want that statue that comes with the CE but after watching friends pre-order Age of Conan and myself Aion, I don't pre-order MMOs anymore. I have to play it before I'll put money down on these things now (which I guess means no CE for me as no doubt they're super limited).

I feel bad for you. Those two titles was obvious to me that they can not match up to Guild Wars 2.
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Guild Wars have this "achievement" or "accomplishment" rewards for those who wants to play Guild Wars 2. When you accomplish a lot of things in Guild Wars, and when you tie your Guild Wars 2 to Guild Wars, you will be rewarded based on how much or what title you have accomplished. Check Hall of Monuments Reward Calculator and you should have some idea what are the rewards given to, in Guild Wars 2.

Would you say it's a necessity for the second or just recommended? I think i'll pick it up cheaply and have a quick play through anyways though...

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Would you say it's a necessity for the second or just recommended? I think i'll pick it up cheaply and have a quick play through anyways though...

Well, I've read that the rewards for the Hall of Monuments are just cosmetic. So even if you do put in the time to get them you won't actually gain any stats. I don't know if this is true or not because I haven't read it from an official source. It's safe to assume that the items are just cosmetic at this point given Anets stance on "buying power". So the question is if you like fancy looking stuff then go for it. If you don't then it's not worth the time because it will take a lot of times to get all the items in the HoM. Several hundred hours at the very least.

Also I don't think the HoM stuff is actually in the beta at this point for anyone to answer yes or no to that.

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I'm not sure "fancy looking" is what i'd use to describe all of the HoM stuff. For example, if the images do indeed match exactly what we get in game, then all 3 of the armor sets are more "boring/average" than "fancy" looking.

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I'm not sure "fancy looking" is what i'd use to describe all of the HoM stuff. For example, if the images do indeed match exactly what we get in game, then all 3 of the armor sets are more "boring/average" than "fancy" looking.

Fair enough, but the armor set you get is better looking than most of the low to mid level gear I've seen in pictures and videos though.

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Tried the trial and got a bit sidetracked and bored and ended up playing for about 30 min max. I'll guess I'll wait, I don't mind not looking boss

Which one did you start with? I'd say the one that is the most interesting to start new characters on is Nightfall.

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List of retail stores that will be allowing pre order on April 10:


And actually, you can pre order from Amazon and Gamestop right now. Price $59.99. However it looks like they don't have the digital deluxe version or the CE up yet.

Also before anyone jumps the gun and pre orders now, ONLY if you wait until the 10th to pre order will you be guaranteed access to the beta. So if you want into future beta events don't pre order now.!/GuildWars2/status/184776540968587267

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