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So the digital deluxe version is $79.99 which I think is a total rip off considering all of the items you get with it disappear on use except for the minipet. I would have been willing to pay $10 more for it but not $20. The Regular edition is also $59.99. The pricing for the different editions is fairly disappointing.. I say that but I'll still buy the damn game. :s

I shouldn't complain, the entertainment value per dollar this game will deliver will be huge. :rofl:

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So the digital deluxe version is $79.99 which I think is a total rip off considering all of the items you get with it disappear on use except for the minipet. I would have been willing to pay $10 more for it but not $20. The Regular edition is also $59.99. The pricing for the different editions is fairly disappointing.. I say that but I'll still buy the damn game. :s

I shouldn't complain, the entertainment value per dollar this game will deliver will be huge. :rofl:

That was the first thing I noticed when it was announced. I'll be going plain Jane digital, myself.

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So the digital deluxe version is $79.99 which I think is a total rip off considering all of the items you get with it disappear on use except for the minipet. I would have been willing to pay $10 more for it but not $20. The Regular edition is also $59.99. The pricing for the different editions is fairly disappointing.. I say that but I'll still buy the damn game. :s

I shouldn't complain, the entertainment value per dollar this game will deliver will be huge. :rofl:

I believe the elite skill stays after one use as well. And will likely be the only elite skill you'll have access to for a while if they're as expensive(in skill points) as they say.

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I believe the elite skill stays after one use as well. And will likely be the only elite skill you'll have access to for a while if they're as expensive(in skill points) as they say.

Yeah, but the elite skill is probably not all that great anyways. It's probably just for looks mostly, like the emotes they gave away in the older GW games to show off your CE status. There is no way they would give you a super amazing elite skill for it, just like all the other things it will probably only be useful early in a characters life.

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Guild Wars 2: A Romance with Death

Learning the ways of the Necromancer.

Guild Wars 2 does things so well it can steal away hours of your time in a colorful, loot-filled flash. With phenomenal questing and combat design, Guild Wars 2 is poised to enthrall countless gamers -- even those of you unacquainted with MMOs. One of the first choices you make when crafting a character affects the rest of your journey: selecting a profession. Out of the eight intoxicating choices, one in particular blends several styles of play together into one dark and deadly combination. The Necromancer, commander of death and otherworldly forces, made for an exciting pick during a recent closed beta event.

The Necromancer, like many of the professions in Guild Wars 2, can approach battle in a number of ways. Not only can she fight with melee weapons but she can also dispense sinister spells from afar. These attacks cause traditional damage and also inflict numerous conditions on enemies, including "bleeding" which rips away at health and "cripple" which slows aggressors down.

These status-inducing attacks fling from the Necromancer so readily her enemies rarely have a chance to breathe. Only when confronted with multiple attackers at once does the Necromancer face danger. Which is why she summons worms and wraiths from the underworld to assist her in battle.

From the beginning the Necromancer's default healing ability comes in the form of a summoned "Blood Fiend," which saps enemy health and feeds it into the Necromancer. Once this skill activates, it's replaced by another skill that allows her to sacrifice the Blood Fiend for a boost in health. After gaining experience, the Necromancer has access to other minions, including a pair of smaller, faster creatures and a ranged flesh worm.

Besides these summons, the Necromancer also uses Marks and Wells to control the area around her. Wells emerge around her location and affect both allies and enemies alike. Marks, alternatively, can be placed at a distance and activated at will.

One of the most intriguing things when playing as the Necromancer is her ability to absorb life force. Life force emerges from the dead and flows into the Necromancer and she moves through the world. This energy -- unique to the profession -- powers her Death Shroud ability, which enables her to cast powerful spells and summon a unique minion onto the field.

Like the other professions, the Necromancer has tremendous potential. With skilled usage of her debuffing techniques, a well-timed summon, and the Death Shroud, she can dispatch powerful foes. Unless you aren't good enough to do those things, in which case she will die, as shown in the above commentary video.


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Would you say it's a necessity for the second or just recommended? I think i'll pick it up cheaply and have a quick play through anyways though...

I would not say it's "necessity" but the reward that is given to you from the achievement in Guild Wars is not available for other players who starts off their venture in Guild Wars 2. I think a certain titles and pets that is rewarded cannot be obtained in Guild Wars 2. The rewarded items is not tradable nor would it be obtainable if you start off your venture just by playing only Guild Wars 2. I think I sound a bit redundant here. :)
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The only thing I was bothered about with the HoM was that it enabled me to reserve my character names.

It's a bit geeky, but two of my characters earned a decent reputation in the first game, so it would be nice to pass on the legacy in the new game.

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The only thing I was bothered about with the HoM was that it enabled me to reserve my character names.

It's a bit geeky, but two of my characters earned a decent reputation in the first game, so it would be nice to pass on the legacy in the new game.

You're saying it does or doesn't allow you to reserve names? Because my warrior has a fairly unique name that I don't think can be reproduced anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A post by Mike O'Brien over at reddit about if they would reveal a release date when pre-purchases start:

No, we won't. It's not like we have a secret release date and we're not telling you. We meant what we said: we'll release the game when it's ready. And beta testing is where we find out if it's ready.

Incredibly displeased with arenanet at the moment. You don't ask people to pay for something, in full, and then proceed to tell them that they'll get what they payed for "whenever you feel like it". It's amazing how badly they're ****ing this up.

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A post by Mike O'Brien over at reddit about if they would reveal a release date when pre-purchases start:

Incredibly displeased with arenanet at the moment. You don't ask people to pay for something, in full, and then proceed to tell them that they'll get what they payed for "whenever you feel like it". It's amazing how badly they're ****ing this up.

They aren't ****ing anything up. If you prepay for something before it's release, you have only yourself to blame if you can't wait longer for it to come out. ArenaNet is making sure the game is good enough for release. If you want them to release ****, then by all means huff and puff about them wanting to take their time. But in the end, you will only be more displeased with the game if you ask for a rushed product..... Patience is a virtue that you must learn.

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A post by Mike O'Brien over at reddit about if they would reveal a release date when pre-purchases start:

Incredibly displeased with arenanet at the moment. You don't ask people to pay for something, in full, and then proceed to tell them that they'll get what they payed for "whenever you feel like it". It's amazing how badly they're ****ing this up.

No one is making you pre purchase strike me as someone who wants it now and then complains when the game has a ton of bugs in it and proceeds to complain more. That just how this makes you sound really. I am willing to pre purchase it BECAUSE i know they wont release it till they think its ready for prime time, sure it will have bugs still but I bet they wont be game breaking, and for that I am thankful, since there are a lot of games that just come up asap in hopes to get people on board and then we find out the game is riddled with ****ty bugs and need constant patching.

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They aren't ****ing anything up. If you prepay for something before it's release, you have only yourself to blame if you can't wait longer for it to come out. ArenaNet is making sure the game is good enough for release. If you want them to release ****, then by all means huff and puff about them wanting to take their time. But in the end, you will only be more displeased with the game if you ask for a rushed product..... Patience is a virtue that you must learn.

No one is making you pre purchase strike me as someone who wants it now and then complains when the game has a ton of bugs in it and proceeds to complain more. That just how this makes you sound really. I am willing to pre purchase it BECAUSE i know they wont release it till they think its ready for prime time, sure it will have bugs still but I bet they wont be game breaking, and for that I am thankful, since there are a lot of games that just come up asap in hopes to get people on board and then we find out the game is riddled with ****ty bugs and need constant patching.

Did either of you jackoffs even read? I don't think so, cause if you did you would have seen i didn't say a god damn thing like "i want it now", "release it unfinished" or any other kind of random bull**** you're pulling out of your asses. Seriously, it's shocking how poor peoples reading comprehension is here.

What i said is that if they're expecting people to pay in full, then they should give them a date to when they can expect what they payed for. That's not unreasonable whatsoever. That's basic common sense and something people expect when they pay for something in full.

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Did either of you jackoffs even read? I don't think so, cause if you did you would have seen i didn't say a god damn thing like "i want it now", "release it unfinished" or any other kind of random bull**** you're pulling out of your asses. Seriously, it's shocking how poor peoples reading comprehension is here.

What i said is that if they're expecting people to pay in full, then they should give them a date to when they can expect what they payed for. That's not unreasonable whatsoever. That's basic common sense and something people expect when they pay for something in full.

Don't prepay for things, because it is never a guarantee that it will come out. And bitching about it like a 5 year old on these forums won't get you anywhere. Most companies have a "it will be released when it's released" moto. Welcome to the world.

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Don't prepay for things, because it is never a guarantee that it will come out. And bitching about it like a 5 year old on these forums won't get you anywhere. Most companies have a "it will be released when it's released" moto. Welcome to the world.

And most of the time those companies are typically done with that "when it's done" thing and actually have a date for you when they decide to start allowing you to buy it before release.

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And most of the time those companies are typically done with that "when it's done" thing and actually have a date for you when they decide to start allowing you to buy it before release.

So don't prepurchase then? Seems like that would solve all your problems without needing to make an ass of yourself on random internet forums.

I admit I want the game just as much as you or anyone else. But I'm also willing to prepurchase to show my support for the game and willing to wait "until it's ready". In the meanwhile prepurchasing gets you into all the future beta events (there hasn't been one in two weeks now, since they gave out those beta invites). So really you're complaining just to complain.

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Would you rather they set an arbitrary date and then delay it when they decide the game isn't ready for commercial release?

You're prepurchasing for the perks and the pre-release Beta Weekend Events, if that doesn't interest you then just buy the damned game on launch.

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A post by Mike O'Brien over at reddit about if they would reveal a release date when pre-purchases start:

Incredibly displeased with arenanet at the moment. You don't ask people to pay for something, in full, and then proceed to tell them that they'll get what they payed for "whenever you feel like it". It's amazing how badly they're ****ing this up.

This makes me wonder why you have such a big issue with this? I see you are quite unhappy, however I am unsure of why. Why is it that you feel the need to know exactly when it will be released? The pre-purchase is a gimmick to ensure sales, nothing more nothing less. I plan on pre-purchasing due to the fact that I well get guaranteed beta access, 3 days early play, and the full game in the end.

It makes you angry at Arena Net, while I personally don't see where the hate comes from, it is how you feel. Is there anger building due to some other reason that was no portrayed in your post?

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Prepurchase is for the diehards only - hence the guaranteed beta access and 3 day headstart. It is for those that cannot wait any longer for the game to come out. The people that they are aiming that idea at are the ones that already know, without a doubt, that they will buy the game. For everyone else, there is the pre-order function, which works exactly the same as any other pre-order idea.

If you don't want to pay without a knowing a release date, then don't pre-purchase yet. Pre-order it or wait until a release day is announced before pre-purchasing.

It's that simple really.

Besides, a year ago there was a large section of the fanbase saying "why won't you take our money yet?". Now they do and the other half cry about it.

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A post by Mike O'Brien over at reddit about if they would reveal a release date when pre-purchases start:

Incredibly displeased with arenanet at the moment. You don't ask people to pay for something, in full, and then proceed to tell them that they'll get what they payed for "whenever you feel like it". It's amazing how badly they're ****ing this up.

You do realize plenty of games are put up for pre-purchase when there no set release date announced? You could preorder Diablo 3/ Mists of Pandaria when there was no release date. Minecraft never had a release date and was pre-ordered for years. I think you are slightly overreacting.

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What i said is that if they're expecting people to pay in full, then they should give them a date to when they can expect what they payed for. That's not unreasonable whatsoever. That's basic common sense and something people expect when they pay for something in full.

Its not like they are hiding it from us, pre-purchases are made knowing full well the release date is still undecided. You're making out to be something it is not.

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Who is excited for tomorrow? This guy is! Even though it's basically a non-event. :rofl:

I am too, lol. I know it's a non-event as I am not going to play GW2 tomorrow night, however it is an event in the fact that I will own a copy of GW2, and will have beta access.

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I am too, lol. I know it's a non-event as I am not going to play GW2 tomorrow night, however it is an event in the fact that I will own a copy of GW2, and will have beta access.

Yeah, I've been waiting 5 years for it.

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