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This game is going to get pretty sick. I have a weird vibe that it might finally be a serious contender to WOW.

i feel the same way. Last week i bought diablo its addictive but i think im gonna play gw2 more. Cant wait still 13 hours to go!

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Played for almosta hour before I had to get out of the house. Performance was improved, but in the almost hour that I played I crashed twice. One time it was in middle of an important quest and I lost all the progress. Beta wasn't that crash happy previously.

But good to see they improved the performance. I can now max out the game and it won't drop bellow 30 fps.

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How do you get FPS in-game? So far, things have been stable for me but I'm still just going through the UI/controls and roaming around. Been a long time since I played MMO (WoW vanilla). Rolling a Necromancer so far liking it a lot.

Also, do you guys have recommendation for gaming headset w/ mic? I don't like speakers but using my Bose QC isn't very productive (uses battery, no volume adjust, no mic).

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an hour left in my work day, then it's game time! Played the heck out of the first bwe, I am sure that bwe2 will be no exception!

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I like how i can now exit water without my framerate going through the floor like it did in bwe1.

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Either I'm bad or this game is hard. I'm level 7 and I've died a dozen or so times as a char warrior.

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Either I'm bad or this game is hard. I'm level 7 and I've died a dozen or so times as a char warrior.

I'm not sure. Last BWE I was doing great. This one, I started a new character, running through the same quests. And they do seem much, much more difficult. I don't know if it was from feedback or what, but the game HAS gotten much harder. I have been dying way more than I did in the BWE1/Stress test. Honestly, I don't like it :(. I am level 10 getting stomped by level 6 mobs, and it is so not cool. I'm leaving feedback on it, with specific details. I think a lot of hardcore players may have left stupid ass feedback, and possibly made it this way, but it is ridiculous the difficulty that has changed in a couple weeks.

Not a fan.

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I don't think it's gotten harder. Normal mobs seem about the same as they were the last time i played. And champions can be relatively easily 2 manned if you know how to move and switch out your skills when needed.

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Since I didn't play BWE1 I can't speak to the difficulty changes but it could be they ramped up the difficulty just to find a balance. I have yet to die, I seem to be able to keep myself fighting long enough to drop the monster and eventually heal - but I am still early level.

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Honestly, if anyone has trouble staying alive on the world map, then they'd better stay away from dungeons. As the ascalon catacombs is far more difficult than anything on the world map.

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Either I'm bad or this game is hard. I'm level 7 and I've died a dozen or so times as a char warrior.

Better get used to it. :rofl:

It's a very odd that in pve warrior feels like they are wearing armor made out of paper, but in pvp their are wrecking machines. Like I said it's a very odd contrast between the two game play types.

At any rate, I haven't played much this weekend yet beyond checking out the changes they've made to the game. I don't really want to spoil the game for when it's officially out. I really dislike doing the same things over and over again. I like how they condensed the stamina bar onto the health globe, but I don't really like how they changed the minimap, it still feels clunky.

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Agree about the mini map. Find myself having to go to main map a lot of the time. Still, this game is sucking my life away. I'm purposely not trying to level too much (only at 6 right now) and still am finding so much crap to do its unbelievable. And I, shamefully, haven't even tried PvP yet. Yikes.

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Agree about the mini map. Find myself having to go to main map a lot of the time. Still, this game is sucking my life away. I'm purposely not trying to level too much (only at 6 right now) and still am finding so much crap to do its unbelievable. And I, shamefully, haven't even tried PvP yet. Yikes.

I agree, I am always using the main map. I am level 19 and have subsequently finished the "Demo Portion of the Personal Story". I haven't done PVP either but.. that's due to the fact PVP isn't my cup of coffee so to speak.

They have done an amazing job, and fixed a tonne of bugs and issues that I had seen in the first BWE.

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Anyone trying to play ATM? Finally got a chance to play after not getting on all day yesterday nor this morning...but it seems the servers are down. Thought BWE was running until 1159pm?

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There is a bug right now with the log in servers.

And even more issues ... was up for a minute.

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