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Playing on Anvil Rock simply because a lot of 4chan folks are as well. Last time, we were whooping so much ass in WvW it wasn't even funny. (oh wait, it was hahah) :p

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The work they've done on optimization is a bit buggy it seems. In some places moving the camera in certain ways makes far more things disappear than it should.

An example, the second pic being the bad part:



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The work they've done on optimization is a bit buggy it seems. In some places moving the camera in certain ways makes far more things disappear than it should.

An example, the second pic being the bad part:

Can't tell if you're coming or going. :laugh:

But yeah, I'm really glad they chose to let use beta test these areas and such. Ran across some annoying bugs myself, such as character models disappearing when using the lift in The Grove. Hopefully they get all the kinks out by release.

Still very awesome though!

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Bah. Tried to go through a gate to Lion's Arch, got d/ced and now can't get back in cause it's bitching about the login server. And of course the official forums are basically non-functional as they often are during the weekend so i can't really see if it's only me or not.

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So far this game is just meh for me. Nothing is really sticking out for me to want to spend $60 on it.

What didn't you like?

One small little bug that I've encountered today is that I can't re size my UI. It didn't change no matter which size I set it too. Anyone else encounter this?

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What didn't you like?

One small little bug that I've encountered today is that I can't re size my UI. It didn't change no matter which size I set it too. Anyone else encounter this?

It wasn't "what I didn't like" and more of "what didn't draw me in". Ill try to get to a good level this weekend to really try it out but in the mean time nothing in this game stands out to me as a day 1 purchase. It seems like a solid game but since I know I am buying MoP for sure I may just not spend more money on mmo stuff.

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Bah. Tried to go through a gate to Lion's Arch, got d/ced and now can't get back in cause it's bitching about the login server. And of course the official forums are basically non-functional as they often are during the weekend so i can't really see if it's only me or not.

Happened to me too, was trying to make a new character and got DCed, can't get back in cause the same issue.

Seems like they may have taken the game down to patch it during the day. Maybe that's why you couldn't reconnect.

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It wasn't "what I didn't like" and more of "what didn't draw me in". Ill try to get to a good level this weekend to really try it out but in the mean time nothing in this game stands out to me as a day 1 purchase. It seems like a solid game but since I know I am buying MoP for sure I may just not spend more money on mmo stuff.

Lol - Nothing in this games stands out but you will buy MoP for sure?! Are you crazy?

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Lol - Nothing in this games stands out but you will buy MoP for sure?! Are you crazy?

Well yeah cause I'm going to get a quality expansion. I enjoyed what I played in the beta for MoP. WoW is the only MMO to never have let me down over the years. If GW2 doesn't change my mind this weekend there is no reason for me to buy it full price. You guys put this game on a such a pedal stool but some of the stuff is just terrible(my opinion before you jump on the haters bandwagon for WoW). Voice acting should have just been left out, the story so far has been bland, the graphics meh and the combat uninspiring. The only thing I have liked has been the group questing. I enjoy WoW's gameplay and I think some the story content has gotten better over the last two xpacs. I have way more time invested into WoW's lore then GW's. Going back to the war between the factions and the new continent should bring about story content I'll like. And I won't have time for a whole game with the ones I just got that I need to beat.

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MMO 'stories' are pretty much never blow you away, regardless of the game. If an amazing story is want you want from your RPG, you're always better off sticking to the single player, offline type. To say the graphics are "meh" is kinda surprising. It may not be BF3(the pc version) but it's far from "meh". Especially when you compare it to the hideously out of date engine used for WoW that hardly knows what a "shader" is. And the combat, especially in pve, is much more fun than the standard tank and spank style of a traditional mmo.

Anwyay, it's not so much putting the game "on a pedestal", it's just the fact that it's a better game(and it's not on a steady downhill descent yet). And yes, this is coming from a former wow player.

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MMO 'stories' are pretty much never blow you away, regardless of the game. If an amazing story is want you want from your RPG, you're always better off sticking to the single player, offline type. To say the graphics are "meh" is kinda surprising. It may not be BF3(the pc version) but it's far from "meh". Especially when you compare it to the hideously out of date engine used for WoW that hardly knows what a "shader" is. And the combat, especially in pve, is much more fun than the standard tank and spank style of a traditional mmo.

Anwyay, it's not so much putting the game "on a pedestal", it's just the fact that it's a better game(and it's not on a steady downhill descent yet). And yes, this is coming from a former wow player.

I don't need to be blown away, but I really liked Dragonblight and Storm peaks in LK and Hyjal and Uldum in cata. As far as the graphics, I should have stated I like the stylized graphics in wow and swtor when they can't scale the games to the top end. To me GW2 is not stylized enough.

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Not stylized enough..? I'm not sure we played the same game. :wacko:

OK I do like the first city the humans get too art wise. But I really dislike the character models, something I didn't really like from the first one. But like I said I'm not done, I will use the weekend to play as much as possible.

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MMO 'stories' are pretty much never blow you away, regardless of the game. If an amazing story is want you want from your RPG, you're always better off sticking to the single player, offline type. To say the graphics are "meh" is kinda surprising. It may not be BF3(the pc version) but it's far from "meh". Especially when you compare it to the hideously out of date engine used for WoW that hardly knows what a "shader" is. And the combat, especially in pve, is much more fun than the standard tank and spank style of a traditional mmo.

Anwyay, it's not so much putting the game "on a pedestal", it's just the fact that it's a better game(and it's not on a steady downhill descent yet). And yes, this is coming from a former wow player.

I came from the original GW (Prophecies by current naming) and this is almost not the same game, and this is especially true if you are playing as the technomantic Asura (which I deliberately chose this BWE). Also, unlike WoW, GW (even Prophecies) does actually know what shaders are - GW2 makes more use of them than even GW (despite it sticking with DX9 for now); I actually wound up dropping to 1680x1050 Balanced from the 1920x1080 maxed-out that is GW. How many of you that are complaining of a bad case of *meh* are sticking close to what you know from other games? You have different character slots - put them to use; that's why they are there!

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OK I do like the first city the humans get too art wise. But I really dislike the character models, something I didn't really like from the first one. But like I said I'm not done, I will use the weekend to play as much as possible.

Huh?! What the heck man... Have you not seen the World of Warcraft models? Gnomes running in stealth is probably one of the worst animations next to the atrocities Blizzard brought on us with the worgen. Hell, the female worgen appears to have zero concept art too from what I can tell. (please correct this if I'm wrong) Seems they just threw the female model together, and it looks outright horrible compared to anything else. Also, lolwtf at the running on all fours animation. I don't even... Of course, the models aren't even what pushes me away from WoW so much as it is the gameplay...

Trust me when I say I'm not an elitist or anything of the sort. I've played WoW for 6 years (sadly), but honestly, with the direction they've gone in and are continuing to head, I want no part in it. Okay, I'm done talking about WoW for now. :pinch:


Anyway, made and played an Asura last night. Talk about the most unexpected surprise of GW2... I actually... LOVE them! The animations are wonderful, right down to the way they /laugh and /cry. They're smart obviously, but witty also! At least, I think so. Was playing with a friend last night, and her and I were both laughing our butts off at the character dialog, as we followed one another to help complete our campaign quests.

Made mine a warrior for laughs, but I'm really enjoying it. I'll definitely be making one for release. I just can't believe that they came out this awesome to be honest. I'm not a fan of midgets by any means. (thank you Chucky)

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Huh?! What the heck man... Have you not seen the World of Warcraft models? Gnomes running in stealth is probably one of the worst animations next to the atrocities Blizzard brought on us with the worgen. Hell, the female worgen appears to have zero concept art too from what I can tell. (please correct this if I'm wrong) Seems they just threw the female model together, and it looks outright horrible compared to anything else. Also, lolwtf at the running on all fours animation. I don't even... Of course, the models aren't even what pushes me away from WoW so much as it is the gameplay...

Trust me when I say I'm not an elitist or anything of the sort. I've played WoW for 6 years (sadly), but honestly, with the direction they've gone in and are continuing to head, I want no part in it. Okay, I'm done talking about WoW for now. :pinch:


Anyway, made and played an Asura last night. Talk about the most unexpected surprise of GW2... I actually... LOVE them! The animations are wonderful, right down to the way they /laugh and /cry. They're smart obviously, but witty also! At least, I think so. Was playing with a friend last night, and her and I were both laughing our butts off at the character dialog, as we followed one another to help complete our campaign quests.

Made mine a warrior for laughs, but I'm really enjoying it. I'll definitely be making one for release. I just can't believe that they came out this awesome to be honest. I'm not a fan of midgets by any means. (thank you Chucky)

The Asura are basically the steampunkers of GW2 - magic with a side-order of technomancy. (Think Hermione Granger and Cho Chang meet Fred and George Weasley.) While the cutscenes - including those for the Asura - still have WIP tags on them, both the cutscenes and the scripts are absolutely fecking HI-LARIOUS! (Reminds me a lot of "Red Dwarf" - or even "Farscape".)

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So far this game is just meh for me. Nothing is really sticking out for me to want to spend $60 on it.

I really hate to say it, but I really agree.. I was super excited to get into beta and check this out because I wanted to buy it, but after playing, I am not impressed. Just doesn't feel good to me.

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So i've been playing a sylvari guardian over the weekend and i gotta say... guardians are ridiculously durable and seem capable of surviving things someone shouldn't really survive. Also, i rather like the sylvari.

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I like the Asura as well. Made a guardian again and had a blast. I like the starting area as well - color me impressed, I was sure I'd be a Charr guardian on release.

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