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Really? Is that an option on right-click? Does it stack materials if you already have some in the bank (double clicking when looking at the bank doesn't stack materials of the same kind)?

My bags were stuffed from all the crafting mats, and I didn't stop by a crafter or a bank often enough, I finally started throwing out materials so I could keep going.

Yeah. In your inventory there is a little cog in the upper right corner. Click that.

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I think my only criticism is that the game doesn't allow every class to use every weapon. I'd love to use a sword and shield as a Mesmer or a mace and shield as a Necromancer. I'm glad that Mesmers seem to have the most weapon diversity as a casting class but what I find really odd is their use of a long sword. They never actually hit things with it, just channel lighting and create spectral copies. I love everything about the mesmer, but at the same time I feel very limited as a caster compared to classes like the Warrior or Guardian when it comes to weapons themselves.

Aside from that my issues with the framerate have all but disappeared. The game looks and runs great, even during large events I can still push the max settings without any eye-bleeding frame rate drops. I need to experiment with other classes and races though. Still debating between a Necro and a Guardian and the race they should be. I'm pretty attached to the Sylvari for whatever reason. I just think their character designs are awesome compared to the other races, but I may make a Charr at some point.

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My guardian didn't feel that way at all.....even with sword/ one example, I went on to fight an elite my level, every 2-3 seconds of him hitting me I had to back off and wait to heal up. He downed my about 4 times throughout that fight, while my friend engineer (though he wasn't taking hits) was only downed once.

Fighting 3 enemies my level at once (on my own) felt similar, I could kill them but by the time they died my health was very low (to the point that another second or two and they would have killed me).

I think it really depends on the enemy and the weapons you use. I never have issues with 3 guys, but there are times when the enemies can be overwhelming. This to me is a good thing because World of Warcraft for instance: you cannot and will not ever die fighting anything from 1-60. At least, not without just going pure AFK. So there's no challenge to the game, which is something many of us like (talk to any vanilla WoW player). Hell, you do too, whether you think you do or not. The challenge makes it feel that much more awesome when you do it. :yes:

But yeah, see... I use hammers on my guardian. When you swing a big weapon, you hit everything around you pretty much (in a cone I guess?) which makes it crazy good against multiple enemies. Also get defensive buffs from one of them if I remember right for myself and those around me.

Also, you get to do this which helps when you start taking a bit too much damage:


Between guardians and warriors, I see a big group of guys coming from an event or whatever, and I charge in hammer and all! :D

I think my only criticism is that the game doesn't allow every class to use every weapon. I'd love to use a sword and shield as a Mesmer or a mace and shield as a Necromancer. I'm glad that Mesmers seem to have the most weapon diversity as a casting class but what I find really odd is their use of a long sword. They never actually hit things with it, just channel lighting and create spectral copies. I love everything about the mesmer, but at the same time I feel very limited as a caster compared to classes like the Warrior or Guardian when it comes to weapons themselves.

Did you not like the use of a greatsword? My friend told me that was his favorite weapon for his mesmer. I never got to use it myself though. :p

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Did you not like the use of a greatsword? My friend told me that was his favorite weapon for his mesmer. I never got to use it myself though. :p

Its not that I didn't like it. It is certainly one of the most entertaining weapons to use aside from having the off-hand pistol. But I find it odd that my basic attack channels lightning through the blade, and it does more damage the farther I am from the target. That and the ability after that just has me chucking the thing (even if a spectral version of it) at enemies. I think the weirdest ability is the wind slash which does very, very little damage but can be useful for getting enemies off you. Still, I think nothing beats spawning three clones with the primary ability of a pistol and just firing-line them down, heh.

If I could, I would go dual pistols as the Mesmer. But sadly I only get the pistol as off-hand.

I also wish pole-arms were usable outside aquatic situations.

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I think my only criticism is that the game doesn't allow every class to use every weapon. I'd love to use a sword and shield as a Mesmer or a mace and shield as a Necromancer. I'm glad that Mesmers seem to have the most weapon diversity as a casting class but what I find really odd is their use of a long sword. They never actually hit things with it, just channel lighting and create spectral copies. I love everything about the mesmer, but at the same time I feel very limited as a caster compared to classes like the Warrior or Guardian when it comes to weapons themselves.

Aside from that my issues with the framerate have all but disappeared. The game looks and runs great, even during large events I can still push the max settings without any eye-bleeding frame rate drops. I need to experiment with other classes and races though. Still debating between a Necro and a Guardian and the race they should be. I'm pretty attached to the Sylvari for whatever reason. I just think their character designs are awesome compared to the other races, but I may make a Charr at some point.

The class system is a lot deeper than in GW (or most other MMOs, to be honest) - as an engineer there are not just certain weapons I can't use, but certain armors I can't wear (rather frustrating when looting Inquest corpses, I get a lot of unusables). The series of endgame events that finished last weekend's BWE (except the finale of the Hunger Royale) were rather interesting (Were those *weaponstorms*? First fire - then ice - then various sorts of weapons and armor - just before the Inquest showed up to get their heads handed to them - the Lightning Hammer is a major change from the pistol I normally kit out with as an engineer.) The armor suits are also something I'd like to get into building (especially once I build my first golem).

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the Lightning Hammer is a major change from the pistol I normally kit out with as an engineer.)

Yeah, the better drops have some cool special qualities beyond just stats. The greatsword I currently use has electricity flowing up and down the handle. Really the only reason I've kept using it is because it looks awesome, heh.

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It's far better than DAoC, and I spent years playing that game.

I disagree, I was hoping GW2 would be as good as DAoC because I know the developers have been "borrowing" a lot from DAoC, but WvW is just very "meh" to me.

I also wish they had included some sort of speed class, I know they are trying to avoid groups relying on certain classes, but it seems sooooo slowwww running around WvW without a fast speed class.

Overall WvW just isn't exciting to me... I hit someone and don't get the feeling of my character doing damage, it just isn't as satisfying as DAoC where you actually felt your character was hitting the guy, actually doing damage.

There's a reason I played DAoC on and off since release... many people are still playing it and if the population was higher I probably would be too.

I will still play GW2, but not for the WvW... just for something to do with friends.

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You know... thinking about playing with others and such, maybe having some item restriction is a good thing. I mean, while we don't have to fight over loot anymore since we each get our own drops, it's nice being able to share things you don't need with others, whether that's by providing it through the auction house or simply throwing the item to a friend, guildie, or someone you're just grouping with. Furthermore, it'd also save the developers from having to come up with even more abilities as well as balance them all. I think they'll have plenty on their plate already, as it stands. Particularly, for something like the elementalist which has 5 abilities per weapon, per element. (that's 20 for each weapon they wield)

As for armor, compared to WoW where warriors have worn leather, paladins wearing lesser than plate for the caster stats, and such, it's also just less of a hassle by having you stick to what you're supposed to be using anyway. /shrug

Just my thoughts on it though.

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Using the Equipment Preview they finally added in beta 3, I took some shots of the sylvari racial armors. They currently come in 3 flavors: A level 35 set for 1g per piece(6g total), a level 60 set for 10g per piece(60g total), and a level 80 set for 20g per piece(120g total).

If you want to see them you should be able to do so here:

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Should I get this game or wait for WOW 2?

I... I hope you're not being serious here lol. You'll probably be waiting for over a decade for "WoW 2", seeing as they're still dropping expansions for the WoW. That's not an exaggeration either.

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Love the puzzles in this game, this looks like it took a fair bit of working out/trial and error.

That's one of the most interesting things IMO about this game....the sheer amount of different things to do in GW2 compared to other mmos. Such as getting up to the diving board above LA that has diving goggles that temporarily hide you armor and put goggles on you. Then all the random Vista's that require jumping puzzles to get to, and the hidden chests behind other jumping puzzles.
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That's one of the most interesting things IMO about this game....the sheer amount of different things to do in GW2 compared to other mmos. Such as getting up to the diving board above LA that has diving goggles that temporarily hide you armor and put goggles on you. Then all the random Vista's that require jumping puzzles to get to, and the hidden chests behind other jumping puzzles.

And have you noticed that Asuran architects tend to look at gravity as an *option* or a *suggestion* or even a *security measure*? For that reason, Metrica Province (the homebase of the Asura) is invariably puzzle-based ("Snaff would be proud" - an early Asuran engineer quest - involves using gestures to crack a security system in a home lab - body gestures). While other parts of GW2 will exercise your magic, or your muscles, Metrica Provice will give your *brain* a workout.

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Should I get this game or wait for WOW 2?

I suspect that Blizzard would make a different IP themed MMO before they did a WoW 2... So, yeah, at least a decade if not longer away. Maybe hold your breath until then? Idk... I'll probably just be getting GW2.

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And have you noticed that Asuran architects tend to look at gravity as an *option* or a *suggestion* or even a *security measure*? For that reason, Metrica Province (the homebase of the Asura) is invariably puzzle-based ("Snaff would be proud" - an early Asuran engineer quest - involves using gestures to crack a security system in a home lab - body gestures). While other parts of GW2 will exercise your magic, or your muscles, Metrica Provice will give your *brain* a workout.

Yes I did, I liked the asura starting area, great dialog and fun/interesting things to see and do (such as jumping stones that take you on top of buildings that don't always lead anywhere important), but I just can't stand the look of them....and they have no nipples.

The norn starting area seems mostly about strength (honestly though, with norns, everything is about strength) in terms of how their story lines play out and the general theme behind the zones in each area, the humans seem normal as far as MMOs go, Sylvari is just too nature-like for me, and Charr, well I dislike their looks more than Asurans but I didn't like their starting area much either.

Will probably roll Asuran warrior or something, definitely plan on warrior or thief as my main, thief feels too squishy before you get the traits that give you benefits when dodging (like return some endurance, give you a speed boost, etc) so warrior will probably be my main, with a thief as my "main" alt.

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All instanced set gear for all races and male/female. I guess it contains spoilers if you don't want to see what the instance gear looks like yet..

Counting down the days..

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All instanced set gear for all races and male/female. I guess it contains spoilers if you don't want to see what the instance gear looks like yet..

Counting down the days..

Me too....but now I'm trying to figure out what race I want, I think most of the asura armor looks ugly, partially because I think the asurans look pretty ugly....but their dialog and stories make up for it by being much funnier than the others, while most of the others races have a much more serious tone. Plus as the stories merge a bit closer together and you get to the end of your personal story line, character looks are going to mean more than the personal story line that I won't be touching after that.

Probably make a norn warrior and human thief or something.....norn warrior seems so cliche but whatever...

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Is there a character limit [per server?] of any kind?

5 characters per account. I haven't checked but I think you can buy more character slots in the gem store. Which means you technically don't need to pay anything to get more character spots.

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5 characters per account. I haven't checked but I think you can buy more character slots in the gem store. Which means you technically don't need to pay anything to get more character spots.

Yes, I believe its 800 gems per extra character slot, but you can buy gems with in-game currency as well as real money, so you can technically get them for "free" using virtual currency.
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Is there a character limit [per server?] of any kind?

You have a home server which all of your characters are created on, you can guest on other servers but can't make characters there. You can make 5 characters in total before buying more character slots, either with in game gold or directly through gems. This is the same pretty much as GW1.

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Anyone interested in what's going to happen to the other MMOs when Guild Wars 2 hits? I'm really curious as to how other companies will react to GW2 coming out with no subscriptions...

This vid comes to mind every time I think about it. (NSFW: language) Only replacing the word 'couch' with 'subscriptions'. :rofl:

I don't see much changing based on the no sub. But I do see changes based on the WvW and world events.

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