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No, she's only voice acted in some of the biggest games. She's also a pretty famous TV actor, so they're using that for some fun publicity.

Why hate her? She just works. It's like piling hate on some random coder or artist that's worked on games.

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That video looked like it was gonna be something else....

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No, she's only voice acted in some of the biggest games. She's also a pretty famous TV actor, so they're using that for some fun publicity.

Why hate her? She just works. It's like piling hate on some random coder or artist that's worked on games.

She's becoming over-saturated in the gaming world and small sci-fi shows imo. Too much too quickly - it's the bane of young actors.

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God that video was cringe worthy. Don't see what the hype is with Felicia. She hasn't done crap for the industry.

She's becoming over-saturated in the gaming world and small sci-fi shows imo. Too much too quickly - it's the bane of young actors.

I didn't post the video because it had Felicia Day in it. I'm more or less indifferent to her. I posted it because it showed an unboxing of the Collectors Editions. Good job on focusing on the least important part of the video though.

And if you guys dislike her you're going to want to avoid the Asuran areas in the game..

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You guys might not want to pick on Felicia, she is good friends with Wil freakin' Wheaton of all people. He'll put a Wesley Crusher hurtin' on you! :pinch:

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I don't dislike her for her, but rather because of her fans. They're damn annoying and totally up her ass all the time. I'd at least understand if she was funny, pretty, or something noteworthy, but meh... Sorry, now I'm steering the ship off course here. :p

Anyway, updating my launcher. Am I the only one annoyed by the way they show their downloads? I think Guild Wars did this too, but basically, showing how much you've downloaded without ever telling you out of how much total? I'd just like to know how big of an update it is without having to stare at the launcher the whole time catching it before it finishes. And how many files being downloaded is of no use to me seeing as they likely all vary in size so wtf...

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I agree and always thought it made no sense too. If the files were all a consistent size maybe, but they aren't.

Maybe when the official forums open up we should start a thread/petition asking for Anet to change the launcher so it makes sense. :huh:

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The problem is that it's very hard to judge for people who are on metered connections.

It's also hard to judge how much time you need to leave for an update when you have no idea how big it is.

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I don't really have a problem with it or see what the big deal is.

I wasn't really being very serious. I have always thought it was odd but that's as far as that thought process went.

But as Wakers pointed out, there are reasons why a more detailed downloader/launcher would be useful to some people.

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The problem is that it's very hard to judge for people who are on metered connections.

It's also hard to judge how much time you need to leave for an update when you have no idea how big it is.

Knowing how big the download is wont really change much if you happen to have one of those plans with a laughably poor cap. You either don't play or get hammered by throttling(or overages) regardless.

As for needing to know how long you need to keep the updater open... I can only see that being important if your service is somehow slower than my phones 3g(which only hits ~1.5-1.7mbps at its best). As only then would it really take a long time to download anything.

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Kinda surprising to see this event start out so rough after all the previous ones(bwe OR stress test) going relatively smoothly overall.

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Yeah I haven't been able to stay logged in for more than a minute or two at a time. Although the actual game did seem to feel smoother than it used to at max graphic settings. Although I don't really have any way to say it's actually better or worse than before, just going on how it felt running through the charr main city.

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I haven't been able to log in at all.....keep getting the error 42 thing....last time that happened I was running peerblock in the background, but I made sure it's not running now, definitely something on anets side.

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^ Yeah, there are issues currently. I just got on, created a character, and started playing without any issues. Hopefully it all gets sorted out during the test.

Got back off because I don't want to play until it's go-time.

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So, I just played GW2 for the very first time. I'm used to games like Aion where I can just stand still, click skills, and kill things. I like how this is more fast-paced, but how am I supposed to use 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 and WASD + dodge all with my left hand? The heck? Hopefully a Razer Naga will help or something.

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Finally got on and played a bit, found myself dying a lot as thief (was trying out melee weapons), even with dodging as best as I could and using skills that gave me extra dodges, I found it very fight in melee without getting owned (in PvE). Basically it turned into my circle strafing mobs, and hoping they don't have any special attacks that still hit me while I'm doing that.

Even using shortbow, certain mobs just kick my butt....they were a level higher than me and it was only 2 of them but still....they would stealth (panther mobs), pop out of it and leap at me one after the other, taking up my 2 dodges, then they would come up while I was kiting them and smack me a few more times. Died to it even while kiting as best as I could (it was a relatively small area)....

Then I went to my warrior, and got owned in half a second...but it was me @ level 11 vs 4 level 14 mobs. I did notice though that fighting even 1 enemy at my level, they often took me down about 3/4 to 2/3 of my health every time, sometimes even more. Certainly doesn't feel like you're wearing heavy armor. It seems like GW2 puts too much faith on the dodge system for only letting you use it twice without waiting on endurance (seriously, my warrior in heavy armor, feels no stronger in terms of damage reduction than my thief in medium armor).

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^ i still don't get how you have such difficulty living in heavy armor when i was staying alive just fine on a low level dual 1h sword mesmer.

So, I just played GW2 for the very first time. I'm used to games like Aion where I can just stand still, click skills, and kill things. I like how this is more fast-paced, but how am I supposed to use 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 and WASD + dodge all with my left hand? The heck? Hopefully a Razer Naga will help or something.

The naga certainly does help, i use one myself.

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So, I just played GW2 for the very first time. I'm used to games like Aion where I can just stand still, click skills, and kill things. I like how this is more fast-paced, but how am I supposed to use 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 and WASD + dodge all with my left hand? The heck? Hopefully a Razer Naga will help or something.

Have you never remapped your keys? I don't use anything past 5 in games today really. Q, E, Z, X, C, F, and ~ all make for great close-by buttons. And dodging is as simple as double tapping a directional key. Just gotta figure out what works for you, what you don't need surrounding your movement keys, and remap accordingly.

Also, having mouse buttons helps. Between middle-click, and the 3 extra buttons on my G5, I'm set. :)

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