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Two minutes untl the stress test begins and I still can't log in. I'm a bit worried, because usually the login server was up way ahead of schedule before.

edit: And it's up.

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The stress tests always start(or in yesterdays case, try to start) at the time they say. It's the beta weekends that would start early.

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Well, so far, GW2 is much easier to play with the Razer I'm finally good with control schemes. Now I need to figure out how to enjoy the game. I think I overhyped it for myself and I'm slightly unimpressed. But then again, I only played for about 3 hours so hopefully I'll adjust to it eventually.

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Question for those who were part of recent stress test - hows the performance at this stage? Someone still running HD4870? I remember during first beta weekend in april or something, performance was just abnormal.

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Question for those who were part of recent stress test - hows the performance at this stage? Someone still running HD4870? I remember during first beta weekend in april or something, performance was just abnormal.

Some people claim performance has improved. However, i haven't really seen much difference. My desktop, which has always ran it well, runs it the pretty much the same. Only noticeable change being Lion's Arch(the games worst area) which has improved quite a bit. As for my laptop, it's pretty much unchanged as well, but in its case it still runs like crap.

(both systems are in my sig)

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Here's the thing from what I've seen and been told by others about performance. During the last bwe and these last two stress tests they have improved performance by quite a bit but they also increased view distance so might not feel like anything has changed at all. I expect they will eventually add a draw distance slider into the graphics options.

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Performance on my end was pretty damn good.

I only disconnected once during the stress test, and at the end had a

VERY bad case of rubber-banding... but so did everyone else. That tells

me the team was up to something, not that that my machine couldn't handle

the game.

As for Classes... I'm going Thief and Ranger. They've been the most fun to

play for me.

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^ They did a game wide message towards the end of the event saying the lag issues we saw was due to an issue with one of the internet connections to their NA data center.

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Question for those who were part of recent stress test - hows the performance at this stage? Someone still running HD4870? I remember during first beta weekend in april or something, performance was just abnormal.

I just upgraded to a Radeon 7950 and overclocked it to match stock 7970 speeds, and I was getting (on max settings, 1080p) about 37-47 fps average, but in some spots I was able to get around 50-60. Kind of disappointing for a 7950! I upgraded from a 4870, but never got to try it with GW2.

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I just upgraded to a Radeon 7950 and overclocked it to match stock 7970 speeds, and I was getting (on max settings, 1080p) about 37-47 fps average, but in some spots I was able to get around 50-60. Kind of disappointing for a 7950! I upgraded from a 4870, but never got to try it with GW2.

Game is more CPU dependent I hear. I was getting 50-60 fps with my 5870 and i7 920. Though my CPU and GPU are both overclocked.

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It was more CPU dependent in the first two BWEs. It's not anymore, but they still need to optimise more. Kessex Hills was the most smooth area by far from what I played. I was getting a constant 60FPS there on settings much higher than recommended. Some of the cities still really tank framerate.

Other players on the screen really drive framerate down too at the moment. I'm sure that will be worked on heavily before launch.

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^ They did a game wide message towards the end of the event saying the lag issues we saw was due to an issue with one of the internet connections to their NA data center.

That message appeared on the EU servers (or at least on Underworld, which I played on) too. But I have no idea what that was all about. I spent the whole stress test event in WvW and didn't had any lag or problems, minus a few rematches that were caused by the admins which resulted of all the players in WvW to spawn in Lion's Arch and wait a few seconds until the teleports back to WvW were active again.
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:laugh: That's exactly how I feel. The years leading up to the game have been fine in anticipation, but now with 2 weeks left, it's all caught up. Can't even get into anything else atm in the mean time.

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:laugh: That's exactly how I feel. The years leading up to the game have been fine in anticipation, but now with 2 weeks left, it's all caught up. Can't even get into anything else atm in the mean time.

Dude, no kidding! My friend and I are on gaming hiatus until it's release. Everything else we've played lately just doesn't fill the void, it's like it's sucked all the fun out of all my games! :(

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Dude, no kidding! My friend and I are on gaming hiatus until it's release. Everything else we've played lately just doesn't fill the void, it's like it's sucked all the fun out of all my games! :(

Agreed, I'm in 3 different beta's right now (excluding the GW2 weekend events), and have been jumping back and fourth between multiple games (excluding the beta's I'm in), but I can't get into any of those games for more than 30 minutes at a time or so. Jumping at GW2 every chance I get even though I know I'm going to lose everything before release.

Eh. Only one hour. I might just skip it.

Unfortunately agreed, not because I will actually plan on skipping it, but half the time i plan on getting into the stress tests and totally forget until about a half hour after they start.
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I will be attending todays for the hell of it. I've missed that last few since they were while I was working or out of town. Starts in 15 minutes. :)

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Ugh. Stress test was too short this time. Wanted to spend just a few minutes in WvW, but just had too much of fun with friends and stayed there for far too long.

Then when I went to create a new character (wanted to try out the ranger before the event ended), I got kicked from the game in middle of naming the character and then couldn't return to the game because the event ended :(

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I wonder if they plan to make the character select screen reflect your ingame settings and hide you helmet if you have it hidden. A little thing like that would be nice and shouldn't be all that hard to do.

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