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Kinda surprised how laggy it is........not a single beta weekend event or stress test was nearly this laggy.....I expected some lag but completely unplayable lag on this late of a release is pretty shocking.

Oh well....only wanted to get my characters created to save their names, didn't plan on playing any of it until tomorrow anyway.

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Kinda surprised how laggy it is........not a single beta weekend event or stress test was nearly this laggy.....I expected some lag but completely unplayable lag on this late of a release is pretty shocking.

Oh well....only wanted to get my characters created to save their names, didn't plan on playing any of it until tomorrow anyway.

Actually early bwe1 had lag ALOT worse than the lag i'm feeling right now.

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Kinda surprised how laggy it is........not a single beta weekend event or stress test was nearly this laggy.....I expected some lag but completely unplayable lag on this late of a release is pretty shocking.

Oh well....only wanted to get my characters created to save their names, didn't plan on playing any of it until tomorrow anyway.

I've yet to see a head start go smoothly.
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IOJ was initially very laggy but very smooth atm. Pretty impressed with the game and how the 6850 is holding up in the gfx department.

Getting use to all these skills, traits utilities is a bit of a learning curve (not played GW1) but im definitely enjoying it.

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i just ordered it, ill see how i like it. liked GW1, but got bored of it after a short time, lol

Well, as someone who also got bored with GW1, this is a hell of a lot better, I can say that much. :)

I've yet to see a head start go smoothly.

Honestly, compared to just about every other MMO, I'd say this was a success. Servers were up before the original headstart launch time, no hours and hours of server queues that keep you from playing the game, and although some have had some lag, it's been quite minimal (server lag I mean specifically). I think the best part though is that they didn't have to launch with tons of servers since their overflow process will help to flex with the big influx of traffic, instead of require more servers which end up being consolidated after the big rush is gone...

My only complaint so far, is that they should fix the hom items and the trading post. I have so many blues to sell already :D

Other than that, everything is silky smooth for me. No lag or bugs, other than the non-existing hom items and the not working trading post.

Same for me. I had a couple issues with the trading post, such as trying to sell an item and it "disappearing to the void". It listed eventually, and I was able to sell it and get my money though thankfully. I couldn't get it to work before I got off earlier as well. I'm gonna take a guess that they disabled transactions while they work on fixing/optimizing it and all.

I'd get to crafting if I were you though. I made myself some 8 slot bags (or boxes?) through armorsmithing with bronze ingots. My inventory looks like a bank now. :)

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My only complaint so far, is that they should fix the hom items and the trading post. I have so many blues to sell already :D

Other than that, everything is silky smooth for me. No lag or bugs, other than the non-existing hom items and the not working trading post.

What's wrong with the hom items? I had no problems with mine.

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I'd get to crafting if I were you though. I made myself some 8 slot bags (or boxes?) through armorsmithing with bronze ingots. My inventory looks like a bank now. :)

I've yet to decide on the professions for my main character. Gonna play a bit further and see what needed.

What's wrong with the hom items? I had no problems with mine.

Can't get them on the European servers. Saw someone in-game chat said you can get them on the American servers if you switch servers. Didn't try it yet and see if it works.

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Overall, decent launch.

Pretty breaking though that I couldn't group with any one of my friends, in an MMO. I hope that gets fixed as soon as possible. Can't even get into the same instance/server/overflow/whatever with them, so we were all stuck playing solo tonight which was a big letdown, cause we were stoked about leveling together.

Couldn't even join into the same battleground server with them as a party.

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Yeah I think they just took the servers down for some reason. Up until this point I was doing just fine. I experienced some lag earlier but it's mostly cleared up.

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Yeah I got that too.

Oh well. Wonderful timing I guess. I had to stop and get something to eat. :laugh:

Me as well. I set in front of the computer since 07:00 (it's 15:00 now) almost without a break. And only managed to hit level 12 so far.

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I've been taking things a bit slower than i did on the beta weekends(no need to rush anymore, after all) and i've only gotten my Ele upto 8 so far.

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Tried checking their twitter to see if there was any new updates on the situation but for some reason that i don't know it wont show any tweets newer than 3 hours ago and infinitely claims that one is only 30 mins old. However, if i load it up on my phone it shows the missing stuff just fine. Stupid twitter.

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Still down. And for me, this is their last tweet: "We are aware of issues with server connectivity. We will keep you up to date with our progress. ^DO".

Both on the site and tweetz.

I also hope this downtime won't result in any rerols of backups. I don't really want to lose my progress.

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I just got an email from "the guild wars 2 team" saying "the headstart has begun! go and log in!".

Quite bad timing on that email. lol

ya so did I. Woke up early to play a bit before work, figured server would be stable by now and any problems would've happened during the initial rush to reserve names/play. Guess I'll go see if I can complete act3 in d3.

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