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Yup, those are the drivers I'm using. I also tried the 305.67 developer drivers for the hell of it but with no luck.

Def. the drivers. I have the same setup as you, with the only difference is in the GPu (and probably the motherboard and ram makers, but that's small details). Mine from ATI (6990) on 12.8 drivers and game runs constantly at above 60 fps with pretty much everything at max except shadows and aa.

I can even record with Fraps and it stays above 30 FPS, even when there's a lot of people around on screen:

Nvidia will probably release suitable drivers soon, I bet.

Well, at least you got the game for free. :rofl:

What was I thinking :D

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there are also Nvidia 305.68s, here is a modded version with an inf made to support all models. You could also download the non modded version on the same site but then you have to edit the inf yourself. I don't play gw2 but these drivers are the best yet I've tried on Win 8.


I may go ahead and give those a try. Thanks for the link!

Def. the drivers. I have the same setup as you, with the only difference is in the GPu (and probably the motherboard and ram makers, but that's small details). Mine from ATI (6990) on 12.8 drivers and game runs constantly at above 60 fps with pretty much everything at max except shadows and aa.

Nvidia will probably release suitable drivers soon, I bet.

Damn, this sucks. I haven't had an issue with drivers affecting performance so significantly in years.

I guess I'll just have to wait this one out and hope Nvidia releases new drivers some time this century. :p

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Anyone know how you can "log in as ..." like you could during the beta's? You used to be able to hit Log Out while in-game, and be taken to the game client logon screen (instead of the patcher/launcher logon screen), but now hitting log out from in-game just seems to close the game down.

Found sort of a way to do it....but I'm not sure if it works quite the the character select screen you can hit Y to open the friend interface and change your status, but I believe it still flags you as logging in (since you had to log in at the launcher to get that far), but if you change it from the character select screen it should keep your status the same as you log in.

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I just finished a marathon run(about 12hours of play... no, i had absolutely nothing better to do since my date canceled on me...) and all i gotta say is its amazing!

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Whats everyone playing as? Im quite enjoying the elementalist, few levels there where I felt a bit fragile but maybe ive just gotten better at swapping between the aspects, fire, water (heals) etc.

Really enjoying the game so far except pvp feels like it lacks progression, I understand the arguments for just enjoying the game itself and so people at lvl 1 can just jump in but yeah I just feel its missing something there. PVE wise, at the end of the day its still some of the old stuff but the dynamic events certainly keep it interesting and the environment and variety of creatures thus far has been wonderful and a welcome relief!!

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Get ready to be amazed and put in awe:

Those two swords can be combined again for even more badassnes. He said it took 200 hours to get them! I will have them. I must.

I know it takes around 160 skill points to get the mystic coins for starters but I wonder what else will be involved in crafting them.

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Loving the way the Black Citadel looks. But FCKE trying to navigate in that place to get it 100% explored...


Did you get a black dye? What color is your armor there?

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Get ready to be amazed and put in awe:

Those two swords can be combined again for even more badassnes. He said it took 200 hours to get them! I will have them. I must.

I know it takes around 160 skill points to get the mystic coins for starters but I wonder what else will be involved in crafting them.

Since no real FDS and IDS exist in GW2 I guess these will be a must for me.

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I wish they'd get the trading post back up. I want to sell stuff before my bags fill up.

I already gave up on it. Salvaging all my good blues now and only keeping the greens for the trading.

But after a few hours in WvW, the greens just take too much space. Had to salvage some greens now too :(

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I already gave up on it. Salvaging all my good blues now and only keeping the greens for the trading.

But after a few hours in WvW, the greens just take too much space. Had to salvage some greens now too :(

Atleast you can play WvW, :(.

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I already gave up on it. Salvaging all my good blues now and only keeping the greens for the trading.

But after a few hours in WvW, the greens just take too much space. Had to salvage some greens now too :(

I've been salvaging literally everything everything that I'm not using. At level 23 just from heart and events I'm absolutely not hurting for money. Besides that salvaging goes towards the monthly achievment and it's helping me reduce the amount of time I'll have to spend collecting crafting materials.

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been trying to scrape together the funds to purchase the game. Loved the beta. if anyone wants to lend to my cause hit me up on a pm (not begging for a game or money just seeing if anyone would be willing to help) obviously if a mod feels this is against the rules remove the post

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Get ready to be amazed and put in awe:

Those two swords can be combined again for even more badassnes. He said it took 200 hours to get them! I will have them. I must.

I know it takes around 160 skill points to get the mystic coins for starters but I wonder what else will be involved in crafting them.

Yeah, I'd be busting my ass for those too. Though, the one I heard the developers talking about... this metallic hammer that makes you into a T1000 and leaves metal footprints behind when you walk with it, and seems to have some cool effects... THAT is what I want. I love hammers!

Did you get a black dye? What color is your armor there?

It's just ebony. I used clay on top with ebony to give it that sort of dulled gold look too. Screenshot not modified in any way.

been trying to scrape together the funds to purchase the game. Loved the beta. if anyone wants to lend to my cause hit me up on a pm (not begging for a game or money just seeing if anyone would be willing to help) obviously if a mod feels this is against the rules remove the post

Totally would if I had money to spare myself. :(

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Double posting so my one post doesn't get too big. This was posted last night, in regards to ongoing issues:

Hi Guild Wars 2 players, here is a list of the ongoing issues that are being worked on by our teams right now.

Our number one priority at present is to fix issues that are preventing players from accessing the game. Issues resulting in error code 7, error code 21, error code 58 and error code 1038, all have answers at the following link

Anyone experiencing issues with error code 42 should wait a few minutes and try to reconnect to the game servers, as this issue is known and related to connectivity.

Players experiencing error codes 9 or 45, please contact costumer support at your earliest convenience.

We are also aware of some players receiving errors resulting in code 1032 that is related with world transfer operations. These transfers are working but experiencing some delays, please refrain from trying to transfer if you are currently able to play. We also have a team working on this issue as a priority.

Other issues that are being solved are those related with the trading post system, guild issues and party issues on overflow servers. All of them are being looked over by our teams and we will update you when there is new information about the status of the issues.

Thanks everyone for the comprehension! ~DO

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Just wanting to make sure before I make a character. If I pick a server is that where all of my characters will be based from when it comes to WvWvW and I can't set up new characters on a different server? The one my friends are on is full right now.

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So to late to edit but I got lucky and they must have increased cap or something. Anyways I wonder if they will take away my miniature rylock since I canceled my CE when I thought I wasn't getting the game but am now getting the normal edition lol. I didn't think there was any difference in the pre-order codes.

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Just wanting to make sure before I make a character. If I pick a server is that where all of my characters will be based from when it comes to WvWvW and I can't set up new characters on a different server? The one my friends are on is full right now.

You pick a home server and what will decide your wvwvw and that's about it. With guesting you can play on pretty much any server though as long as you have friends there.

So my charr warrior is level 25 with 80% crit. :woot: :rofl:

Its a rare occasion for him to hit with normal damage instead of crit now.

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