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I never bothered to play any of the BWE's or stress tests, after I pre-purchased, so it's been the first time i've played this game and it's pretty fantastic. Luckily I'm not having issues with the drivers most people seem to be, so the game runs and looks amazing. Just the whole flow of the game, is so nice. I keep getting caught up in dynamic events leading to the hearts, back to events that I forgot to do my personal story (which was lvl3) until i was 11. It's awesome the game scales you down when I went back to do them, as well as it scaled me down in Caledon forest when I went to an area that is level 4. I'm seeing nothing but positive from this game. :)

Though, do you gain more skills for the weapons you profession can equip throughout the game?

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Though, do you gain more skills for the weapons you profession can equip throughout the game?

Nope. If you go into your hero window it will show you all the weapon skills you can learn. I imagine that down the line in expansions they will add more weapon types to each class or allow us to unlock new skills for our weapons, though. I would absolutely love a giant 2 handed axe.

I now have no more reservations about warriors durability in PvE. I'm tanking things like a champ. Some veteran mobs I can literally face tank and regenerate health faster than they can damage me. :woot:

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I wish the broker / auction thing would start working again. I keep getting drops for every single class but my own.

Me too, just salvage it all would be my best recommendation. May as well prepare for crafting. The "Deposit All Collectibles" button in the inventory in a godsend, along with the collectibles tab itself! :D

Only items I'm hanging onto are green or better.

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Me too, just salvage it all would be my best recommendation. May as well prepare for crafting. The "Deposit All Collectibles" button in the inventory in a godsend, along with the collectibles tab itself! :D

Only items I'm hanging onto are green or better.

I've never crafted in an MMO before and didn't really plan on starting. I haven't even seen a "Deposit all collectibles" button! I'll look for it next time I'm on.

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Me too, just salvage it all would be my best recommendation. May as well prepare for crafting. The "Deposit All Collectibles" button in the inventory in a godsend, along with the collectibles tab itself! :D

Only items I'm hanging onto are green or better.

That's what I'm doing, only hanging onto stuff I can actually use as an upgrade though. Even greens get salvaged if I can't use them. Honestly I think it's not really worth hanging onto them to sell on the broker. Others are getting just as many drops as you guys are and it will be flooded with low level items that are all pretty much all identical, there isn't much variance in gear at the lower levels. Use karma to buy upgrades if you really need them.

I've never crafted in an MMO before and didn't really plan on starting. I haven't even seen a "Deposit all collectibles" button! I'll look for it next time I'm on.

It's in your inventory window. The gear menu in the upper right corner.

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I wish the trade broker would start working again. I keep getting drops for every single class but my own.

I don't see why it's still down. How the hell hard can it be to make it work? They managed to do so in every damn beta and stress test.

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. . .How the hell hard can it be to make it work? . . . [talking about trade broker]

I've never programmed a fully functioning market inside of a massive MMO before, but I think it's a little bit harder than you're making it sound. :/

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Yeah... but it was working perfectly fine before the game actually launched. Strange.

Might be that it didn't have nearly as big of an impact on it compared to the game finally going live.

You pick a home server and what will decide your wvwvw and that's about it. With guesting you can play on pretty much any server though as long as you have friends there.

So my charr warrior is level 25 with 80% crit. :woot: :rofl:

Its a rare occasion for him to hit with normal damage instead of crit now.

What weapon(s) do you primarily use? And I'm gonna guess you went down the toughness/crit path on the traits? :p

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So I've watched a lot of the gameplay videos on Youtube and I was really looking forward to this but as its release marches ever closer I've lost interest in it. I've not played it yet though.

Can someone tell me, is this really worth getting? I did love Guild Wars 1 and played it quite a lot but eventually I stopped playing a few years ago.

What are some killer gameplay features that I simply must try? What is the best part of this game to convince me to get it?

Some background: I've played Guild Wars, Age of Conan and World of Warcrack.

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So I've watched a lot of the gameplay videos on Youtube and I was really looking forward to this but as its release marches ever closer I've lost interest in it. I've not played it yet though.

Can someone tell me, is this really worth getting? I did love Guild Wars 1 and played it quite a lot but eventually I stopped playing a few years ago.

What are some killer gameplay features that I simply must try? What is the best part of this game to convince me to get it?

Some background: I've played Guild Wars, Age of Conan and World of Warcrack.

I honestly went through the same thing. I was extremely excited for the game since Guild Wars 1 and as soon as they began showing the game I lost interest. Was it because it looked bad? Not at all. It looked great infact. I really don't know what happened. I saw it on sale at GreenManGaming for $48 the other day and I couldn't resist. I convinced some friends to buy it and the rest is history.

I can't really say if there are any killer features at this point because I haven't played enough. Overall it's just a very polished MMO with some nice conveniences (guesting in other worlds if you have friends there, no subscription, etc.).

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Can someone tell me, is this really worth getting? I did love Guild Wars 1 and played it quite a lot but eventually I stopped playing a few years ago.

What are some killer gameplay features that I simply must try? What is the best part of this game to convince me to get it?

Some background: I've played Guild Wars, Age of Conan and World of Warcrack.

I have played it as close to 24/7 as I could since the early access other MMO has grabbed my attention like that in the past 2 years. I am currently level 24, I have completed the human starting town and zone to 100%, and gotten both weaponsmithing and huntsman up to level 86. I am still going on that character (only my first character) while my friend is home....while he is not on, I am working on my Norn warrior with armorsmithing.

Gameplay features?

There's quite a few....combat is great, it's not traditional MMO namelock/push need to move around, you need to pay attention, etc. Weapon swapping can completely change your playstyle with the push of a button.

Feel like attacking from afar as a warrior? You have longbows (AoE) or rifles (single-target) about fighting in melee as DPS? You have Greatswords (AoE), then dual wielding swords, axes, etc, or sword/axe and board and many others (warhorns, torches, etc). Now, pick two of your favorites out of that list and switch between them even in combat. Taking too much damage in melee range of a boss? No problem, switch to a ranged weapon and still DPS him down.

Not to mention the awesome crafting system....not only do you get character experience from crafting, but things that are harder to craft give you more experience (it works off an experience system, not 1 craft has a chance to give you 1 level in your craft.....1 hard to make item can give you 2-5 crafting levels, an easy to make item might only give you 1/4th of a crafting level). Put it this way, I spent the entire day working on getting my crafting professions from practically 0 to 75 (now they are at 86), I went from level 17 to 22.....that is with a few random events that happened when I was nearby but you get rewarded beyond making better gear for working on your crafts.

Collection box.....more MMOs need this.....basically any item that can be used by a crafting profession can be instantly sent to your collection box no matter where in the world you are. So you can salvage all the gear you have on you then send it all straight to a storage space separated from your bank and accessible at all crafting stations.....crafting materials have never cluttered my inventory, they are always their either on purpose, or not at all.

Level of detail.....I do not mean this in a sense of how the graphics look. I mean this more in a "Wow, they put a LOT of thought/detail into all this". Even things as simple as "Take too much fall damage and your character falls down and takes a second to get up". I just finished with the human starter zone today (that is, there is NOTHING for me left in that zone unless I change my crafting professions), and upon going to the next zone, I was amazed how well the color palette carried over while providing a completely different looking area. It's not like other games I've played where you go through a jungle, then through a desert, etc. I'm constantly amazed by the little touches that they added here and there that just make it feel more complete.

Downscaling...this can be either a downside or upside depending on how you look at it. You will never walk through an area and just blow off the will be down-leveled to a level appropriate to that area. You will never have the satisfaction of walking through enemies with one attack thinking "Psh.....these guys can't touch me"....or at least, not until you get extremely well-geared. Even with downscaling, the stats you are scaled down to are relative to what you have, including traits and skills. So you will grow more powerful, but it's not like other MMOs where you just push one button and everything on the screen dies. If you want to just get to an area in a lower level zone, good luck, you will probably have to fight through it.

So whats good about downscaling? If you forgot to do something in an area, you can go back and do it with a similar experience as if you had done it when you were a lower level. If someone wants your help you get to play together, it's not just you running them through stuff, you both have to work towards the goal. You can also go to other starter zones and do their renown hearts/skill challenges without 1-shotting everything and being bored. If you want to do something you actually have to work for it instead of mindlessly spamming 1 button.

I'm not saying the game is perfect, it has its fair share of bugs still, but it is literally the best MMO I've played in a very long time.

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Everything Nagisan said and more. I can't get enough of the mechanics and details of it all. I had to go to bed, and I assure you that and work is all that is stopping me from playing guild wars right now.

I don't want to imply a sense of over-hyping here, but this is one of maybe three or four games ever to make me want to play it this badly, I'm sorry if it comes across as unnecessary hype, I mean every word though.

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Might be that it didn't have nearly as big of an impact on it compared to the game finally going live.

What weapon(s) do you primarily use? And I'm gonna guess you went down the toughness/crit path on the traits? :p

Mostly greatsword, axe/war horn, or axe/mace. And yeah, I mainly went down the path that gives precision and took the main trait that gives +40 precision per unused signet. I have 5 signets. :woot:

And it's hard to list reasons why you should try out GW2. It's just an amazingly well made thought out game made by people who actually care about their game and it shows. Unlike a certain other company and a certain other game. *cough* diablo 3 *cough*

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Where is this collectibles tab and what can it store? I put a few things to 'deposit collectibles' but never found where they went...

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Where is this collectibles tab and what can it store? I put a few things to 'deposit collectibles' but never found where they went...

At any crafting station or your bank. It's the button that is a bunch of small squares. It just stores crafting materials and mini pets right now.

Though sadly they kept the 250 stack size from GW1. Already ran into the problem of that not being enough space because the one thing I would actually sell on the broker (excess crafting materials and bags) I've run out of space for. :wacko:

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Should I be worried? Just got this e-mail:

Somebody (hopefully you!) asked to reset the password on your Guild Wars account.

To change your password, click the link below.

If you did not request to reset your password, you can ignore this email and no changes will be made to your account.

Need help or have questions about your Guild Wars account? Visit our support site:


--The ArenaNet Team]

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I've never programmed a fully functioning market inside of a massive MMO before, but I think it's a little bit harder than you're making it sound. :/

As Kondrath said it was working fine before now, so i doubt they need to do a whole rewrite of the thing. And if they do need to do that, and waited till launch to do so, then that's quite a fail.

It's just getting quite annoying how the games MAIN source of trading(especially since gw2 lacks a tradition player to player trade system afaik) has been down almost the entire weekend and they refuse to give us the slightest reason why, or even a remote estimate of when it may be back.

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As Kondrath said it was working fine before now, so i doubt they need to do a whole rewrite of the thing. And if they do need to do that, and waited till launch to do so, then that's quite a fail.

It's just getting quite annoying how the games MAIN source of trading(especially since gw2 lacks a tradition player to player trade system afaik) has been down almost the entire weekend and they refuse to give us the slightest reason why, or even a remote estimate of when it may be back.

Look, during beta-tests and stress-tests there weren't as many players online as this weekend. The trading post/Lion trading company/whatever is done with seperate servers afaik and they are probably overloaded/ can't handle the load.

IF I were a developer for that part, i'd rewrite parts of it to be able to handle the load better and install better servers.

Be happy you can play at least.

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Did you check the url? Not just a phishing scam?

You can check it yourself. the only thing I censored, was the confirmation number (put x instead). And I didn't request a password reset :huh:

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You can check it yourself. the only thing I censored, was the confirmation number (put x instead). And I didn't request a password reset :huh:

Well as long as you have a strong password and your email password is different then you shouldn't have any problems.

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