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I think I'm level 3 and I have no clue what I'm doing. I'll hopefully get more time to play in a few days.

Just follow the hearts, your story quest will always be in the top right corner. Scouts will sort of give you a bit of information about the area, along with who needs help where. The game is pretty much off the rails, aside from the level of the monsters which sort of keeps things in balance. When you complete an area for a heart NPC, you'll be able to buy things with karma points (purple triangle currency) from them. You get karma by doing events, which will pop up randomly throughout the world as you play. Quests around the heart NPCs basically give you multiple things to do, leaving it up to you how you want to do it instead of being restricted to killing x amount or gathering y things. They are generally restricted around the general vicinity of said NPCs as well.

Takes a bit of getting used to compared to other MMOs which literally hold your hand every step of the way. If you need any help though, be sure to check out the button labeled Hints I think up at the top of the screen. There, you'll find all the tooltips they throw at you, along with being able to find what you're looking for depending on what you wanna do.

Arenanet just posted this for the release as well. I haven't checked it out, but hope it can be useful:


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Guild Wars 2 runs perfectly fine on Windows 8, except that the last time I tried I couldn't access the Black Lion Trading Company or whatever they're calling their marketplace. I meant to log in yesterday during the stress test to see if that'd been fixed yet, but I forgot.

this is not due to your OS, they just wait for official release date to activate it i think... 28/08/12 in Europe.

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I think I'm level 3 and I have no clue what I'm doing. I'll hopefully get more time to play in a few days.

Guy in my guild is 34lvl and hasn't even started the story quests! :wacko:

I played in 2 BWEs and I'm still wandering around like a lunatic, unsure of what to do. Not that that is bad in my book.

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I love that i am wondering around not knowing what to do, it means there is still more to find out :D - However its turning me into a completionist :(

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^ i'm worried, I'm doing the same thing lol BTW guys Dj Dark.9276 ;)

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All up and running for tonight (blooming work). Might sneak an hour at lunch though.

I have no idea what world to go in, so i've left it for now. I'm guessing picking a world is a big thing.

My name is Lingwo.8271

Would love to party up with some guys to show me the ropes or use me as a human shield or cannon fodder.

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Just follow the hearts, your story quest will always be in the top right corner. Scouts will sort of give you a bit of information about the area, along with who needs help where. The game is pretty much off the rails, aside from the level of the monsters which sort of keeps things in balance. When you complete an area for a heart NPC, you'll be able to buy things with karma points (purple triangle currency) from them. You get karma by doing events, which will pop up randomly throughout the world as you play. Quests around the heart NPCs basically give you multiple things to do, leaving it up to you how you want to do it instead of being restricted to killing x amount or gathering y things. They are generally restricted around the general vicinity of said NPCs as well.

Takes a bit of getting used to compared to other MMOs which literally hold your hand every step of the way. If you need any help though, be sure to check out the button labeled Hints I think up at the top of the screen. There, you'll find all the tooltips they throw at you, along with being able to find what you're looking for depending on what you wanna do.

Arenanet just posted this for the release as well. I haven't checked it out, but hope it can be useful:


Don't just follow the hearts, you will miss so much. The best advice I can give is pick a direction that looks interesting and walk in it and then get involved in whatever pops up (Big Fights, Random Events, Hearts, Vistas, skill challenges etc) will all pop up.

I frequently find myself deciding I want to walk to a particular point on the map and then by the time I finish following events and fights etc I usually find myself in a completely different part of the map. At which point I will start walking in the direction I wanted to go before and bump in to more random adventure.

Spend time exploring especially under water, and the fights you can get in to when you find hidden caves and small cracks in rocks are awesome :D

Also CRAFT, even if you don't like crafting, it is done quite well and the XP gains give you a massive boost and the equipment you will make is all useful if the crafting skills you pick compliment your class

I have no idea what world to go in, so i've left it for now. I'm guessing picking a world is a big thing.

Not so much right now as transfers are FREE (time limited) and you can Guest on other servers

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So thanks to a certain someone (mattmatik for instance!) I have the game now and I shall become addicted soon.

From what I read, you can party and trade with anyone, from any server regardless of what location/server you choose? Is this correct?

Anyway, feel free to add me in game, my nick number thingie is lordloc.6245 :)

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I love that i am wondering around not knowing what to do, it means there is still more to find out :D - However its turning me into a completionist :(

I honestly think that is intended. I've moved as far as I can just doing story and I am no longer meeting the level requirement for it so out I go to complete everything in a zone to level up. I actually love this because every other game I've played I've skipped so much and never get around to going back to see it. I'm pretty much being forced to see every corner of Tyria to progress through the game. The scenery is just stunning.

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The game is pretty straight forward in terms of what to do (or atleast I find). Do story until don't meet level, go do hearts until you don't meet level, which leaves you high enough to do a couple story quests, rinse and repeat. I do take time off to grind and craft and explore, but overall it's a pretty straightforward system.

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So thanks to a certain someone (mattmatik for instance!) I have the game now and I shall become addicted soon.

From what I read, you can party and trade with anyone, from any server regardless of what location/server you choose? Is this correct?

Anyway, feel free to add me in game, my nick number thingie is lordloc.6245 :)

The trading over worlds I don't know. I can try to mail one of you some junk tonight as long as you are not on Yak's Bend :p And welcome to the world of Tyria.

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Whats wrong with Yak's Bend?!

Got a question for those that pre purchased through gamestop us from canada, have they shipped yours yet?

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Whats wrong with Yak's Bend?!

Got a question for those that pre purchased through gamestop us from canada, have they shipped yours yet?

Nothing wrong with Yak's Bend, it's the world I am on. To test cross world mail/trading, we can't be on the same one.

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So i picked a server and low and behold they all speak a different language on there and argue because they're not speaking english!

Anyway made it to the first area after the great hunt. I haven't played a proper MMO before so everything is blowing my mind.

I think i need to read up on the manual first to get to grips with it.

I levelled up and it said i have points to spend on skills and traits. When i go to it though, i have no points.

I think i will wait till tonight and give it a good few hours to get to grips with it all. A quick hour test at lunch isn't really going to help.

I'm a Norn Elementalist. Lingwo.8271 please help :laugh:

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I'm not sure if it's been asked/mentioned yet, but is there a Neowin guild? It would be nice if we could all get into one guild so those with questions can ask in game as well on the forums.

Oh and my username is harrisonh.2015. If anyone has any questions, you can ask me in game. I've not gotten passed the 1-15 starting zones, but I've done the starting zones multiple times for Charr, Human and Norn, working on Sylvari now

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So thanks to a certain someone (mattmatik for instance!) I have the game now and I shall become addicted soon.

That's awesome. People sure are nice sometimes.

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I picked up Gunsmithing and leatherworking for my Thief, but where do I get all the leather and other things from? I remember in Guild Wars 1 you had to salvage your items, but I can't find any way to do this in GW2. I can find mines and trees to chop down, but nothing for leather and threat.

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I picked up Gunsmithing and leatherworking for my Thief, but where do I get all the leather and other things from? I remember in Guild Wars 1 you had to salvage your items, but I can't find any way to do this in GW2. I can find mines and trees to chop down, but nothing for leather and threat.

It works the same way as it did in GW1. You still need to get salvage kits and use them on items labeled as salvage items, or salvage your gear that you don't want/need/can't use.

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Almost lvl 30ish, anyone wanna run the first instance soon? Look me up - Shivakamini.7450

I would but i'm only about half way through 26 at the moment.

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Just a note about cross-server trading....pretty sure it does work (note that there are no direct trading methods, only mail and the auction house system which is still down). I remember them saying before that character names are unique server-wide. If your name is "JimBob", no other person across ALL other worlds can have the name of "JimBob", this is mostly due to WvWvW, but I'm pretty sure this also affects mail at the very least. Plus with the overflow servers, you are already playing with people not in your home world unless you are in the normal server for your world.

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So I'd recommend doing crafting as you level. Went from 24-30 doing crafting for about an hour last night. Got Hunstman up to 30~ and cooking to 235. It is alot of XP.

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