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The market was up...for about 20 minutes. I managed to sell a few things and made a whopping 10 silver. While it is annoying I honestly don't think it's anything to get worked up about right now. If it goes on for another day or two though..

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How do you gain titles in the game, I see all sorts of folks with titles and I have no idea how they are getting them so quickly.

Also I have to admit that Exploring in this game is amazing. I love just collecting vistas and points of Interest.

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How do you gain titles in the game, I see all sorts of folks with titles and I have no idea how they are getting them so quickly.

Also I have to admit that Exploring in this game is amazing. I love just collecting vistas and points of Interest.

Assuming most are titles they brought over from GW1. I had 4-5 that carried over.

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Starting to get the hand of the game but died a few times, i think because i'm used to being a melee character and standing a bit too close when firing off spells. Also finally getting the hang of some of the game mechanics too and starting to enjoy it a bit more. Early on the events were a nightmare it just seemed to be a mess. I had no idea what was going on.

Still a lowly level 5. The game had to come out on a week when i'm most busiest. The weekend i think a massive marathon is on.

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Thing that amazes me about this game so far, being an MMO veteran, is that i honestly don't feel the grind. I'm only level 23 on my main character, but not once have i felt like i'm just grinding out XP to get to that next level. Surprisingly, I've looked down a number of times and had way more XP into a level than i expected. The steady flow of XP from achievements, events, discoveries, gathering, rezzing others, etc etc makes progression feel very smooth. That, combined with the fact that there's seeminlgy very little downtime, in general, it's hard to find yourself disengaged from the world for long periods of time.

Very impressed, so far.

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I have dinged without even noticing, One thing I think should be changed/updated is the chat box. It's not customisable enough and as its about the same colour as warcrafts trade chat I find myself ignoring it.

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Found a good spot to farm jute scraps. In Queensdale, there's a cow ranch that gets invaded by bandits like every two minutes lol. And when they don't invade, there's still plenty of them to kill. They drop tattered cloth things and bags that contain craft materials. Can't wait for the trading post to open up...

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While were giving away farming tips, if anyone needs Tiny Claws the best place for them is Queensdale (human starting town), head east of the Claypool Waypoint (south-eastern town), there is a hill between the waypoint (the one that has 5 small brown circles....they are raptor nests) and The Heartwoods that has about 7-8 raptors on it. I believe they are level 9-10 or takes maybe a half hour to farm up 20-30 claws. Not the fastest farming in a game, but no doubt the best place I have found for tiny claws.

On a completely unrelated note, I have received 3 password reset requests since the early access started that I did not ask for, so someone is no doubt trying to get my password. I sent ArenaNet a support ticket alerting them to this so they can hopefully track the IP requesting the reset and do something about it. Not worried about my account (my email has two-factor auth and both my email and game accounts have strong, unique passwords) but I would like to stop receiving reset requests.

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Man time flys by soooo fast when playing. I have finished the Human zones 1-25, Asura 1-25, and now im moving on to the Charr 1-25 zones. Great for crafting and getting lvls.

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On a completely unrelated note, I have received 3 password reset requests since the early access started that I did not ask for, so someone is no doubt trying to get my password. I sent ArenaNet a support ticket alerting them to this so they can hopefully track the IP requesting the reset and do something about it. Not worried about my account (my email has two-factor auth and both my email and game accounts have strong, unique passwords) but I would like to stop receiving reset requests.

They posted a response on their Facebook-

"If you have been emailed regarding a reset request for your password, but you haven?t requested it, as always please be ever vigilant when it comes to emails sent to you in regard to your game account. If you didn?t request the email, do not click the link, just ignore it. Alternatively you can change your email by following these instructions:"

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How do you gain titles in the game, I see all sorts of folks with titles and I have no idea how they are getting them so quickly.

Also I have to admit that Exploring in this game is amazing. I love just collecting vistas and points of Interest.

It might just be a name and not a title. Your character name can be something like this: Little Neutrino, or Alex the Hippie.

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It might just be a name and not a title. Your character name can be something like this: Little Neutrino, or Alex the Hippie.

That might be it as well as people bringing stuff from guild wars 1 :p

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They posted a response on their Facebook-

"If you have been emailed regarding a reset request for your password, but you haven?t requested it, as always please be ever vigilant when it comes to emails sent to you in regard to your game account. If you didn?t request the email, do not click the link, just ignore it. Alternatively you can change your email by following these instructions:"

I saw that the other day, but scamming is not the issue, the email I receive is a legitamate ArenaNet email that links to the password reset page (https and everything). The issue isn't that someone is attempting to scam me, it's that someone is attempting to reset my password. But it will do them no good because they can't get into my email to click the password reset link.

It might just be a name and not a title. Your character name can be something like this: Little Neutrino, or Alex the Hippie.

To change titles, hit H (or whatever your hero panel bind is), then go to the achievement section and you can select titles in the top-left of that window (just under your achievement points).

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I had so much fun in PvP last night - had to force myself to log off for bed (3 year old and the dog wake up at the crack of dawn). Actually, the PvP stuff has helped me with PvE battles. Starting to get a hang of switching weapons such.

How are you guys leveling in other starting zones? Do you just travel there and do events and such or what?

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Hmm... i originally picked Armorsmithing and Weaponsmithing as my two professions (or whatever). And now I'm wondering if that was a bad ideas since they both utilize mined good primarily. It seems like if each of my two professions used a different gathered resource I would be able to advance more quickly in both of them.


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Also, I don't PvP much, but oddly enough Yak's Bend is owning up the WvWvW.....since early access started they have constantly had a higher score than both other teams added together....last I checked Yak's Bend had 160k points, and the other two teams had like 60k and 40k. Not sure if it's just luck for the time being, but it hasn't changed much since the far it looks like Yak's Bend is going to be one of the top PvP servers (which is good and bad, I'll constantly have the extra bonuses, but there won't generally be as many PvE players compared to PvP-based players).

EDIT: Current score in WvWvW for Yak's Bend is 285,532 points.....the other two worlds have 108,084 total COMBINED points....Yak's Bend has over double their combined score. :p

Hmm... i originally picked Armorsmithing and Weaponsmithing as my two professions (or whatever). And now I'm wondering if that was a bad ideas since they both utilize mined good primarily. It seems like if each of my two professions used a different gathered resource I would be able to advance more quickly in both of them.


Agreed, my friend did the same thing initially on his ranger (huntsman + leatherworking) and he had a heck of a time getting leather (can't be obtained like ore and wood, only from kills/salvaging/etc). He dropped huntsman which only used leather for bowstrings mostly....but I decided to pick it up (we both used a ranged weapon) along with armorsmithing (on my thief instead has weaponsmithing). It's very hard to level up two crafts with heavy's bad enough trying to level up two armorsmithing crafts (armorsmithing/leatherworking/tailor) or two weaponsmithing crafts (huntsman/weaponsmithing/whatever else) because crafts of a similar usage use the same rare materials (lots of farming blue-quality materials)....farming ones that share the more common resources is even worse cause you generally need a lot more of them for both.

Currently have armorsmithing and huntsman on my warrior so I can make myself armor/bags and make my friend and I bags (armor/weapon boxes) while making us both our bows....he has leatherworking (oiled bags for junk items for me, plus his own armor) and the jeweling to make us both jewelry that we will use.

One thing I love about crafting, is it does not appear to have level requirements on the leveling brackets (0-75, 75-150, etc), so a level one character can have a level 400 craft......while this sounds somewhat pointless since a character can learn all crafts (but only use two at a time), it prevents you from having to pay a cost to keep changing my thief will remain our weaponsmith for our melee weapons, and I'll just level him off leftovers/farmed materials without having to level my thief up (since she's already in the 75+ range).

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Starting to get the hand of the game but died a few times

Contrary to popular belief, there's nothing wrong with dying to be honest. I'll take challenge and death any day compared to WoW's leveling experience in which you cannot die under normal circumstances really... :p

I had so much fun in PvP last night - had to force myself to log off for bed (3 year old and the dog wake up at the crack of dawn). Actually, the PvP stuff has helped me with PvE battles. Starting to get a hang of switching weapons such.

How are you guys leveling in other starting zones? Do you just travel there and do events and such or what?

I'm on a mission to clear every area really. Cleared the 1-15 area 100%, the 15-25 area 100%, along with a few town like Hoelbrak, Lion's Arch, Black Citadel to 100%. That's been my real mission, as I level up. What I find really cool is how well the zones carry you to the next level. I was like 16 when I went to the 15-25 area, then 26 when I went to the 25-40 area. Like it's playing out almost perfectly! :)

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I had so much fun in PvP last night - had to force myself to log off for bed (3 year old and the dog wake up at the crack of dawn). Actually, the PvP stuff has helped me with PvE battles. Starting to get a hang of switching weapons such.

You can switch weapons? :rofl: ... Wait, seriously. I've been going into my inventory mid battle attempting to change weapons.

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You can switch weapons? :rofl: ... Wait, seriously. I've been going into my inventory mid battle attempting to change weapons.

I think Engineers (?) and Elementalists are the only ones that don't, on the basis that Elementalists can switch between 4 sets of 5 skills per weapon (earth fire wind water) which more than makes up for not being able to switch weapons.

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I'm on a mission to clear every area really. Cleared the 1-15 area 100%, the 15-25 area 100%, along with a few town like Hoelbrak, Lion's Arch, Black Citadel to 100%. That's been my real mission, as I level up. What I find really cool is how well the zones carry you to the next level. I was like 16 when I went to the 15-25 area, then 26 when I went to the 25-40 area. Like it's playing out almost perfectly! :)

Do you just use the asura gates in Lion's Arch then to get to these areas? For example, I'm Norn so how would I go about doing other starter areas?

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I think Engineers (?) and Elementalists are the only ones that don't, on the basis that Elementalists can switch between 4 sets of 5 skills per weapon (earth fire wind water) which more than makes up for not being able to switch weapons.

Oh. I'm an elementalist, so I guess that explains it.

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I wish we had the means to actually make money so i could have enough to buy my tier 1 racial set. It'd be a nice step up over what i've got.

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I wish we had the means to actually make money so i could have enough to buy my tier 1 racial set. It'd be a nice step up over what i've got.

I'd suspect that by tomorrow the trading center will be up and running. That should allow you to make plenty of money, provided you've been crafting or salvaging, or even finding some green or higher weapons.

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Guild Wars 2 has made me into such a completionist. I want to visit every part of a zone and get all the vistas and points of interest. I've never wanted to do that in an MMO before I just wanted to get through content to level as fast as possible but not this time.

I'm really enjoying the game the more I play it. I thought perhaps I might lose interest after the first zone but my interest has only intensified. I love the events that you're informed about as you move around areas and there is such an abundance of XP in everything that I don't feel the need to set my character on a specific path to progress. I feel like I can just run around anywhere and I keep gaining experience towards my next level.

I'm also really enjoying the weapon changing skill system. At first I was not sure if I liked it but after getting a few different weapons and working out how to use it properly I really like it. It's simple, not overwhelming and I'm not having new skills thrown at me constantly I can learn and attain new skills at my leisure.

I must admit I was quite surprised how few people I've met in-game that actually played Guild Wars. I was playing this morning and there was a huge argument in chat about how Guild Wars 2 lacks any kind of PVE progression and I spent a while educating them on the original Guild Wars. I fear that many people have purchased the game expecting it to be more like WoW with both PVE and PVP end-game content but if any of you have played Guild Wars you know that the games PVE content is only there to teach you how to play your class, level it, acquire skills and then enter PVP. I mean heck at the end of the PVE storyline in Guild Wars you were transported to a PVP starting area and if that wasn't the biggest indicator the game itself is called Guild Wars not Environment Wars.

I'm only a lowly level 15 Norm Necromancer (Kind of a tradition I rolled a Necromancer first in GW1 and thought I'd do the same) but I'm already loving the game. I appreciate the call-backs to the original Guild Wars of which I played for 3+ years consistently and I also appreciate all the improvements on those game play mechanics but also the completely new ideas like random events that dominate the zones and make the world feel so much more alive with activity.

So far I'd definitely give the game a 10 out of 10 for gameplay. Overall though I'd deduct a point for some of the more technical issues like not being able to customise the user interface, limited scaling options on the user interface and other niggly things like that.

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