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Contrary to popular belief, there's nothing wrong with dying to be honest. I'll take challenge and death any day compared to WoW's leveling experience in which you cannot die under normal circumstances really... :p

Type /deaths to see how many times you have died.

I have died 40 times and I am level 27. Lol.

I'm pretty sure back when I played WoW, I could make it to max without ever dying once. (I'm not kidding.) So, it is definitely a nice change of pace to actually be challenged.

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In the original Guild Wars you would get an Achievement if you reached level 20 without dying once. If you had one of those people in your group you hated them because as soon as there was any danger they would run away so they didn't mess up their achievement. I don't know if GW2 has the same thing but I hope not.

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I take it you have to go outside the main city areas to get side quests and the dynamic stuff right? (I know, stupid question probably) because I'm doing the My Story stuff and the instance I'm going into now is recommended for level 11+ and I'm only level 6. Needless to say, it's not going well for me :D

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Type /deaths to see how many times you have died.

I have died 40 times and I am level 27. Lol.

I'm pretty sure back when I played WoW, I could make it to max without ever dying once. (I'm not kidding.) So, it is definitely a nice change of pace to actually be challenged.

Not bad, my thief probably has more.....been playing my warrior more though, and didn't even know of the /deaths command (I forgot about it from GW1), my /deaths count on my warrior is 5, and I'm lvl 20 already. In comparison, I died 4 times in a single storyline quest on my thief.

That being said, just hit level 20 and wow is low level warrior OP. I have 0 precision gear and have 104% crit chance.....4 signets with 10 trait points in Arms (warrior precision tree) for Deep Strike (+40 precision for each unused signet you have equipped) + Signet of Fury (+30 precision). Currently have 425 precision and I'm stacking power.

At level 30 I get another signet unlocked (the elite signet) which is another +40 precision. I know crit will fall off eventually since I'm not using precision gear....but until then I plan to keep 10 points in Arms for that skill then stacking power and toughness/vitality.

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You can switch weapons? :rofl: ... Wait, seriously. I've been going into my inventory mid battle attempting to change weapons.

You can always have 2 sets of weapons, that can be toggled. ie) My theif has 1 set as dual daggers (melee), and another set with pistols for the ranged, can switch between them with a keypress.

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I think Engineers (?) and Elementalists are the only ones that don't, on the basis that Elementalists can switch between 4 sets of 5 skills per weapon (earth fire wind water) which more than makes up for not being able to switch weapons.

Every class can switch weapons. To do it mid battle hit the ~ button. It's easy. It's funny because that's the button most of us have probably fat fingered a thousand times while playing other mmos and now it's actually useful. :rofl:

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Actually Engineers and Ele's can't switch quote the guild wars 2 wiki:

Because engineers are able to switch skills using backpacks and weapon kits, they're restricted to one weapon set in combat.

The flexibility of switching between attunements means that the elementalist is restricted to only one weapon set in combat.

On another note, the trading post is up, but the influx of people trying to use it at once crashed it...I assume once the hammering slows down (and people stop trying to use it constantly the second it went live), it will come back up.

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Actually Engineers and Ele's can't switch quote the guild wars 2 wiki:

On another note, the trading post is up, but the influx of people trying to use it at once crashed it...I assume once the hammering slows down (and people stop trying to use it constantly the second it went live), it will come back up.

I could have sworn I switch weapons while playing an elementalist during the betas. Maybe I'm misremembering.

About the market, I get the impression that the market is cross server. Meaning if you put something up anyone on any server can buy it. This is part of the reason why it's getting hammered so badly when it comes up and can't handle it, I think.

Also anet has released some sales figures stating that GW2 sold over 1 million copies this last weekend with over 400,000 people on at the same time (at its height WoW only ever had 800,000 people on at the same time). However they did not specify if that is just for the weekend of it it includes prepurchases and preorders. I'm willing to bet it does but it would be amazing and awesome if it didn't.

I would say all things considered and despite the market being down GW2 had one hell of a smooth launch.

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I could have sworn I switch weapons while playing an elementalist during the betas. Maybe I'm misremembering.

You're remembering incorrectly. We Ele's don't have a weapon switch, we have attunement swapping instead.

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I just devised a scheme for infinite jute scraps. Create elementalist, take clothes off, salvage, delete elementalist, repeat.

Will that work? lol

It might but probably less efficient than going out and killing things and would actually end up costing you money on salvage kits in the long run.

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It might but probably less efficient than going out and killing things and would actually end up costing you money on salvage kits in the long run.

Ah, true. With killing things, you acquire other items to help offset the cost of salvaging.

Edit: Oh. Didn't know you couldn't salvage it. I figured if they overlooked something as vital as a player to player trade system, it might have been possible. Haha. Hopefully trade post gets up and running! Man.

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However once you get a bit of money one recommendation to get jute is to go to a low level armor vendor and buy cloth from them. Of course you can only do this with a character below 15 because the vendors level with you. That doesn't mean you can't send that character money though.

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Do you just use the asura gates in Lion's Arch then to get to these areas? For example, I'm Norn so how would I go about doing other starter areas?

Yes, it'll take you to the home city for each race, and from there one of the exits will take you to the starting zone.

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Someone had mentioned the sales figures on the previous page. Unfortunately you can't quote on the mobile site as far as I can see. Those numbers of 400,000 concurrent users were just the online pre-purchasers on the weekend.

Has anyone created a Neowin Guild? I've asked previously and didn't receive a response. If not, I'm going to create one in about 30 minutes.

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I'm still trying to decide which race to play. I know I'm going to play a Warrior but I don't know if it should be a Charr, Human, Asura, or Sylvari. :p

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However once you get a bit of money one recommendation to get jute is to go to a low level armor vendor and buy cloth from them. Of course you can only do this with a character below 15 because the vendors level with you. That doesn't mean you can't send that character money though.

You can't mail stuff to your own account. I've tried that with a character I created and later wanted to delete.

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You can't mail stuff to your own account. I've tried that with a character I created and later wanted to delete.

You can't mail stuff, but your bank is account based. Just put it in the bank.

Since no one answered, and it's been about a half hour, I created Neowinians of Tyria. Just pm Harrisonh.2015 and I'll invite you. Remember, you can be in multiple guilds. You don't have to leave your current one.

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You can switch weapons? :rofl: ... Wait, seriously. I've been going into my inventory mid battle attempting to change weapons.

Yep, just hit tilde key. In beta I was hitting the little button next to 1 skill (and before that was using the inventory). So much easier with tilde :laugh:

Ok, one more stupid question: how does WvWvW work? If Yak's Bend has such a large pop, how do the other worlds compete? I play on Sanctum of Rall, medium pop...what's the point? And does WvWvW reset every month or few months? Thought I read that before somewhere...

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^ Can you join if you play on different servers?

Most things in this game are game wide, not server wide. Things such as guilds, contacts, bank, trading center, etc. So yes :p

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Most things in this game are game wide, not server wide. Things such as guilds, contacts, bank, trading center, etc. So yes :p

Thanks for invite. One great thing about this, whilst you can't chat in the guild if you aren't representing you can at least see who's online from neowin!

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