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I don't know how I feel about the banning, to be honest. I thought I read that only those who bought >50 of the items were banned?? If that's the case, then hell yeah, ban them. But if someone is looking for 1 weapon and they buy it...meh, being a new game I'm not sure I would realize the price is that out of whack. Fortunately, I've been hording my karma points - mainly because I still have no idea what I want to use them for. But, I could have easily been in this position unknowingly.

And I can't believe they are suspending sales. That is amazing.

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That reddit thread on the bans was hilarious! Man, I really love the devs to be honest. Never before have we seen such outright transparency before. I mean, not many people do that. Blizzard for instance doesn't often talk publicly about the situations of bans, let alone like to explain why they deleted a bunch of threads or locked them. :p

Thought this was pretty funny though:


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That is how I understood it, Matt.....anyone who bought between 50-100 weapons at the karma vendor were banned for 72 hours, anyone buying more than 100 (seriously, those buying more than 5-10 honestly know they weren't meant to buy them at that price, if they were meant to sell that cheap then why would you buy so many if you could get them when you actually needed them for just as cheap?) got a permanent ban. That may not be how exactly it worked, that's just my understanding of what went down.

I fully agree with the ban honestly....I didn't know about the exploit, and if I did I honestly would have bought a couple, but I'm the kind of person who doesn't go overboard with crap, I would have bought weapons for all my current characters and those I may make in the near future, it would have been less than 10 for sure, but knowing what I know about how exploits are dealt with in games, I wouldn't have gone overboard with it or risk getting caught for doing it.

I'm kind of saddened that Anet didn't keep the ban in place (or didn't allow appeals), I love their attitude so far towards cheats/scumbags(those insulting others or using tons of foul language)/etc. One person commented on reddit that he KNEW buying those weapons was wrong and he agreed with Anets decision to ban him entirely, he only wanted to know how many he did buy (ended up being a couple hundred).

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I'm kind of saddened that Anet didn't keep the ban in place (or didn't allow appeals), I love their attitude so far towards cheats/scumbags(those insulting others or using tons of foul language)/etc. One person commented on reddit that he KNEW buying those weapons was wrong and he agreed with Anets decision to ban him entirely, he only wanted to know how many he did buy (ended up being a couple hundred).

I'm not, I think they're doing a good job of saying, "Look, we're not messing around guys...", while both keeping transparency with the community to invalidate all the BSers out there, and outright avoiding all the negative stigma associated with the bans since this will appear to be a legitimate warning to those who've knowingly abused it.

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Who do i PM/mail to get an invite to the Neowin guild

Also the conversion for ingame gold to gems is crazy cheap atm, got close to 150 gems for 50 copper, bought a lion key for 1 of 2 chests i have,,,, just need another key

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I'm not all that bothered by them allowing appeals. After all, botters can be far worse things and they're currently only getting 72hour bans.

On another not-exploit note: the 6th day begins, and i still can't make a single copper or buy a single item. Really getting to the "ruining the game" point.

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I'm not all that bothered by them allowing appeals. After all, botters can be far worse things and they're currently only getting 72hour bans.

On another not-exploit note: the 6th day begins, and i still can't make a single copper or buy a single item. Really getting to the "ruining the game" point.

I can't confirm this, but I had access to the AH all day today where before I didn't, even after they announced it being accessible by 15% of the players. Perhaps they're increasing the load as they go? Can't be sure.

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I can't confirm this, but I had access to the AH all day today where before I didn't, even after they announced it being accessible by 15% of the players. Perhaps they're increasing the load as they go? Can't be sure.

Yes, they opened it for 25% people now. They intend to ramp it up until they hit 100%

On a side note, is there any Neowin EU guild? Or is everyone here in US servers?

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I'm not all that bothered by them allowing appeals. After all, botters can be far worse things and they're currently only getting 72hour bans.

On another not-exploit note: the 6th day begins, and i still can't make a single copper or buy a single item. Really getting to the "ruining the game" point.

The market was up for most of the day for me. I bought and sold lots of stuff. What is it about the market being down that has got you so worked up? What do you need to buy so badly? If you're wanting to buy cultural armor I would say you're better off saying your money for level 80 stuff. Anything else you will just out level in 5 or 6 levels. I made the mistake of buying level 60 cultural gloves and by 65 they were completely out dated.

Yes. If you want some made mail me (fellyn.5083) 20 platinum + lump of primordium + 1 major rune of holding per bag. You buy the primordium from the vendor and they come in packs of 10. I can of course make lower tier bags, too.

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I've been getting my a** handed to me by simple mobs in Wayfarer Hills, so i decided to go to Hoelbrak to see what was going on there. My eyes were opened, i found i could learn crafting there. I literally spent about 2 hours in the crafting area, just looking at all the different items i could make. As i'm an elementalist i figured starting out with being a Tailor and Artificer. Plus because i didn't realise Hoelbrak was like this, i spent a number of hours in Warfarer Hills so i collected quite a lot of materials. Turns out to build this light armour i wanted, i need Jute scraps. One of the few common materials i don't have much of :laugh: and the vendor only sells Jute thread. So now i have to go back to Warfarer and farming some jute scraps. Really liking the game now i am understanding it more, i had to stop yesterday because the lag was awful, every 5 minutes it would freeze, the overflow server was actually more stable. I think an elementalist will benefit more when i'm a higher level and i'm a bit more powerful (or just need better armour). I think soloing it as i am now, is a little more difficult. Also i think i need to tweak the controls. dodging just feels broken. I'll get there. :laugh:
just to let you know, there are some drops that aren't armor, that you can salvage for 3-4 jute scraps!
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just to let you know, there are some drops that aren't armor, that you can salvage for 3-4 jute scraps!

Thanks, i did find some salvage which had Jute scraps in it. Now i have some new light armour. Now i need to salvage some leather and more jute so i can finish the set :laugh:

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Again for those asking about the guild leader, it's me. Message harrisonh.2015 and I'll add you when I'm on at 6 EST. I'd have made a few other people officers of a sort if anyone was ever representing the guild (to be able to accept invites). But almost no one is who joins unfortunately.

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The market was up for most of the day for me. I bought and sold lots of stuff. What is it about the market being down that has got you so worked up? What do you need to buy so badly? If you're wanting to buy cultural armor I would say you're better off saying your money for level 80 stuff. Anything else you will just out level in 5 or 6 levels. I made the mistake of buying level 60 cultural gloves and by 65 they were completely out dated.

Yes. If you want some made mail me (fellyn.5083) 20 platinum + lump of primordium + 1 major rune of holding per bag. You buy the primordium from the vendor and they come in packs of 10. I can of course make lower tier bags, too.

Aside from armors various, other things eat into your money at the same rate(or slightly faster) than you get it from events and hearts. Traveling, crafting, salvaging, repairing(this especially if you go into an explorable mode dungeon), various npc rewards after certain dynamic events and so on.

As for outleveling gear in 5-10 levels, that's unavoidable no matter what the source of your gear is.

Edit: Also, i wish WvW servers were more balanced. What you see in the pic below has been pretty much exactly the same all week and makes even considering to do WvW pointless.


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Anyone else here leveling a Necromancer as a main? I am reading many different things about most effective builds for leveling.

Two I've seen the most are D/D Blood and Death, also D/H Death and Curse. I'm currently using D/D Death and Curse and was wondering what everyone else here may be running.

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finished up Queensdale last night on my theifgot 100%. I feel very weak. I have gear for my level, have >1k hp but a couple hits from monsters and I am below half. I'm level 16 half way to 17. Going to head to another starting area and level up there.

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finished up Queensdale last night on my theifgot 100%. I feel very weak. I have gear for my level, have >1k hp but a couple hits from monsters and I am below half. I'm level 16 half way to 17. Going to head to another starting area and level up there.

firey, you're not supposed to get hit at all, or at least you should only eat the smaller hits. You avoid hits by side-stepping and dodging. You should be moving all the time, trying to position yourself behind the enemy (immobilize then move behind), avoiding AoEs and small hits by simply moving away and dodging any unexpected heavy hit (don't waste dodges on small hits). It's not the usual "Sit there and mash your buttons" mentality, the combat is very punishing if you don't take every fight seriously.

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firey, you're not supposed to get hit at all, or at least you should only eat the smaller hits. You avoid hits by side-stepping and dodging. You should be moving all the time, trying to position yourself behind the enemy (immobilize then move behind), avoiding AoEs and small hits by simply moving away and dodging any unexpected heavy hit (don't waste dodges on small hits). It's not the usual "Sit there and mash your buttons" mentality, the combat is very punishing if you don't take every fight seriously.

I do dodge, and I am always moving, but in some fights it's unavoidable especially if there are multiple mobs then I can't get behind any as there are more behind them. It's very rare for my dodge to have much in it, and I am almost always out of initiative. I played a Necro through the BWEs (all of them actually) and the Stress tests, and I could withstand a lot more. I need to sit down and actually focus on my skills I think, I found a DPS build that I'll probably try out. I mean I am strong enough to do things my level, I just found some of the story mode quests where I was attacked by >3 people at a time brutal.

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I do dodge, and I am always moving, but in some fights it's unavoidable especially if there are multiple mobs then I can't get behind any as there are more behind them. It's very rare for my dodge to have much in it, and I am almost always out of initiative. I played a Necro through the BWEs (all of them actually) and the Stress tests, and I could withstand a lot more. I need to sit down and actually focus on my skills I think, I found a DPS build that I'll probably try out. I mean I am strong enough to do things my level, I just found some of the story mode quests where I was attacked by >3 people at a time brutal.

Having the same problem with my Asura thief. What I do is AoE damage and kite them with my bow and then start stabbing them. I still die A LOT though. Where can we find decent builds for thiefs?

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Having the same problem with my Asura thief. What I do is AoE damage and kite them with my bow and then start stabbing them. I still die A LOT though. Where can we find decent builds for thiefs? is the one I am looking at,

more builds here:

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Still don't see the great difficulty some have with living on a thief. 18 and only a few only have had a few deaths thus far.


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Still don't see the great difficulty some have with living on a thief. 18 and only a few only have had a few deaths thus far.

I have literally the exact same setup as you, I bet I have >30 deaths at level 16. Only about 8 or so are story line, rest are from zone events where I try and take on monsters 2-3 levels above me.

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I also finished up queensdale last night with 100% Love adventuring in this game. I spent about 2 hours running around lions arch the other day.

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Contrary to popular belief, there's nothing wrong with dying to be honest. I'll take challenge and death any day compared to WoW's leveling experience in which you cannot die under normal circumstances really... :p

You cannot die while levelling in WoW period. Unless you're playing on a pvp server and get ganked. WoW used to be harder back in the days tough.

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@firey, if you find yourself endurance-starved then most likely you're dodging things you shouldn't dodge or you don't have enough defensive skills. Don't forget that you can completely avoid mob special attacks using knock-downs, blinds, blocks, etc. I personally play a melee warrior and I found that I could easily solo 2-3 mobs my level if I simply used all my arsenal to avoid being hit. Think about surviving (avoiding damage) before thinking about killing.

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