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Grats on dinging 80 mate.

I'm enjoying taking my time with this one, loving my elementalist but think ill start a necro up soon mainly for crafting purposes but also the necro seems interesting. I have found the levelling vs the story level seems to balance out mid 20's. Definitely not like other mmo's, to level at the rate of the map/personal story you need to be doing; all hearts, all exploration, skill challenges and gathering along the way. Of course you can also do WvW3 or go to the other starting areas/similar zones. But if you're going to have alts a bit redundant doing those zones on your main at that point.

I don't know what Anet has done since last night but the game has become super laggy. 3-5 second delays in commands and actions. Fighting will just stop like it's paused and stuff stands around for a few seconds. And then I had a group together to do Citadel of Flame and of course our party bugged out and couldn't all get in the same instance. We could get 2 or 3 in together but never all 5 of us. But with the lag issues I suppose it's probably for the best we didn't get in.

And I wouldn't say I got to 80 quick. I hate to admit this but I had 105 (yeah, in 1 week, sad..but I had time off and no one was home most of the time to bother me) hours played when I hit 80. So it's not like it just took a few hours. And I still haven't finished my personal story yet.

GW2 status updates:

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Maybe I'm just playing the class wrong, but I'm having a really hard time doing anything as an Engineer. I just hit 12 and other than finding the events around the map(s) I can't really touch my personal quest stuff for awhile since it's stacking up to level 20 stuff now. Maybe I should just play one of my other toons, I have an Ele and a Necro, I guess I could play one of those for a bit, see how it goes? Unless I'm just bad at GW2 :(

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Maybe I'm just playing the class wrong, but I'm having a really hard time doing anything as an Engineer. I just hit 12 and other than finding the events around the map(s) I can't really touch my personal quest stuff for awhile since it's stacking up to level 20 stuff now. Maybe I should just play one of my other toons, I have an Ele and a Necro, I guess I could play one of those for a bit, see how it goes? Unless I'm just bad at GW2 :(

You just need to level up. Usually if you're under leveled it will say in red with the suggested level is.

I'm debating on starting a new character until they sort out the market and partying in dungeons and stuff. Either necro, mesmer (which are insane op in pvp), or elementalist. Not sure what yet, leaning towards necro.

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So I was playing at launch and the day after for a bit, maybe an hour or two. I noticed I was still getting terrible FPS (like 30-40). I reinstalled Windows 8 (long story), and a few days later (today), I figured I would try GW2 again. I was finally getting 60+ FPS. In the same areas I was getting poor FPS prior to this. I am happy now. I can play this game now. I am playing as a human thief...any tips? I never got to try the beta, this is a fresh deal for me.

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Took me 90 hours to get to level 80 with maybe 5-10 hours of it being spent AFK eating and whatever else. (31 hours is insane but also kinda cheating with the crafting materials given to him :rofl:) and yes I also have way too much free time on my hands at the moment. (A friend told me that 63% of the 6 days played where spent by me on the game :rofl: not sure about that but it sounds right). No need to rush with this game either, just sit back, enjoy the sights and enjoy the game.

I will say that the game has had nothing but problems when it comes to the mail being unavailable most of the time, it could definitely use a player to player trading system and I haven't even been able to access the Trading Post yet. Granted that those problems won't last forever but it's still not good in the meantime.

Right now, I'm going back and completing all of the zones and finding the jumping puzzles. I'll get round to doing the dungeons too, unfortunately we only tried Ascalon Catacombs with 4 of us and failed since we had poor gear for the area and gave up after dying 5-6 times on the twins. The other bad thing is that some of the completion stuff is bugged, needing to go to overflow in order to have the working one isn't too good considering some zones almost never have an overflow on our server because of too little population there.

If you get the time to try out the Obsidian Sanctum Jumping Puzzle in the WvWvW Eternal Battlegrounds, go and try it, it can be frustrating as hell even without enemy players trying to hinder and impede you.

Great game, well worth the money (although they could have included the full soundtrack in the collector's edition! :angry:) and I don't think I'll be playing another character yet but the leveling has been the most fun in any MMO I've ever played. (Which is a long list of MMO's :laugh:)

Need to farm 112 gold for the Tier 3 Cultural Armor as well. :huh: :pinch: Lots to do! :D

- Alera :shiftyninja:

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The market is my biggest gripe.

Other than that... I'm seriously taking my time. Been playing since the headstart and only just hit 41 on my main

and 20 on my alt.

As for LOC's engineer issues... dude, you picked the most complicated class to play. The Elementalist comes

in second with its wide range of spells, but the Engineer has so many freakin' gadgets and layout it's just crazy.

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I'm really feeling the full impact of the the market being down right now. It was fine until thursday/friday. But now we're pushing a week and it's really starting to hamper what I can do with my warrior. I want to get working on making money so I can start work on getting legendary weapons. I must have them all!

Oh well. Time to get some sleep I guess. I haven't done much of that in the last week. Connection issues are really killing me tonight anyways. :rofl:

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Had to reroll my race, the Norn Malproportioned Upper Torso vs Spindly legs was annoying me, luckly because the bank/crafting mats are shared and bags not soulbound, wasnt that hard, only bad part is i was 28

Havent checked Dye's yet, had a number of them ( *Edit - Nooo, lost all my dye's, soab, i hd alot of cool dye's to )

And because im a ranger, ill have to head back to norn lands to get my Artic Wolf, Polar Bear, Snow Lepard, and ill have to wait on mu Great White Shard till im 25

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Looks like this is a thing now in WvW:

Hopefully the developers will somehow make a stop to this. And if you couldn't watch the full video, here's what happening in it: Large amount of people run in group in circle around the WvW map and kill and capture only the supply camps and the guard posts (for the event reward). Something that is easily captured back in no time, only for it to be available to re-capture on the second round. And doing so non-stop, until the round ends or server is restarted. Even saw two servers on the same map train farming after each other. Which is really frustrating, when you want to enjoy some WvW.

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Hopefully the developers will somehow make a stop to this. And if you couldn't watch the full video, here's what happening in it: Large amount of people run in group in circle around the WvW map and kill and capture only the supply camps and the guard posts (for the event reward). Something that is easily captured back in no time, only for it to be available to re-capture on the second round. And doing so non-stop, until the round ends or server is restarted. Even saw two servers on the same map train farming after each other. Which is really frustrating, when you want to enjoy some WvW.

If the karma exploit from the other day is any indication people who participated in this activity will find themselves with 72 hour bans. And I expect Arenanet to fix this.

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It is sad when people do this. Why don't people just play the game and just enjoy it. I've gone into this game blind and i am enjoying it working what things do and making mistakes. It gives the game longevity.

I just hit level 11 and unlocked traits. Now that is another thing for me to learn. I think being an elementalist i have a easier job when it comes to sorting out my traits.

I haven't been playing GW2 much, I'm only level 4 at the moment. :(

Does Neowin have a guild setup at all?

Check the other GW2 thread

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I hit 20 last night with my thief. Am 80% done the Asura starting zone (100% done human). Next will do the 15-25 zones for both. Only get to play between 2 and 4 hours a day, but enjoying what time I do play.

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Did an awesome event last night in the level 1-15 asura zone on my level 40 guardian. You know why this game is so amazing? Because I got almost 2 levels last night doing that zone, AND got a couple upgrades to my armor set after we downed this huge elemental boss in the northwest corner of the map. (reactor thing) So awesome! :D

For those needing help with your character builds, try That's where I went for help with my guardian build, and I've been wrecking shop for the most part, killing guys 5+ levels higher than me easily enough.

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I now have a stockpile (of 9) Black Lion Chests lol and have only ever gotten 1 key

STO does the same thing.

Can convert your ingame currency to Gems, then get keys so you dont have to do Real Money, but massive amounts of chests and few keys are normal, how they push the RMT Store

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STO does the same thing.

Can convert your ingame currency to Gems, then get keys so you dont have to do Real Money, but massive amounts of chests and few keys are normal, how they push the RMT Store

I am having the opposite problem. I have a key and no chest.

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Well it was fun while it lasted, looks like they have finally locked all the players out that had any of the test keys running. Too bad I can't get the game for a while now so hopefully my level 38 Engineer will still be there whenever I can afford the game. Now it is time to enjoy the game vicariously through the Neowin posts.

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I'm actually bored of the game. WoW has it's problems, but I never got this bored this fast. You go do a bunch of hearts, which is another version of the quest grind. Then you get to do a story mission. Then you go do a bunch of hearts, and it's rinse and repeat. The dynamic events aren't really that fun for me so far. It's just doing the same ones over and over again, and hoping you can spam enough skills to do enough damage to get a gold medal.

The lack of different looking gear from 1-24 (my highest level) is also boring. Same for the skills. Tying the skills to the weapons was a big mistake. It sounded fun before the game came out (I barely played the BWEs), but in reality it just makes it old that much quicker.

I can't seem to stick with a specific profession either. In GW1, I enjoyed ALL of the professions. I can't stand most of them now. The style I want to play doesn't seem to exist. I miss playing a Monk or a Mesmer in GW1. Mesmers in GW2 are extremely boring to me. I don't like the clone/illusion system at all. Rangers which I thought I was going to want to play are too tied to their pets. I hate pet management. Unfortunately it seems that almost every class in this game has one variation of a pet or another (turrets, pets, illusions/clones).

Maybe I could look past all this, but it seems that the social aspect of this game is non existent. In WoW, I always had someone to talk to. You got to meet people in instances starting at level 15. I haven't even gotten to 30 yet to try Ascalon Catacombs, but it doesn't sound fun for melee, and unfortunately warrior is about the only class I've somewhat enjoyed. Yes I know they have rifles, but that's not a warrior to me.

I'm not ****ed that I bought the game. I think I got my $50-60 out of it. I just think they ruined what they had in GW1 which had a LOT of replayability because the missions were actually fun.

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Normally nesl247, I'd disagree and try to smooth talk your mind into accepting GW2. But, I'm starting to agree with you. Although the mechanics, depth, graphics, music and pretty much everything about GW2 is awesome, I'm just not really enjoying it. I don't know what it is... The PvP seems fairly well balanced ('cept thief), PvE is diverse, there is plenty to do.

When I try to engage any conversation with anyone, it's the same thing: They ignore me completely, everytime... I think I'm missing the social aspect, or something. This game is just not engaging my interests like I hoped it would. I can barely level passed 15 since all the quests seem boring to do and the grind is almost useless for exp.

I'll keep playing, and overall I feel it worth my low investment, but at this point I'm actually just more excited to play torchlight 2 in a few short weeks.

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I feel the complete opposite. WoW's quests consists of: Kill X of Y, Gather X of Y, Kill X. That's about it. At least GW2 heart system allows you to complete the quest using multiple objectives and the random events are varied enough.

I haven't had any problem socialising. There's always conversation going on in Map chat no matter what map I'm on. It wouldn't hurt to get a guild either that has active social members.

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I feel tired of it already, too. I'll probably just play very casually at this point. I had a buddy of mine quit at level 8 :/

It's weird. When I'm at work, I'm like "Can't wait to get home to play Guild Wars!". But then when I get home and log on, I'm overcome with a feeling of "Not this again. Stupid bandits and heart quests".

It's not bad at all, I think I just get tired of games quickly.

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