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Get a life. Seriously.

Let people enjoy their game, if you can't handle language turn your filter on. I think anet is acting like a nanny punishing adults who played full price for this game. People swear, cuss and make vulgar jokes. Just because you're a sensitive little person doesn't mean people need to be punished for it.

I don't have a problem with foul language of any sort, but when you sit there and call somebody a stupid jew ***(gay guy) or a << racial epithet >>(black person insult) or any of the remarks you can hear in one game of COD/Halo/Every FPS on a console, there's no need for that. And I will report that. There's a difference between swearing, cussing and vulgar jokes and just being downright vulgar to insult people.

But hey, calling me sensitive, is pot calling the kettle black, don't you think?

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I don't have a problem with foul language of any sort, but when you sit there and call somebody a stupid jew ***(gay guy) or a << racial epithet >>(black person insult) or any of the remarks you can hear in one game of COD/Halo/Every FPS on a console, there's no need for that. And I will report that. There's a difference between swearing, cussing and vulgar jokes and just being downright vulgar to insult people.

But hey, calling me sensitive, is pot calling the kettle black, don't you think?

I don't feel like I was being sensitive, if I gave that impression than I think you're misreading me. I don't like these nanny rules, but I guess the majority of you do. Just to be clear, I don't swear, use racial slurs or anything in GW2 or any game. But, I don't penalize people who paid for something because they used it in a way that in some way bothers me. I don't have any entitlement issues with what I deserve in an MMO (language is certainly something you take with a grain of salt in a massive online environment).

Keep reporting, it doesn't hurt me any, but it does give me an idea of the pretentious community that is GW2; always trying to prove your the MMO above the other MMO's right? Right....

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STO does the same thing.

Can convert your ingame currency to Gems, then get keys so you dont have to do Real Money, but massive amounts of chests and few keys are normal, how they push the RMT Store

I am saving my in game money so i can buy the Digital Collectors edition for 2K gems

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I don't feel like I was being sensitive, if I gave that impression than I think you're misreading me. I don't like these nanny rules, but I guess the majority of you do. Just to be clear, I don't swear, use racial slurs or anything in GW2 or any game. But, I don't penalize people who paid for something because they used it in a way that in some way bothers me. I don't have any entitlement issues with what I deserve in an MMO (language is certainly something you take with a grain of salt in a massive online environment).

Keep reporting, it doesn't hurt me any, but it does give me an idea of the pretentious community that is GW2; always trying to prove your the MMO above the other MMO's right? Right....

Every MMO I played I reported people who went around insulting people. They didn't/don't need to use foul language for me to do it. Someone ask for help in /1, /map (w/e zone chat there is) and someone responds "look it up dumbass", "figure it out yourself loser", etc. I'd report that just as well. Guess I just follow the golden rule to much. Rather treat people with some measure of respect than to be rude *******.

There is no need for someone to going around insulting people and collectively if (we) the community can't get behind that, must not be that stellar of a community.

But, I don't penalize people who paid for something because they used it in a way that in some way bothers me.


You aren't penalizing it as they agreed to a standard (when they purchased and registered the game) and have failed to meet that standard.

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I bet you're fun at parties.

I don't feel like I was being sensitive, if I gave that impression than I think you're misreading me. I don't like these nanny rules, but I guess the majority of you do. Just to be clear, I don't swear, use racial slurs or anything in GW2 or any game. But, I don't penalize people who paid for something because they used it in a way that in some way bothers me. I don't have any entitlement issues with what I deserve in an MMO (language is certainly something you take with a grain of salt in a massive online environment).

Keep reporting, it doesn't hurt me any, but it does give me an idea of the pretentious community that is GW2; always trying to prove your the MMO above the other MMO's right? Right....

So because other mmos allow the population to generally be giant douche bags in their chat we should just go along with it because that's the norm? Or online games in general? That doesn't bother you in the slightest? The only reason it happens is because those other games let it happen and people think they are untouchable as far as that goes.

Pretentious community? Sure. I'll take a pretentious community over one that thinks they can get away with anything just because they have in the past.

And you assume quite a lot about me and all of it wrong. But thanks for letting me know that I can safely ignore your posts without missing anything. Also for the record I've only reported two people in GW2. One for an obvious lame bot that was standing in the same place for half an hour where an event occurs regularly auto attacking nothing and a gold selling spammer.

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You aren't penalizing it as they agreed to a standard (when they purchased and registered the game) and have failed to meet that standard.

Although, I agree with some of what you say, I don't think many people look closely at codes of conduct. I do respect your ability to make an argument without attacking me, and for that I'm going to agree to disagree. I'm sorry I attacked you so quickly, I make some base assumptions based on actions and you proved me wrong with who you are by how you speak.

I should hope you are at least a bit reserved with the report button though, in the heat of the moment there are bound to be some expletives.

As for tragedy, you can safely ignore all my posts as I assure you that from now on you will never be within the context of them.

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Not sure if this has been answered, but is the only place to buy the regular digital edition from Gamestop? I don't want use their program just to play it

its not the only place there is also in any event you dont need the gamestop program to play it , you should recieve a key in your email just register it and download the client from the official site.

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Please remove "Slane" from any guilds/clans associated with neowin, we do not need little kids with small minds onboard.

What a way to not have fun in a game that was created to have fun. Go join the chess club.

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Please remove "trag3dy" from any guilds/clans associated with neowin, we do not need little kids with small minds onboard.

What a way to not have fun in a game that was created to have fun. Go join the chess club.

Are you serious? Did you read my posts. I don't want to be associated with any guild that thinks being a douche bag is okay "just because". If that's the kind of guild neowin wants and the kind of members it wants then that is perfectly fine with me. We're going to have huge problems if you think answering someones honest question with a stupid trolling ******* answer is okay. That kind of stuff ruins peoples fun faster than reporting idiots who can't abide the rules they agreed to before they started playing the game.

I'll say it again just because you have trouble reading. I have reported a grand total of two people in game. One was an obvious botter and one was a gold selling spammer. I have my chat filter set to none. Language and vulgar jokes don't bother me, being a douche bag just because you can bothers me.

And yes. Nice edit.

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Please remove "Slane" from any guilds/clans associated with neowin, we do not need little kids with small minds onboard.

What a way to not have fun in a game that was created to have fun. Go join the chess club.

Nice edit. But Really? I'm with Trag3dy here (with what he said above).

But why does everyone resort to personal insults?

I only report what I feel is disrespectful and an insult. Simply saying, "Holy **** that fight was awesome" or "****in a that guy was tough" is not going to bother me in the slightest as myself will talk like that. But when you sit there and insult some, I have a problem with that and I will report that. I can't understand why anyone would think calling someone a "stupid jew ***" or anything else is acceptable, unless of course you are the one tossing out the insults.

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Please remove "Slane" from any guilds/clans associated with neowin, we do not need little kids with small minds onboard.

What a way to not have fun in a game that was created to have fun. Go join the chess club.

Funny, as it's the small narrow minded individuals (often times kids) who go around calling people names for the "fun" of it...

I personally don't get it. You pay $60 for an awesome game, yet fun is decided by being able to call people racial slurs and the like. 'the hell? :huh:

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you don't have to...

I ordered mine from Gamestop digital download, got the link for the GW2 website download and got my registration code in my email. No Gamestop app required.

Not sure if this has been answered, but is the only place to buy the regular digital edition from Gamestop? I don't want use their program just to play it

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If you have a problem, then ignore. If its really bothering you, politely tell them the issue, reporting just like that is what ruin the "fun" for everyone. Racial slurs etc wasn't the intention/reaction to my comment, I only meant profanity, my apologies.

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you don't have to...

I ordered mine from Gamestop digital download, got the link for the GW2 website download and got my registration code in my email. No Gamestop app required.

Cool thanks. Gamestop is sold out now, but I'm considering another online retailer, looks like I'll just get a code in my email as well

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Just to get this over with. I have no problems with profanity of the sort. I have a problem with insulting people and doucebaggory. I don't see any enjoyment, nor can imagine anyone getting enjoyment for others going around tossing racial slurs, sexual insults, etc. at people. I don't want it in any game I play, thankfully developers agree, so I use the tools given to me to report people like that. Just shooting the ****, or talking like you would to a group of friends in any chat isn't going to bother me nor should it bother anyone (IMO). That's all I do when I report (as well as the frequent gold seller and botter).

Onward to GW2, is a useful tool to find vistas, POI and what not within the game and a great assets to be used if you are going for 100% map completion. Currently sitting at 36% map completion (and level 42). All areas 1-25 have been completed. Going to knock out the cities, and get caught up on my personal story.

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Onward to GW2, is a useful tool to find vistas, POI and what not within the game and a great assets to be used if you are going for 100% map completion. Currently sitting at 36% map completion (and level 42). All areas 1-25 have been completed. Going to knock out the cities, and get caught up on my personal story.

found this map yesterday

Thanks for these. I'm trying to get vials of potent blood for my crafting and so far I haven't found a very consistent place to get them at.

My armor smithing is at 383 and I can make 18 slot boxes. Of course affording the materials is a different story altogether. If the market was up consistently I wouldn't have any trouble making gold.

Anyways, I can make berserking heavy armor for most levels if anyone wants to rare yellow dps armor (up to mithril strength). Send me a whisper (fellyn.5083) in game if you're interested in having some armor made for guardian or warrior. Free of charge of course as long as you provide the materials. I would love to provide materials but I can barely get them together for what I need.

Getting jewel crafting up as well but that's going really slowly as low level jewels are hard to come by.

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Hey, is there a stance on inviting non-Neowin members to the guild? My friend changed servers to be on our server and he was wondering if he could get a guild invite (didn't know what to tell him honestly lol).

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Hey, is there a stance on inviting non-Neowin members to the guild? My friend changed servers to be on our server and he was wondering if he could get a guild invite (didn't know what to tell him honestly lol).

personally i dont care

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I'm not playing much at the moment (getting bored so I'm taking a few days break to see if it helps). If you need anything, ask dead.cell. He's the only officer in the guild currently. I personally don't have anything against non-neowin members.

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I'm just about to level 10 (woohoo me!) and got my crafting started in Artificer and Jeweler. Right now, they seem like the 2 hardest crafting jobs to do :laugh: I don't think I'll stick with Artificer, just not sure on what to do with it down the road.

I really think I was playing wrong this whole time. Someone mentioned the fact that if you keep seeing the same Events over and over, you are not progressing. Couldn't agree more. I was in the Norn starting area forever (still am to try to 100% it) and it was becoming a bore a little bit. Now that I've moved on to the next area, things are fun again.

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