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if your looking for a specific thing on the map

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The map is showing nothing at all, neither specific nor all the items. Maybe it's a problem with Firefox, I don't have access to Chrome on this computer.

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The map is showing nothing at all, neither specific nor all the items. Maybe it's a problem with Firefox, I don't have access to Chrome on this computer.

oh i don't have firefox installed, so no idea

just tried it with IE, got what you got, nothing

must be a Chrome only thing

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Are we going to do anything with the Neowin guild? Like try and get upgrades, perhaps have a guild bank?

Everytime i've come on, no one is chatting and only a couple of people are online (not representing). Chat works across servers right?

Even party up and do a dungeon or some events?

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Are we going to do anything with the Neowin guild? Like try and get upgrades, perhaps have a guild bank?

Everytime i've come on, no one is chatting and only a couple of people are online (not representing). Chat works across servers right?

Even party up and do a dungeon or some events?

That was the intention of it. I can't force people to represent the guild though. Was waiting to get enough influence to be able to purchase upgrades. Takes a lot longer when you don't do anything as a guild.

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I have a guild started with a few friends. I already had around 1000 influence invested into so I don't want to abandon it. :s

Anyone is welcome to join though. I'm working on getting the first guild bank upgrade. Only 450 or so influence to go.

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Can guilds be spread across servers or do you need to be in the same server. I would love to join someone's guild as I don't know anyone plaything this game at the moment.

I have my Mesmer at level 18, a Warrior at level 11, and a few other even lower-lowbies that I've played around with. Probably have put about 15 hours into the game so far (rough estimate). So far I am loving the game. The art direction is really nice. The game has a good leveling pace to it. I'm excited about hitting level 20 on my Mesmer so that I can see what unlocking the next skill brings.

What I don't like about the game so far is how the skills are basically given to you. I like RPGs where I'm given a new firework to play with every couple of levels. Keeps me more engaged in the leveling process. In this game all your primary fighting skills (i.e., fireworks) are given to you at the first level. For my Mesmer I pretty much saw everything there was to see by level 3 or 4 and the past 14 levels have been just dinging with better stats. I'm hoping that level 20 opens up the palette a little more with somethings I can throw in the mix. Or maybe do higher level weapons have different skills than lower level ones? Its hard to get excited about leveling in this game because of this. When playing my Mesmer I keep wanting to start a new character just so I can see different fireworks associated with a different play style.

Also, are there any health potions in this game? Is there an alternative to healing yourself other than the class heal ability?

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Are we going to do anything with the Neowin guild? Like try and get upgrades, perhaps have a guild bank?

Everytime i've come on, no one is chatting and only a couple of people are online (not representing). Chat works across servers right?

Even party up and do a dungeon or some events?

Community based guilds never work out.

Can guilds be spread across servers or do you need to be in the same server. I would love to join someone's guild as I don't know anyone plaything this game at the moment.

I have my Mesmer at level 18, a Warrior at level 11, and a few other even lower-lowbies that I've played around with. Probably have put about 15 hours into the game so far (rough estimate). So far I am loving the game. The art direction is really nice. The game has a good leveling pace to it. I'm excited about hitting level 20 on my Mesmer so that I can see what unlocking the next skill brings.

What I don't like about the game so far is how the skills are basically given to you. I like RPGs where I'm given a new firework to play with every couple of levels. Keeps me more engaged in the leveling process. In this game all your primary fighting skills (i.e., fireworks) are given to you at the first level. For my Mesmer I pretty much saw everything there was to see by level 3 or 4 and the past 14 levels have been just dinging with better stats. I'm hoping that level 20 opens up the palette a little more with somethings I can throw in the mix. Or maybe do higher level weapons have different skills than lower level ones? Its hard to get excited about leveling in this game because of this. When playing my Mesmer I keep wanting to start a new character just so I can see different fireworks associated with a different play style.

Also, are there any health potions in this game? Is there an alternative to healing yourself other than the class heal ability?

I hope you are using different weapons... You also have slot skills that need to be bought and unlock.

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Guilds can be spread across servers.

I feel the largest pitfall to this game is the way the weapon skills are assigned. I suppose it does great for balance (only specific skills are used for specific weapons), but I really don't like the whole "unlock all weapon skills by level 5 and your attack skills never change after that, only heal/utility skills" really stomps on the build variations that Guild Wars 1 had in that respect.

No health potions.....class heal ability plus certain weapon skills and utility skills are what heals you (and depending on the ability, others).

Still enjoying the game a ton though, decided to catch up my weaponsmithing (150 to 200) and take cooking from 0 to 200 (planning on going to max but 200 was as high as I could take it with where my character currently is....already earned back the karma and silver spent doing it less than half a day after doing it) and I gained 4 levels from it all. Helped my catch up level-wise big time (I needed 2 levels for my next storyline quest, and already had renown hearts up to my level done in two different zones).

Trading post seems up now, bought a few fine crafting mats I need to get my level 50 armor/jewelry and sold all my tier 1 mats (all the professions I have/care about are already beyond tier 1) and a few random things here and there.

Community based guilds never work out.

I disagree...I've been in community based guilds that have worked out for 4+ years....the only reason they fell apart is because the owner could no longer afford to keep the community running. The problem is Neowin is not a very close-knit community as it is not based around games (gaming are just one of the many sections on Neowin)....most community-based guilds that stick together focus solely on games and are much closer to each other than Neowin members.

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I hope you are using different weapons... You also have slot skills that need to be bought and unlock.

Yeah... by about level 5 you get your one-handed set of skills and your two-handed set of skills all unlocked. There is some variety with underwater and what offhand you use. But yeah, the game is really exciting as you unlock and learn your new abilities but its kind of a bummer when you realize " this it for the rest of the game or whaaaatttt?"

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Are we going to do anything with the Neowin guild? Like try and get upgrades, perhaps have a guild bank?

Everytime i've come on, no one is chatting and only a couple of people are online (not representing). Chat works across servers right?

Even party up and do a dungeon or some events?

im on and representing, but i will agree, the lack of chatting, or even grouping it seems,i was going to drop the guild, but fell asleep instead. the guild is atm, pointless. yes chat is cross server i belive. and grouping can even be done cross server i belive, not really shure how the cross server guild thing works

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Had to reroll my race, the Norn Malproportioned Upper Torso vs Spindly legs was annoying me, luckly because the bank/crafting mats are shared and bags not soulbound, wasnt that hard, only bad part is i was 28

Havent checked Dye's yet, had a number of them ( *Edit - Nooo, lost all my dye's, soab, i hd alot of cool dye's to )

And because im a ranger, ill have to head back to norn lands to get my Artic Wolf, Polar Bear, Snow Lepard, and ill have to wait on mu Great White Shard till im 25

The Norn city also has a Polar Bear on the ice lake and Brown Bear in the quest area.

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I'm going to report people now just because you have a problem with it. I never did before, but yeah. I feel like it's my moral civic duty and I've been neglecting it.

You can still say vulgar things that aren't picked up by the language filter and if you really have to talk like that use private channels, k? Thanks.

Not sure if serious.

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The Norn city also has a Polar Bear on the ice lake and Brown Bear in the quest area.

yea i traveled out there when i rolled and re got the Polar Bear, Arctic wolf, and Snow Leopard. but while in the world i find i use the Bear's pretty much exclusively due to the Bear's tank ability, and Self Heal.

my Brown Bear was named Smokey, Polar is now Coke, but will change to Coca-Cola later tonight

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I do really love the game, but I also have 1 more complaint: The Music. I really can't believe that the sound track for this game was done by Jeremy Soule because its all very generic sounding to me. The exception being the music for the Asura area which are decent tracks. But the human starting area music is just really...trumpetty? Idk...generic.

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I do really love the game, but I also have 1 more complaint: The Music. I really can't believe that the sound track for this game was done by Jeremy Soule because its all very generic sounding to me. The exception being the music for the Asura area which are decent tracks. But the human starting area music is just really...trumpetty? Idk...generic.

I agree. Some of it the music is really generic. There are some real gems in it though. The music in Hoelbrak is really nice and the battle music when you fight Sons of Svanir in a world event near hunters lake. Must be difficult because some of the areas you will spend hours in, so you have to make music that can never get annoying.

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I see people complaining about the weapon skill abilities, but to be honest, there's a lot of great ways to customize your character between the stat choices on gear, the utility skills, and the traits. How you build your character will shape what you are able to do, along with how well you setup your utility/elite skills to synergize with your build and weapon choices. This is why I was recommending you guys to go to to check out the forums. There are some pretty insightful people there with some ideas I'd never thought to try, like the following below (for Guardian):

For the second tier I recommend Purging Flames if you use the greatsword. It creates a Fire field which you can use Whirling Wrath and Binding Blade to send out Burning bolts with. Additionally, Leap of Faith will give you Fire Armor which is more damaging than Retaliation in pretty much any situation where the enemy isn't immune to, or can take advantage of conditions.

Of course, I'm sticking to my sturdy-as-hell guardian build. I might try out a healy build just to be the ultimate tank, but I like that I'm outputting decent damage too. Also, Mace/focus is pretty cool in the number 5 ability that blocks 3 attacks straight up. Might not be a bad idea to swap from mace/focus to mace/shield when being a defensive machine. :)

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I see people complaining about the weapon skill abilities, but to be honest, there's a lot of great ways to customize your character between the stat choices on gear, the utility skills, and the traits. How you build your character will shape what you are able to do, along with how well you setup your utility/elite skills to synergize with your build and weapon choices. This is why I was recommending you guys to go to to check out the forums. There are some pretty insightful people there with some ideas I'd never thought to try, like the following below (for Guardian):

I think people are accustomed to games like WoW where they require 4 hotkey bars just to have access to all their abilities or like GW1 where there were hundred of abilities to use.

I kind of agree. GW2 is pretty limiting.

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I think people are accustomed to games like WoW where they require 4 hotkey bars just to have access to all their abilities or like GW1 where there were hundred of abilities to use.

I kind of agree. GW2 is pretty limiting.

Except GW2 is no different from a normal mmo when it comes to skill use. Sure, you can have 5 million buttons on you WoW UI, but how many of them do you use very frequently for any typical build? Rarely any more than the 10 that make up your gw2 skillbar. It's not limiting at all, it just looks like it to some people cause they think "omg i can't have 6 billion icons".

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I'm growing a little bored of the game now. It was fun for the first zone but I'm at my 3rd now and it's starting to feel like a grind. The hearts are the main thing that I don't like now because the majority of the quests are "kill a bunch of something around here" and that is really boring. A bit of variety would be really nice.

Another thing is I tried making a new character to try a different class but I gave up on that after just a few minutes. Doing the same quests again in the starter zone just annoyed me.

Now I know that they wanted to get away from the "go to a quest giver and get a quest" mechanic and yes walking in to an area and receiving an objective does feel more organic but it is also more limiting. At-least with quest givers I could pick and choose from 10-20 quests and complete about half of them before moving to a new area. In GW2 I'm pretty much required to complete all the hearts to be able to move on to something else and having the hearts there on your map in your face makes you want to complete all of them, but if I do that the next character I make will feel so boring.

Another issue I'm having is the level system. If there is a quest or task I can't do on my own, I'll never be able to do it on my own. Because whenever I go back to that area my level changes to the content. That is really frustrating as there are some things you just can't solo. I'm trying to do one of my main storyline quests, I forget its name but it's impossible. I'm now 5 levels above it and I still can't do it I die within the first 30 seconds when 30 mobs spawn. I can't find anyone to do it with me after several days trying and spamming map chat. This is just a poorly thought out mechanic in my eyes.

In my opinion you should have the option of staying at your current level of having your level adjusted to the content around you. A simple tick box would make my life so much easier and the game much more enjoyable for me.

The game has some really nice things but the repetitiveness and the basic problems like the leveling are starting to **** me off enough not to want to play it anymore. I never had this problem in Guild Wars 1 or WoW. Both games I completed, I honestly can't believe I'm considering just giving up on it before I'm max level, it seemed so promising just a few days ago and I've only spent about 10 hours in the game and I'm already ready to quit.

Something else I forgot to say is, as someone that loved the WoW auction house, what on earth is this trading post interface? It's so weirdly laid out, lacks lots of granular controls, it doesn't even have anti-aliased text or icons, they could have at-least made an effort to fit the browser rendering engine in to the game properly.

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In my opinion you should have the option of staying at your current level of having your level adjusted to the content around you. A simple tick box would make my life so much easier and the game much more enjoyable for me.

Gear stats don't scale. So you'll still have all your additional crit, damage, etc.

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Gear stats don't scale. So you'll still have all your additional crit, damage, etc.

Great so by the time I'm level 60-80 I'll finally be able to complete my level 15 quest? I guess I'll just wait for my storyline quest chain until then. Of course I'm being sarcastic.

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I think people are accustomed to games like WoW where they require 4 hotkey bars just to have access to all their abilities or like GW1 where there were hundred of abilities to use.

I kind of agree. GW2 is pretty limiting.

I got sick of crap like that thanks to Aion to be honest. You reach max level, they drop a patch. What does it do? ADDS MORE ABILITIES. I remember talking to an assassin who was bragging abut how awesome his character was. He (no joke) had over 60 hotkeys just to play his damn class, that he actually used.

As a mage in WoW though, I had a big ass toolkit to work with (which thankfully got cleaned up a bit in Cataclysm, like elemental specific wards), but I only really worked with a few abilities in Arcane and Fire. Hell, arcane was what... 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3... Then channel my mana back at 33% and rinse/repeat for the most part... I loved playing Frost though because it required so much more work just to be viable, and had so much control in raids...

That's one reason I love the elementalist and engineer in this game. They're very versatile in what you can do, they are just very awesome classes to play. Engineer reminding me of my mage a lot though with the control specifically. Use one skill to blast the enemy back, use my net shot to tie them up, throw a ball of napalm at them for lulz, and all that good stuff.

@Vice, maybe change up your build? That's what I've done, though like I said earlier, I've done lots of reading up on my class. Went from being a glass canon to a steel canon. :]

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