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So I decided to switch to a Thief, I'm having way more fun as a Human Thief than I did as an Asura Warrior. I then did a lot of study on sturdy PvP thief builds: holy crap. Theifs are OP as ****. I do massive damage compared to my warrior, but I also sacrifice a lot of tanking ability. I'm enjoying the game again for now.

I think PvP is my choice area. My Computer doesn't handle WvWvW at all though, sadly.

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So I decided to switch to a Thief, I'm having way more fun as a Human Thief than I did as an Asura Warrior. I then did a lot of study on sturdy PvP thief builds: holy crap. Theifs are OP as ****. I do massive damage compared to my warrior, but I also sacrifice a lot of tanking ability. I'm enjoying the game again for now.

I think PvP is my choice area. My Computer doesn't handle WvWvW at all though, sadly.

"Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."

I feel that way about my warrior, after leveling my thief to 80. Thief feels very weak, compared to a warrior.

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"Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."

I feel that way about my warrior, after leveling my thief to 80. Thief feels very weak, compared to a warrior.

Warrior has a fairly steady stream of power, and it's overall (overtime) better than thief, but the thief has short bursts of insane power. It's just playing off of the crit bonuses of stealth, I think my current build is perfect, I do devastating damage but I can only do it for a couple seconds then I gotta get the hell outta there. Where as my Warrior was a pretty hefty beast and did medium-heavy damage the entire time without needing to run. I think I like the more complex play style of the thief, I might roll an ele for PvP aswell later on for that reason.

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It's really annoying when you get this sound bug in, say, WvW and then have to go the rest of the time you want to WvW with sound muted cause you don't want to restart the client and end up back in queue.

Haven't had that one before.....I've had an occasional sound bug where sounds get really loud, like the camera is getting sounds directly at the source of the sound rather than where the camera/character is actually located at. It tends to go away after a short period of time but things are amplified for that short period of time.
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Downed mode camera In tonight's software update we will improve the downed mode camera to maintain a more consistent distance taking race into account.

Oh thank you!

Up to 6g right now. Not much, but I'm got a pretty decent farming system to make about 1g an hour with very minimal effort and about 5 minutes of my time.

EDIT: So, now you cannot zoom out at all when downed. They broke it even more. -_-

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The downed camera is annoying. Everytime i get knocked down, i can't see anything so i just mash the keys and hope i rally.

I am not dieing as frequently now. I'm at a point now where i am quite strong (now i unlocked my traits) and don't have much trouble against mobs. Although veteran mobs can be a pain but luckly someone else joins in and we make light work of it.

Nearly level 20 now. Should hit that tonight. I completed Wayfarer Hills the other night and now headed into Diessa Plateau. Just exploring at the moment.

I'm really enjoying the game a lot more now my char is a little stronger and i don't always have to rely on grouping with people to take down a single mob. Plus i am getting into crafting and farming a bit now. I have no goal on what to build, i'm basically just grabbing what i can and depositing it. Then later on i will go in and see what i can make. I need to level up my tailoring/artificer, so i can actually craft stuff for my level :laugh:

All i can craft is level 5 stuff!

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Glad to see they are getting the bugs handled. I have confidence in Anet to get things worked out. They're support of their games over the years have been by far the best I've experienced.

As for my progress, I have my Necromancer up to level 42 now. Went from 40-42 last night with little to no effort in a zone meant for my level. I had been going back and doing the start zones for the other races but the rewards are too little and are making progress extremely slow.

I am still waiting on them to free up character names that were reserved from GW1. I want to roll an elementalist and use the name I had on a secondary GW1 account but I can't yet where I cannot link more than one GW1 account to my GW2 account. I've also roll a thief to get a reserved name and I am trying to come up with creative and unique names for a warrior and ranger.

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I am still waiting on them to free up character names that were reserved from GW1. I want to roll an elementalist and use the name I had on a secondary GW1 account but I can't yet where I cannot link more than one GW1 account to my GW2 account. I've also roll a thief to get a reserved name and I am trying to come up with creative and unique names for a warrior and ranger.

Are you sure someone else didn't nab it already? They said names were only going to be reserved during the early access are the first person I've seen claim that they were not yet released. You may have missed your chance.

I wonder if they'll ever give us proper change logs to go with the client updates.

Once they get past initial stability and performance updates and actually start giving us game/content updates, I'm sure they will.....they did it (and are still doing it) with GW1, don't see why they wouldn't with GW2. 90% of the changes right now are stability and performance updates to various aspects of the game so there isn't really much to tell us beyond that.
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For reference the tiny little thing in the center of the picture is my max size charr. This is the last area in Orr, it's amazingly huge in scale. I'm also happy to report that they fixed the issue I was having with the camera going wonky and not being able to move in tight spaces like the jumping puzzle in LA. Pretty sure that was fixed in the update last night.

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Are you sure someone else didn't nab it already? They said names were only going to be reserved during the early access are the first person I've seen claim that they were not yet released. You may have missed your chance.

Once they get past initial stability and performance updates and actually start giving us game/content updates, I'm sure they will.....they did it (and are still doing it) with GW1, don't see why they wouldn't with GW2. 90% of the changes right now are stability and performance updates to various aspects of the game so there isn't really much to tell us beyond that.

If someone guessed the name I am wanting I would be surprised. Easiest way for me to tell I suppose would be to try and invite that toon to my guild or friends list.

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Someone asked me if I could tell them what and where I farm. So I took the time to make a map of what I do. (You will need a Mithril Harvesting Sickle.)

I farm raspberries in Fireheart Rise and Frostgorge Sound. Raspberries sell for around 1.75s to 2.50s a piece depending on the demand and time of day. My farm usually yields between 18-30 raspberries depending on how often you get 2 from one node. It usually takes around 10-15 minutes to fully complete the circuit. I do not stop to fight. *Note: As a Thief, I have a constant 25% run speed boost, so that makes a difference.

In Fireheart Rise, there will only ever be 6 nodes to spawn. I have thoroughly tested this. The locations will change after a server restart, but once you find the 6 nodes you know you can move on to Frostgorge. I don't know how many nodes in total will be in place in Frostgorge, but I am fairly certain it is more than 6. I don't go looking for every node, simply because the time it would take. I just came up with the quickest route I could for some easy money.

The respawn on these nodes is somewhere around 30 minutes. So I will come back and do them every once in awhile after some time has passed. Depending on the price on the trading post, and how many your farm yields, you can make around 1g an hour, with minimal effort. Also, the reason I run some routes, is because at 80, waypoint costs between 1.50s to 3.50s, so I tried to waypoint as little as possible. You waypoint a total of 5 times, counting zoning in, up to the final end point in Frostgorge. The waypoint costs are around 8-10s. This route was meant to maximize profits, from time spent. So don't waypoint often, or you are basically stabbing yourself in the foot.

Remember, these spawn locations are just potential points, they will not always be at these locations. Do not stop for other materials along the way for maximum time/profit. Those other materials aren't worth nearly as much as raspberries anyway, I've checked. (Cooking recipes that is, not the mithril or orichalcum ore you may run across.)

Anyway, here are the crudely drawn maps. :p

Try to keep these localized to Neowin. I'm hoping this doesn't bring down the raspberry prices too much.

I have made 10g from this so far, by the way. In case anyone was wondering how effective it is. That is over a period of about 4-5 days.

Appreciate any comments, or if you find a better route to run, feel free to let me know!



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Is this game better than WoW?

That is like trying to compare apples and oranges, man.

It is it's own game. Besides being in the MMO family, it is much different from WoW.

That said, it will be up to you to judge if it is better than *insert game here* just like any other comparison.

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Someone asked me if I could tell them what and where I farm. So I took the time to make a map of what I do. (You will need a Mithril Harvesting Sickle.)

I farm raspberries in Fireheart Rise and Frostgorge Sound. Raspberries sell for around 1.75s to 2.50s a piece depending on the demand and time of day. My farm usually yields between 18-30 raspberries depending on how often you get 2 from one node. It usually takes around 10-15 minutes to fully complete the circuit. I do not stop to fight. *Note: As a Thief, I have a constant 25% run speed boost, so that makes a difference.

In Fireheart Rise, there will only ever be 6 nodes to spawn. I have thoroughly tested this. The locations will change after a server restart, but once you find the 6 nodes you know you can move on to Frostgorge. I don't know how many nodes in total will be in place in Frostgorge, but I am fairly certain it is more than 6. I don't go looking for every node, simply because the time it would take. I just came up with the quickest route I could for some easy money.

The respawn on these nodes is somewhere around 30 minutes. So I will come back and do them every once in awhile after some time has passed. Depending on the price on the trading post, and how many your farm yields, you can make around 1g an hour, with minimal effort. Also, the reason I run some routes, is because at 80, waypoint costs between 1.50s to 3.50s, so I tried to waypoint as little as possible. You waypoint a total of 5 times, counting zoning in, up to the final end point in Frostgorge. The waypoint costs are around 8-10s. This route was meant to maximize profits, from time spent. So don't waypoint often, or you are basically stabbing yourself in the foot.

Remember, these spawn locations are just potential points, they will not always be at these locations. Do not stop for other materials along the way for maximum time/profit. Those other materials aren't worth nearly as much as raspberries anyway, I've checked.

Anyway, here are the crudely drawn maps. :p

Try to keep these localized to Neowin. I'm hoping this doesn't bring down the raspberry prices too much.

Appreciate any comments, or if you find a better route to run, feel free to let me know!

Thanks for that, I will definitely have to try it out! With the market being up full time now it's hard to get some stuff to sell with people constantly undercutting. 15 slot bags/boxes are terrible profits when people are undercutting all the way down to less than 60s, which barely covers the cost of the rune and primordium use to make the damn things.

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Thanks for that, I will definitely have to try it out! With the market being up full time now it's hard to get some stuff to sell with people constantly undercutting. 15 slot bags/boxes are terrible profits when people are undercutting all the way down to less than 60s, which barely covers the cost of the rune and primordium use to make the damn things.

I think that is the biggest issue with the game's market right now. Everyone can do every crafting trade, with no repercussions upon switching trades other than a small amount of coin. So no one wants a finished product, they just want the materials to level up, and make it themselves. To me, that means crafting is somewhat a broken system in this game in its current state. I don't buy anything either, I'd rather just buy the mats and make it myself, or farm them. Eventually, everyone will have all their trade skills maxed, then that leaves zero profit from crafting. That is why I am not doing crafting right now, and am selling all of my mats off. People are paying big money for them right now. In a month or two from now, when everyone is maxed, but cannot sell their items, I will be sitting on a stockpile of gold to buy up the materials I need, or the gear I want, because people will be selling them at low prices.

But I am OK with it, because that just means the things I am farming, the materials, will always have a steady price for profit. :) Everyone needs materials!

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I think that is the biggest issue with the game's market right now. Everyone can do every crafting trade, with no repercussions upon switching trades other than a small amount of coin. So no one wants a finished product, they just want the materials to level up, and make it themselves. To me, that means crafting is somewhat a broken system in this game in its current state. I don't buy anything either, I'd rather just buy the mats and make it myself, or farm them. Eventually, everyone will have all their trade skills maxed, then that leaves zero profit from crafting. That is why I am not doing crafting right now, and am selling all of my mats off. People are paying big money for them right now. In a month or two from now, when everyone is maxed, but cannot sell their items, I will be sitting on a stockpile of gold to buy up the materials I need, or the gear I want, because people will be selling them at low prices.

But I am OK with it, because that just means the things I am farming, the materials, will always have a steady price for profit. :) Everyone needs materials!

I didn't think of it like that. Perhaps if they added tiers where you had to be a certain level to learn the next one it might help a bit. Because right now a level 1 character can max any craft as long as they have all the materials.

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I still think the down-leveling thing is annoying. I've still not been able to complete my solo storyline quest after gaining more than 10 levels over it and changing my gear, skills and traits. I just can't find a group to do my personal quest because other people seem to have their own quests so they have no interest in helping me with mine.

If I was staying level 25 instead of being downsized to 14 I could finish this content and continue my storyline. I'm having to leave it by the wayside and it's frustrating because now my adventure has no story.

But I am enjoying collecting the Vistas, Skill Points, Hearts and Points of Interest. I've completed 5 zones to 100% already, every zone I've been in so far except the one I'm currently leveling in. That includes Lions Arch and the Norn Capital. I do like the jumping puzzles they have put in the game for some of those as I enjoy games with things like that, brings me back the "Jak and Daxter" and "Ratchet & Clank" playstation platformers.

I need to work out how crafting works because I've got a ton of mined ore.

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I still think the down-leveling thing is annoying. I've still not been able to complete my solo storyline quest after gaining more than 10 levels over it and changing my gear, skills and traits. I just can't find a group to do my personal quest because other people seem to have their own quests so they have no interest in helping me with mine.

If I was staying level 25 instead of being downsized to 14 I could finish this content and continue my storyline. I'm having to leave it by the wayside and it's frustrating because now my adventure has no story.

But I am enjoying collecting the Vistas, Skill Points, Hearts and Points of Interest. I've completed 5 zones to 100% already, every zone I've been in so far except the one I'm currently leveling in. That includes Lions Arch and the Norn Capital. I do like the jumping puzzles they have put in the game for some of those as I enjoy games with things like that, brings me back the "Jak and Daxter" and "Ratchet & Clank" playstation platformers.

I need to work out how crafting works because I've got a ton of mined ore.


I'll help ya out. Just shoot me a message.

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That is like trying to compare apples and oranges, man.

It is it's own game. Besides being in the MMO family, it is much different from WoW.

That said, it will be up to you to judge if it is better than *insert game here* just like any other comparison.

You level up, craft stuff, trade stuff, and role play as a fantasy character; why is it like comparing apple and oranges? Besides I don't want to waste $60 to judge it myself and find out that it sucks.

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You level up, craft stuff, trade stuff, and role play as a fantasy character; why is it like comparing apple and oranges? Besides I don't want to waste $60 to judge it myself and find out that it sucks.

There is close to 2000 posts in this thread. Go through the pages and read about the game and our experiences? See if you want to buy it? Otherwise, why did you ask the question? The only one who can make an accurate comparison of that is yourself.

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You level up, craft stuff, trade stuff, and role play as a fantasy character; why is it like comparing apple and oranges? Besides I don't want to waste $60 to judge it myself and find out that it sucks.

Troll elsewhere man.

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You level up, craft stuff, trade stuff, and role play as a fantasy character; why is it like comparing apple and oranges? Besides I don't want to waste $60 to judge it myself and find out that it sucks.

How are we supposed to say if GW2 is the game for you when we don't even know what kind of games you like (besides tf2). Besides those very basic things you mentioned GW2 and WoW are nothing alike, that's why it's comparing apples and oranges.

I'll just put it simple and this might not answer your question but here it is: in WoW everything in the game is designed around keeping you playing and paying for as long as possible. In GW2 the game is designed around the idea that if it's not fun it shouldn't be in the game. That may or may not extend the life of GW2 but at this point? I'm level 80 with just one character and still have quite a bit left to do on him in the game after an absurd amount of hours. And then you factor in that each race and the choices you make during your character creation affect various aspects of your personal story, quite a lot of replayability there.. and that doesn't even take into consideration any of the pvp options.

The philosophies behind the games design are night and day. I'm not going into details on game play mechanics because the only one who can decide if you like them or not is you. I'd suggest watching some videos on youtube.

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Is this game better than WoW?

Personally, yeah. Blizzard's broken a lot of things in WoW to the point where they don't make sense anymore really. Like leveling feels broken, where there's zero challenge, zero death, zero point to utility ability abilities entirely when leveling... And where dungeons are about how much you can solo really in many cases.

I like a challenge, I like trying to make something work, and I love that when I'm dying, it's usually because I was being retarded and not dodging. Some people totally don't understand the point of watching the enemy's attack. :rofl:

@zappa, thanks for the info kind sir! (Y)

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