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SK[' timestamp=1335514683' post='594828201]

Sold out of digital items... heh. Shows they underestimated the popularity of this game. Still, its all pre-purchase money so right now that companies bank account will be looking very health I would imagine.

I doubt they underestimated the popularity at all. They probably had a certain number they were expecting to reach from the start to keep all areas of the game filled with people at all times.

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SK[' timestamp=1335514683' post='594828201]

Sold out of digital items... heh. Shows they underestimated the popularity of this game. Still, its all pre-purchase money so right now that companies bank account will be looking very health I would imagine.

Don't think it was underestimated. They probably knew: Okay, we need 200k people for the first beta. Lets allow 200k pre-purchases and once we hit that then we need to stop them. If we don't sell those 200k, we will fill the spots with people who signed up for the beta. My guess is next beta they will allow say 50k - 100k more and re-open pre-purchases until they fill that.

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I'm gonna be on Sorrow's Furnace. If anyone wants to jump on mumble with me or needs to use one to talk with friends just let me know, i got one up and would be happy to let people use it.

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Really excited to play this week-end for the beta ... First time I'm involved in a Beta even. Too bad I'm busy all day Saturday. I will resume Sunday then !

Don't know which server I'll log to since I'm new to this game but maybee I'll try one of those that was mentionned in this thread.

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SK[' timestamp=1335541999' post='594828969]

Fissure of Woe - EU for me. It's all reset anyway for the live servers.

I'll choose an US server.

Few years ago I made the mistake of buying an EU version of a game (WoW). Since I live in North America, it was difficult to plan activities online because of jet lag so I'll not make the same mistake a second time !

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With D3 and GW2 I am going to be swamped. Why you planning on waiting?

I currently do not have the time to dedicate to an MMO as we have an infant at home (last week she turned 4 months old) When she gets a bit more self sufficient and can be left in a play pin i might pick up an mmo. but i am excited for GW2 :D

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I currently do not have the time to dedicate to an MMO as we have an infant at home (last week she turned 4 months old) When she gets a bit more self sufficient and can be left in a play pin i might pick up an mmo. but i am excited for GW2 :D

Got the same problem here. I have a little girl of 3 years old a a young boy of almost 6½ months so I agree that it's hard to find some free time to play (most of time when the children sleep !) I managed to convince my wife to let me play some hours in a week but it's clearly not like if I was single ... then I played most of the time :D

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I currently do not have the time to dedicate to an MMO as we have an infant at home (last week she turned 4 months old) When she gets a bit more self sufficient and can be left in a play pin i might pick up an mmo. but i am excited for GW2 :D

Got the same problem here. I have a little girl of 3 years old a a young boy of almost 6½ months so I agree that it's hard to find some free time to play (most of time when the children sleep !) I managed to convince my wife to let me play some hours in a week but it's clearly not like if I was single ... then I played most of the time :D

That's fair. I have a son who will be a year old in 2 weeks. However I only see him for a couple hours a day due to the fact his mother and I are not together. I don't have a tonne of time either, but my life is so straight-forward (Sleep, Eat, Work, See Son for couple hours, Sleep, Repeat) I need to fill the gaps in some places, and things to keep my mind occupied so I don't end up thinking about all the crappy stuff I feel :p

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That's fair. I have a son who will be a year old in 2 weeks. However I only see him for a couple hours a day due to the fact his mother and I are not together. I don't have a tonne of time either, but my life is so straight-forward (Sleep, Eat, Work, See Son for couple hours, Sleep, Repeat) I need to fill the gaps in some places, and things to keep my mind occupied so I don't end up thinking about all the crappy stuff I feel :p

Yeah, it's not always as easy as we want .. especially when children come into play. We must put his priority in the right place as they say !

Since it's a 3 days beta event maybee I would a little "playtime rush" :) It's been a while since I played a game on my PC ... more involved on my Xbox with my wife these days :D

The countdown draws to a close !

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Got in about a half hour or so earlier than they said. Really liking it so far. PVE is fun and can actually be challenging. Might hit up WvWvW later.

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No, it's *was* for people who prepurchased prior to last week but that has changed now.

Alright, well I was really asking if I could get in anyway. Which is no :)

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No, it's *was* for people who prepurchased prior to last week but that has changed now.

How is it different now?

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Signing up for beta and being accepted is the only other way.

Just hit level 8, I'm lovin' GW2 it's awesome!

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is it really still dx9? cripes if it is I'm not buyin it right away

For the beta, yes. But I've heard there might be support for something newer than dx9 either at or after launch.

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is it really still dx9? cripes if it is I'm not buyin it right away

Why does it matter what dx version it's using?

Anyone notice how the creatures in this game can destroy you fairly easily? Especially since their strength/difficulty scales to how many people are around? Needless to say I've died a lot. I think perhaps their damage scales a little to high when you get mass amounts of people around for events.

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is it really still dx9? cripes if it is I'm not buyin it right away

Skyrim is also only running at dx9.

I'm pretty impressed with the Beta so far, the USA servers are slammed, I think this is causing the wild flux of monster level scaling.

Playing elementalist (fav class from gw1) is fun again :)

Here's a tip on making great armor color choices

Use Color theory - http://www.tigercolo...heory-intro.htm

Especially - Split-Complementary color scheme

Of course... This make Mesmer look awesome.. and like a tropical bird.

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is it really still dx9? cripes if it is I'm not buyin it right away

I install the GW2 client and it says that I need to install DirectX 8... So I was puzzled... Somehow Guild Wars 2 client does not allow me to start the game because it could not detect DirectX but more specifically, Direct3D. I have SLI card and when I ask a friend, she send me a page and it shows that Guild Wars 2 currently is not supporting the SLI or CrossFire card yet. I am currently have DirectX 11 on Windows 7.

For the beta, yes. But I've heard there might be support for something newer than dx9 either at or after launch.

I hope so cos I can't start the game client because it says I don't have DirectX installed.

Why does it matter what dx version it's using?

It matters because the higher the version of DirectX supported the better the graphics :p

Also, it matters because the current game client does not detect my DirectX at all. It ask me to install DirectX 8. Hah!

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