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This is depressing. Haven't been able to log in in the past 25 hours. Weekend wasted, and god only knows when the next BWE will take place.

Actually, we all know - next month.

EDIT: Scrap that, I didn't read your location.

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I buy games for the complete package. Audio, graphics, AI, gametype, fun, whether it's just a scripted experience or open world are all factors.If a game doesn't meet my expectations I already want to buy something else instead...and so far GW2 hasn't met my expectations.GW2s interest level was already relatively low, not because it won't be good but because I couldn't be arsed to finish Factions and barely started Nightfall or Eye of the North.


You know, you might like to read about Guild Wars 2 first. Your completion of GW1 has absolutely no bearing on anything.

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I buy games for the complete package. Audio, graphics, AI, gametype, fun, whether it's just a scripted experience or open world are all factors.If a game doesn't meet my expectations I already want to buy something else instead...and so far GW2 hasn't met my expectations.GW2s interest level was already relatively low, not because it won't be good but because I couldn't be arsed to finish Factions and barely started Nightfall or Eye of the North.

As everyone else has already said, this game, and the original are like comparing apples to oranges. They're both fruit, but they have a completely different flavor. The games are *nothing* alike.

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I buy games for the complete package. Audio, graphics, AI, gametype, fun, whether it's just a scripted experience or open world are all factors.If a game doesn't meet my expectations I already want to buy something else instead...and so far GW2 hasn't met my expectations.GW2s interest level was already relatively low, not because it won't be good but because I couldn't be arsed to finish Factions and barely started Nightfall or Eye of the North.

So what you're saying is you don't really know anything about the game and decided that since it doesn't currently have dx11 then you can't be bothered. What do you think about Crysis 2? It didn't have dx11 during it's betas either, or at launch and for months afterwards.

It's gotta be the silliest thing I've ever read. "No dx11 so I can't be bothered to even find out the game is nothing like it's predecessors!" Never mind that the game looks amazing and is generally really fun and challenging.

That being said I have a lot of complaints about how pathetically gimpy my warrior feels in melee range in pve. I'm not the only one who has voiced this concern. To be effective in pve as a warrior you have to use a bow or rifle? What? I choose warrior because I want to be in peoples faces and smash them to the ground with a great sword or bash them in the face with a shield. If I wanted to use a bow or rifle I would choose ranger. But nope, if you go melee in pve prepared to be throwing rocks. A lot.

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No, that isn't what I'm fact I said nothing of the sort.

No but what you said is that it wasn't high priority because you didn't beat the second expansion of GW1. However, GW2 has nothing, aside from some names, to do with GW1. You also said that you aren't going to even buy at launch because it doesn't have DX11, so it's not worth it to you.

Which seems to me, like silly reasons. The game in it's DX9 beta glory is worth a purchase as is. I have spent hours on GW2 and the time passes like it's nothing, truly a "time flies while having fun" experience.

On a side note, earlier the Gem/Commerce thing wasn't working, and telling me to login. I found that when I did it took my to the GW2 site. Discovering it was a browser I used the gw2 page to take me to Youtube, where I could watch videos in GW2.


However, after about 2 mins of video it would crash gw2. Whenever I tried to follow links to get to google or neowin it crashed gw2. Not sure why but it's like a very limited browser, dunno if disabling cookies or something would result in it happening all the time as the shop is working now.

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No but what you said is that it wasn't high priority because you didn't beat the second expansion of GW1. However, GW2 has nothing, aside from some names, to do with GW1. You also said that you aren't going to even buy at launch because it doesn't have DX11, so it's not worth it to you.

Which seems to me, like silly reasons. The game in it's DX9 beta glory is worth a purchase as is. I have spent hours on GW2 and the time passes like it's nothing, truly a "time flies while having fun" experience.

I would agree with this. I played for 12 hours straight last night I'm ashamed to say. I started playing around 7pm and didn't stop until about 7am when I realize it was light outside again. :rofl:

I made it to level 13 and cleared almost all hearts in the charr starting area though, which I've been told is the hardest of the 3 we can play right now by far. I still have some concerns about the difficulty of the game though, especially since that is just the starting area.

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I would agree with this. I played for 12 hours straight last night I'm ashamed to say. I started playing around 7pm and didn't stop until about 7am when I realize it was light outside again. :rofl:

I made it to level 13 and cleared almost all hearts in the charr starting area though, which I've been told is the hardest of the 3 we can play right now by far. I still have some concerns about the difficulty of the game though, especially since that is just the starting area.

I played about 4 hours last night (had my son), then about.. 7 hours today. I'm level 11, and done almost all the hearths, but I've been exploring leveling up weapons and such. I am human as I am not a big fan of non humanoid characters. I agree some of it is ridiculously hard, however other parts are stupidly easy. Sometimes things scale way too much and others not enough.

However, I much rather games that are on the harder side, and I hope it does stay at the same overall difficulty.

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No but what you said is that it wasn't high priority because you didn't beat the second expansion of GW1. However, GW2 has nothing, aside from some names, to do with GW1. You also said that you aren't going to even buy at launch because it doesn't have DX11, so it's not worth it to you.

Yeah isn't it great that we can all have our own opinions?

I'll play the same game as you. Just not at the same time.

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I played about 4 hours last night (had my son), then about.. 7 hours today. I'm level 11, and done almost all the hearths, but I've been exploring leveling up weapons and such. I am human as I am not a big fan of non humanoid characters. I agree some of it is ridiculously hard, however other parts are stupidly easy. Sometimes things scale way too much and others not enough.

However, I much rather games that are on the harder side, and I hope it does stay at the same overall difficulty.

I agree with that. There is no rhyme or reason why some things are very easy and others are really difficult. There are some creatures in the game that make me want to rip my hair out in frustration. The harpies in the north side of the charr map that spawn more of them, which in turn end up aggroing everything around them, which in turn spawn more of them. The barracudas are the same way. And then there are the lovely bog skales that literally regenerate their health faster than I can kill them. And these are all just regular packs of mobs.

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No but what you said is that it wasn't high priority because you didn't beat the second expansion of GW1. However, GW2 has nothing, aside from some names, to do with GW1. You also said that you aren't going to even buy at launch because it doesn't have DX11, so it's not worth it to you.

Which seems to me, like silly reasons. The game in it's DX9 beta glory is worth a purchase as is. I have spent hours on GW2 and the time passes like it's nothing, truly a "time flies while having fun" experience.

On a side note, earlier the Gem/Commerce thing wasn't working, and telling me to login. I found that when I did it took my to the GW2 site. Discovering it was a browser I used the gw2 page to take me to Youtube, where I could watch videos in GW2.

However, after about 2 mins of video it would crash gw2. Whenever I tried to follow links to get to google or neowin it crashed gw2. Not sure why but it's like a very limited browser, dunno if disabling cookies or something would result in it happening all the time as the shop is working now.

Not sure, but it may do with the fact HD video on youtube uses Adobe Flash with Video card hardware acceleration (unless you've told youtube to do html 5 video), so in essence you have two apps using the card at the same time.

See if there any vide card driver updates, and update to the most current version of adobe flash.

I've recently found my way to the char starting region.... a LOT harder then human / divinity region (from my experience).

I think its due to the char's enemy is the flame clan and lot more use of AOE then in divinity (that I've come across so far). Not sure about norn yet.

Exploring Lions Arch been pretty fun, massive city, and check underwater for ruins of the old Lions Arch.

I've not seen such massive cities you can explore (GW2 main cities) since Final Fantasy XI (1st mmo one).

On the Direct X 9 vs 10-11, not sure about the future, however GuildWars 1 was DX 8, and was upgraded to DX 9.

In the options, GW2 does have an entry about "Render: DirectX 9" which gives some credit GW2 may be updated after the fact (why have a rendering info if the game isn't going to have more then one option).

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I don't have much trouble killing skales. Should try some conditions to help counter that regen.

I was fighting them underwater and didn't have any skills unlocked for my underwater weapons.

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what I don't understand is why graphics are apparently more important than the game play. Should buy a game for the game not how it looks, seems silly to me otherwise.

I have to agree. I'd rather they spent more time on the gameplay than flashy graphics. I mean look at Age of Conan they spent a lot of time on the graphics but the gameplay didn't match up to that.

I think Guild Wars 2 is going to be a huge gameplay success and to be honest I still think it looks fantastic the stylised look they've gone for beats a lot of the other MMO's available right now regardless of the graphics API they're using.

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Not sure, but it may do with the fact HD video on youtube uses Adobe Flash with Video card hardware acceleration (unless you've told youtube to do html 5 video), so in essence you have two apps using the card at the same time.

See if there any vide card driver updates, and update to the most current version of adobe flash.

It was a bug in the game, it's not supposed to happen (ever). I was watching a youtube video inside of the game, not outside. The Gem-Shop was messed up and was acting like a regular browser window.

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My overall impressions are quite positive. It's everything I hoped for and more. However I did not get to try out all the classes I wanted to due to me stubbornly trying to master the charr warrior. Combat is fun when you aren't instagibbed, the personal story lines are fun and for the most part interesting and amusing. One thing I really like that I was not expecting is that there are actually choices to be made and they do affect how the story goes. At one point I had the choice to either let a guy go and serve as my underling in humility or kill him. I chose to kill him. I chose the ruthless charr path so of course I had to kill the ******. The dynamic events once tweaked are great fun as well.

One more thing is that there really are so many different variables in the personal story lines. You could make 5 different charr warriors and get 5 different experiences out of it. Re-playability for alt fiends is off the charts.

The crafting system looks really nice. I think I will be making my main professions armor smithing and weapon smithing so I do not have to worry about very many different materials. And also armor smiths can make bags which I think will be an excellent way to make money. I did not check to see if the other professions can make bags but they might be able to as well.

Also here's the thing about warrior, in pve I felt like I was wearing paper armor. But in pvp I felt the complete opposite. With duel wielding axes I was a whirlwind wrecking ball and out of the 5 or 6 matches I played I died maybe 3 times. I don't get why there is such an enormous difference in survivability between the two modes even though I have more or less the same skills.

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My overall impressions are quite positive. It's everything I hoped for and more. However I did not get to try out all the classes I wanted to due to me stubbornly trying to master the charr warrior. Combat is fun when you aren't instagibbed, the personal story lines are fun and for the most part interesting and amusing. One thing I really like that I was not expecting is that there are actually choices to be made and they do affect how the story goes. At one point I had the choice to either let a guy go and serve as my underling in humility or kill him. I chose to kill him. I chose the ruthless charr path so of course I had to kill the ******. The dynamic events once tweaked are great fun as well.

One more thing is that there really are so many different variables in the personal story lines. You could make 5 different charr warriors and get 5 different experiences out of it. Re-playability for alt fiends is off the charts.

The crafting system looks really nice. I think I will be making my main professions armor smithing and weapon smithing so I do not have to worry about very many different materials. And also armor smiths can make bags which I think will be an excellent way to make money. I did not check to see if the other professions can make bags but they might be able to as well.

Also here's the thing about warrior, in pve I felt like I was wearing paper armor. But in pvp I felt the complete opposite. With duel wielding axes I was a whirlwind wrecking ball and out of the 5 or 6 matches I played I died maybe 3 times. I don't get why there is such an enormous difference in survivability between the two modes even though I have more or less the same skills.

I too have very positive feelings regarding this game. I mean there are a few bugs and glitches, but in the 12+ hours I've played I have barely scratched the surface (and that's only one character, one race, one class, one story). I am about 70% done the first area. I haven't done any PVP but I find now with the gear I have I am able to stay alive in PVE with little difficulty.

The way weapon skills work is awesome, learning skills, mixing and matching them, it's great. I can have a set that is like pure melee/direct DPS and have another that is more about the debuffs, and AOE targetted spells. I can have off-hands that heal me, it's all up to however I decide to do it.

The story line (that I chose) is quite fun, betrayal, lies, secrets, etc. I like the choices, for example I could either save an orphanage OR a hospital (I chose the orphanage), but it feels very much like a choose your own adventure which is awesome.

Even with the "DX9 hate" the game is beautiful, it's well lit and HUGE the maps are insane. They really do give you the sense of being small in something huge. I don't regret spending a cent on GW2 it has met my expectations and surpassed them in pretty much every way. There is a definite learning curve to the game, however it isn't overly difficult, and once mastered feels very rewarding.

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So, wait... how does one get into the beta without pre-ordering?

If you were in the last BWE (for the closed beta) you're in this one as well.

Two heads-ups, folks -

1. Heads-up the first - There is NO installer - therefore, don't select Run after downloading the new client - instead, save it and then create a folder to where you want the game to install and run from (for Vista/7/8 Consumer Preview, I strongly suggest a separate folder in your Games subfolder (%WINDRIVE/%USER/Games/Guild Wars 2)).

2. Heads-up the second - Like the closed beta, the game *is* compatible with the Windows 8 Comsumer Preview (x32/64 only, of course); however, it does NOT create a desktop shortcut by default! (It may not create a shortcut in the StartScreen, either). You will likely have to do so manually.

No, I'm not breaching the NDA - it has been banished.

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If you were in the last BWE (for the closed beta) you're in this one as well.

...well, that serves me right for not downloading the client and playing it sooner then. I was wondering what was going on, as I downloaded it and installed it today, tried to play, and it said I wasn't in, even though I've been in the beta for over a month now, just haven't played it yet. :pinch:

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What class is everyone playing?

And what race is everyone planning on playing?

I'm going to be (as if it isn't obvious) Asura, but I'm absolutely loving my engineer.

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I'm a human elementalist at the moment. And that will likely be the first thing i make at launch. Then a sylvari (dunno what class yet) after that.

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I am a Human Necro, however next bwe I will probably try human illusionist. I been the Queensdale area as much as I could. One of the talent points were bugged out so it wasn't obtainable.

Got 17/17 hearts, 16/16 way points, 21/21 poi's, and 6/7 talent points. I will probably stay human as I am not a fan of playing a creature, I prefer the realisticity of humanoid character.



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So are all the races in the game beta now? I was watching several live event streams from this weekend (and last weekend also I think) and they seemed to be limited to Norn and Human and Charr races?

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I buy games for the complete package. Audio, graphics, AI, gametype, fun, whether it's just a scripted experience or open world are all factors.If a game doesn't meet my expectations I already want to buy something else instead...and so far GW2 hasn't met my expectations.GW2s interest level was already relatively low, not because it won't be good but because I couldn't be arsed to finish Factions and barely started Nightfall or Eye of the North.

I too buy the game for complete fun package. I agree with you up until you say "... and so far..."

You say "I couldn't be arsed to finish Factions and barely started Nightfall or Eye of the North." That is Guild Wars not Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars is an old game. Guild Wars 2 is almost entirely a new game. Only the game maker continue their MMO line but it's an entire different game. You can't mix "Factions/Nightfall/or even Eye of the North" as part of Guild Wars 2. Those campaign are for Guild Wars, NOT Guild Wars 2.

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Purchased the game today, so I should be able to participate in the next beta weekend (I chose not to buy in time for this one due to university exams).

Have ArenaNet said anything about when the next one will be?

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