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Despite the updates, ANet have said that they haven't changed anything client-wise since the BWE. Everything that was updated was for server interaction and possibly some audio stuff.

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Updated your drivers recently? Would be the only thing I would guess. That rig sounds plenty fine to run it, at least at med-low settings.

I just went and updated, because I was using next to latest release. Is there a way to see your FPS in game? I was relying on Fraps to tell me, maybe that is the issue. Though it does feel a bit slugging on medium settings.

It's a beta. They have only just started optimisation. The game is currently CPU bound and only uses 1 core - hence on an AMD of any subscription it's going to run fairly poorly.

That will improve throughout the BWEs (not stress tests) as we get closer to release.

I understand it is a beta. I don't expect the best optimization, hehe. And I did not however know it was bound to one core. Thanks for the heads up. :)

I've got a far less than perfect rig, have 0 fps issues on medium settings. It may be placebo but I do feel this stress test is smoother than the bwe.

Hrmm...I am unsure what is going on. It is not running horribly by any means, just not what I would expect - even for a beta. But Wakers response is probably the best explanation of why it is a tad slow.

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Despite the updates, ANet have said that they haven't changed anything client-wise since the BWE. Everything that was updated was for server interaction and possibly some audio stuff.

Okay, maybe the server side changes helped. As I say it just feels smoother.

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Well, that was fun!

First beta I have participated in since Age of Conan, :p.

For my first Guild Wars experience (ever) I had a great time playing. And people were pretty nice too.

Sad it had to end :(.

I think I got a lot of bugs reported as well, so I did my part there. As far as performance, the game ran pretty great on High and Ultra settings, even with a lot of people around.

I went with a Norn Thief and made it to level 9. Could have gone further had a bug not prevented me from continuing my story.

Anyway, I definitely can't wait to play this game.

Couple of screens:



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Man. Even though i didn't have time to get to 30(only got to 27) i tried to go into the ascalonian catacombs just to check it out, but i wouldn't load up to let me. bah.

Also, the game ran slightly better than i expected on my laptop. Given the lack of optimization so far. Hopefully that'll improve later down the line.

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  • 2 weeks later...

BWE2, June 8-10. BWE1 characters will remain as you left them. As for if there's any new content involved with this bwe, they haven't said yet.

Well, they kinda did. They said we could get to level 35 and do the Ascalonian Catacombs. While I think it's always been accessible this will be the first time people will actually be able to get into the level range to do it.

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So, if I preorder now I can get into BWE 6/8? If so, YES! I'm off for 7 days starting the 8th and will hopefully have my new PC built.

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Well, they kinda did. They said we could get to level 35 and do the Ascalonian Catacombs. While I think it's always been accessible this will be the first time people will actually be able to get into the level range to do it.

Yea, i think it's always been open too. But i think they need to add another zone to level in and what not. Not only to make getting there(to 30-35) more enjoyable, but if they're wanting us to do a level 30-35 dungeon it'd probably go alot smoother/be more enjoyable if you weren't stuck to the lower level 20 items from the karma vendors(which i think are currently the best things you can get as of our last play).

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That'd be nice if something like that were true. But we know arenanet, they'll keep up with that "when it's done" crap and not say a date until the week before the game is released.

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4 or 5 sites that I frequent all had beta keys to give away yesterday, and I'm not kidding, they literally ran out of keys within 2 minutes of posting. IGN will keep handing out keys until Monday I believe, so maybe I'll snag one by then, but I doubt it :(

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They put a rather large(~5GB) update onto the patch servers today. So if you haven't launched the client since the stress test(or the last BWE) you may want to do so before friday.

I don't think we know what's been changed/added yet, but i did notice a couple things on the login screen. One is that it has a new graphic option named "animation", and the other is that it seems that the game now has Logitech G15 support.

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I probably missed it but will there be a neowin guild set up?

The trouble is that so many people are in different countries. I don't think we've really discussed that yet though.

They put a rather large(~5GB) update onto the patch servers today. So if you haven't launched the client since the stress test(or the last BWE) you may want to do so before friday.

I don't think we know what's been changed/added yet, but i did notice a couple things on the login screen. One is that it has a new graphic option named "animation", and the other is that it seems that the game now has Logitech G15 support.

Thanks for the heads up.

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I definitely want to play the beta of this before I buy it. Are there any good sites giving out keys? Will we see an open beta before release?

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Some sites are giving out keys, best place is to check the Guild Wars 2 facebook page.

Pretty sure there's won't be an open beta of this. They didn't do it with GW1 and they really don't like the idea.

Best thing to do would be to watch the 'professional' videos that have been uploaded to youtube until release and then wait for the limited time trial - if they do one. I think with GW1 they waited for almost two years before letting people trial it.

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They put a rather large(~5GB) update onto the patch servers today. So if you haven't launched the client since the stress test(or the last BWE) you may want to do so before friday.

I don't think we know what's been changed/added yet, but i did notice a couple things on the login screen. One is that it has a new graphic option named "animation", and the other is that it seems that the game now has Logitech G15 support.

Better create a shortcut to the launcher and add an "-image" command (so it looks like "Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe" -image"). Downloads EVERYTHING (all the maps and textures for places you didn't visit yet) and not just the update.

And we pretty much do know why the large update:

I definitely want to play the beta of this before I buy it. Are there any good sites giving out keys? Will we see an open beta before release?

Why not just buy it? There's no monthly fees, so you can drop-in to play whenever you want without feeling like you're paying for nothing monthly, when you don't haver the time to play it.

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Better create a shortcut to the launcher and add an "-image" command (so it looks like "Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe" -image"). Downloads EVERYTHING (all the maps and textures for places you didn't visit yet) and not just the update.

And we pretty much do know why the large update:

Yes, we do know some of the changes it has now. But when i posted last night that blog post was not yet up.

On another note, i wonder if guesting(aka visiting other servers) is still going to be disabled or not.

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