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Wanted to share this one (from last Beta event, not current one)

It's the main fountain in Lions Arch, now underwater.


Edited by Jason Stillion
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I'd wager they'll have alot of unhappy people if they somehow let it slip into Q4.

Honestly the game feels pretty polished and done. Compared to some other mmo's I've beta tested in the past GW2 feels like a finished product for the most part. I believe that there are still some balance issues to be worked out mainly for melee when there are large amounts of players around greatly increasing the strength of mobs and events. I didn't play ranger but a friend said that the pet AI was pretty bad and I read a lot of threads that said the same on the GW2 forum so that is probably another thing they are going to have to work on. Also the minimap in the last beta was kind of bad. And then there is always performance tweaks to be made but beyond that the game feels pretty "done". And balancing doesn't stop when the game is released so that's almost a non-issue. Anet still routinely updates GW1 about once a month or so.

But yes, if the release date somehow slips into Q4 or even worse 2013 people will be getting their pitchforks and torches out and marching on Anet headquarters. For me..I've been waiting 5 years for this game. Another 3 or 4, or even 6 months won't hurt.

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I think it will be sometime in July with one more BWE. No way would you want to go against MoP. My wishful thinking was June and now my buddy has talked me into starting WoW again (I never played past vanilla so that should be interesting) - mainly for PvP stuff. I almost regret partaking in the BWE for GW2 because all it did was make me want the game that much more :laugh:

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It won't be July either if there's another BWE to come.

People shouldn't be annoyed if the game gets into Q4 before release. The prepurchase initiative was done with the guarantee of 2012. If people get upset that it comes out in the final quarter of 2012, they're just idiots.

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Honestly the game feels pretty polished and done. Compared to some other mmo's I've beta tested in the past GW2 feels like a finished product for the most part. I believe that there are still some balance issues to be worked out mainly for melee when there are large amounts of players around greatly increasing the strength of mobs and events. I didn't play ranger but a friend said that the pet AI was pretty bad and I read a lot of threads that said the same on the GW2 forum so that is probably another thing they are going to have to work on. Also the minimap in the last beta was kind of bad. And then there is always performance tweaks to be made but beyond that the game feels pretty "done". And balancing doesn't stop when the game is released so that's almost a non-issue. Anet still routinely updates GW1 about once a month or so.

But yes, if the release date somehow slips into Q4 or even worse 2013 people will be getting their pitchforks and torches out and marching on Anet headquarters. For me..I've been waiting 5 years for this game. Another 3 or 4, or even 6 months won't hurt.

Yea, i agree. Aside from the couple of things you mentioned, and a couple skills that were still broken in bwe2(i'm looking at you Glyph of Renewal), the game is in rather good shape for a beta. I'd think something would have to go horribly wrong for Q4 to actually happen.

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Honestly the game feels pretty polished and done. Compared to some other mmo's I've beta tested in the past GW2 feels like a finished product for the most part. I believe that there are still some balance issues to be worked out mainly for melee when there are large amounts of players around greatly increasing the strength of mobs and events. I didn't play ranger but a friend said that the pet AI was pretty bad and I read a lot of threads that said the same on the GW2 forum so that is probably another thing they are going to have to work on. Also the minimap in the last beta was kind of bad. And then there is always performance tweaks to be made but beyond that the game feels pretty "done". And balancing doesn't stop when the game is released so that's almost a non-issue. Anet still routinely updates GW1 about once a month or so.

But yes, if the release date somehow slips into Q4 or even worse 2013 people will be getting their pitchforks and torches out and marching on Anet headquarters. For me..I've been waiting 5 years for this game. Another 3 or 4, or even 6 months won't hurt.

I've followed your posts regarding games and MMOs over my time here, and you're always pretty spot on and level headed in your approach to games. Just thought I'd say that to add to your credibility as a poster here. :) (Y)

Anyway, yeah the game is rather polished. I can't say I agree with you on the minimap though, but that's just a difference of opinion.

Also, regarding the performance of the game, I hear that it's only utilizing the CPU right now. If this is true, than this would account for many of the issues people are having with the performance. Friend of mine upgraded to a quad-core Phenom II as well and the game played a lot smoother. Hopefully, later on they'll have the game making full use of the GPU properly and it will run a lot better, perhaps with driver updates from AMD/Nvidia too as it approaches release.

Right now, the only real problem I see people complaining about is that the game isn't out yet hahah. They've gotten a taste and they want it bad. Hell, I'm not even going to lie, I got really sad the Monday after the BWE2 ended... :p

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Can be interpreted in many ways, though.

Two things about that. Firstly, Massively reported on it about a month after the report was released.

Secondly, the only thing it really says is that the game will be released before Thanksgiving which is what, November? So it's not really revealing anything startling or exciting considering the game is guaranteed to be released this year anyway.

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I heard rumors of a June 28th release, but I seriously doubt that considering they would have already said something by now. Still, I'm wondering what news they may announce that day.

Taken at Arenanet:


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I heard rumors of a June 28th release, but I seriously doubt that considering they would have already said something by now. Still, I'm wondering what news they may announce that day.

Taken at Arenanet:

Probably just the release date. Or following recent trends an announcement about the announcement that will tell us the release date.

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Coincidence I say. Though they may have been what they were aiming for, and using that as leverage for it (for employees). Still, things change. And I (as bad as I want this game out RIGHT NOW) hope the game doesn't release in June. It feels incredibly amazing, and has good polish, but it just does not feel ready for release yet. I'd say give it a month or two, and it might be ready. The skill or "talent' trees still need major work, alongside some quest tweaking, and class mechanics. I know it can get patches, but you really do not want broken software/gameplay at launch. I have faith in ArenaNet, and hope they have the awesome techs for a July release. But I'm still leaning towards October.

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Are any of you running this game via Boot Camp on Mac hardware? 2008 (8600M) MacBook Pro even more specifically? =)

I don't own a mac, but judging by how a Geforce 8600 is (roughly) around the minimum requirements for the game in terms of performance, I doubt you'll have a good experience on that(regardless of how optimized the game becomes by release).

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I don't own a mac, but judging by how a Geforce 8600 is (roughly) around the minimum requirements for the game in terms of performance, I doubt you'll have a good experience on that(regardless of how optimized the game becomes by release).

Even if it is played via Boot Camp and not virtualized? That's not cool ha, I know the minimum requirements, I'm hoping to try the beta somehow so I'll know and just turn down some settings..

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That photo is about 4 months old and it is not the release date. It has been reposted and denied hundreds of times.

That is a new version taken a few days ago. The original was in international date format 28-6-12. They've switched the shirts round to American date format. There is also another photo with two shirts... 14 and 30.... a time? I don't believe it is purely coincidence. Something is coming :)

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Tin foil hat time is here..

Tin foil hat time? What does that even mean and what's your deal? Every time someone has speculated about something in this thread you've come in here and dumped on it. We're just fans being excited about a game and you've got some sort of bad attitude about us discussing and speculating about it.

I don't get it. If you don't want to discuss things like release date or see discussion about it then don't come in the thread and/or don't be Mr. Negative Pants when do you decide to post, please?

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Tin foil hat time? What does that even mean and what's your deal? Every time someone has speculated about something in this thread you've come in here and dumped on it. We're just fans being excited about a game and you've got some sort of bad attitude about us discussing and speculating about it.

I don't get it. If you don't want to discuss things like release date or see discussion about it then don't come in the thread and/or don't be Mr. Negative Pants when do you decide to post, please?

Because everyone makes the stupidist excuses for something to be a release date. I'm excited too, I can't wait for the game - but that doesn't mean I look for hidden meanings in every single tiny news posting that is made about the game. Everything that comes out is some big, deep, mystery conspiracy about putting a release date in plain sight without releasing it, and it's just incredibly stupid to look at it that way.

The deal with the shirts is that they present them to people who are leaving the office.

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Because everyone makes the stupidist excuses for something to be a release date. I'm excited too, I can't wait for the game - but that doesn't mean I look for hidden meanings in every single tiny news posting that is made about the game. Everything that comes out is some big, deep, mystery conspiracy about putting a release date in plain sight without releasing it, and it's just incredibly stupid to look at it that way.

The deal with the shirts is that they present them to people who are leaving the office.

I didn't say it was a release date, I'm just expecting something to happen. The speculation gives us something to do until the next BWE... or release :) It's all in good fun after all.

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Because everyone makes the stupidist excuses for something to be a release date. I'm excited too, I can't wait for the game - but that doesn't mean I look for hidden meanings in every single tiny news posting that is made about the game. Everything that comes out is some big, deep, mystery conspiracy about putting a release date in plain sight without releasing it, and it's just incredibly stupid to look at it that way.

The deal with the shirts is that they present them to people who are leaving the office.

No one here is expecting that to be the release date. I only said the date was speculated (Source). It's obviously wrong of course, seeing as it wouldn't be smart to launch an MMO quietly... :rolleyes:

Still doesn't change the fact that they could be announcing a date then or share some other bit of news with us though, seeing as they're continuing the trend of keeping the shirts up at the office for whatever reason.

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Because everyone makes the stupidist excuses for something to be a release date. I'm excited too, I can't wait for the game - but that doesn't mean I look for hidden meanings in every single tiny news posting that is made about the game. Everything that comes out is some big, deep, mystery conspiracy about putting a release date in plain sight without releasing it, and it's just incredibly stupid to look at it that way.

The deal with the shirts is that they present them to people who are leaving the office.

That's what speculation is. Call it "stupid excuses" if you want and I'll continue to call you Mr. Negative Pants.

Here is another thing that bugs me. You obviously had a bit of information about the shirts and obviously (wrongly) assumed we were all on the same page as you. That picture is the first I've ever seen of them and seeing as how the date, if it is in fact one, is just a week away it's hard not to speculate that something will happen on that day.

So in the future please don't assume everyone has all the same information that you do.

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