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I like the Asura as well. Made a guardian again and had a blast. I like the starting area as well - color me impressed, I was sure I'd be a Charr guardian on release.

The severe lack of hairstyles for Asura really turns me off to the race. :(

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So i've been playing a sylvari guardian over the weekend and i gotta say... guardians are ridiculously durable and seem capable of surviving things someone shouldn't really survive. Also, i rather like the sylvari.

What weapon setups do you use? I've tried guardian and I want to like it, but I can't find a weapon configuration I like.
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What weapon setups do you use? I've tried guardian and I want to like it, but I can't find a weapon configuration I like.

I find myself using mace + shield and sword + torch most often.

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I really hate to say it, but I really agree.. I was super excited to get into beta and check this out because I wanted to buy it, but after playing, I am not impressed. Just doesn't feel good to me.

Same here. I was holding off til later cause of the lack of DX11, but I can't see myself buying this even when it does.

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So I like the slvyri and I am enjoying the elemantlist for now. But I just crashed and honestly this close to release this should be more like a demo. I hope this is a very rare occurrence.

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I have yet to even participate in this beta weekend. Dunno why, but I just haven't had the urge to play. Still can't wait for release though. I still love the fact it is completely F2P after original purchase. So I can hop on and play whenever without worrying about getting my money's worth from my subscription. That is just plain awesome for a AAA game.

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So I like the slvyri and I am enjoying the elemantlist for now. But I just crashed and honestly this close to release this should be more like a demo. I hope this is a very rare occurrence.

I have around 30 hours in the last 3 beta weekends combined and I didn't crash once. So I'm going to assume it is a rare thing. Not that many hours compared to some but still, I can't recall very many games that have been stable for 30 hours and then some.

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So I like the slvyri and I am enjoying the elemantlist for now. But I just crashed and honestly this close to release this should be more like a demo. I hope this is a very rare occurrence.

If they meant for it to be simply a demo, they'd have called it that.

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The severe lack of hairstyles for Asura really turns me off to the race. :(

Agreed, I was surprised by that actually. Maybe they will add some before release.

And I do have to say I was disappointed that there was no DirectX 11 in for this weekend. Not sure if they just want to hold it back for something extra or what. And is it just me, everytime I start a new character I feel completely lost for the first 20-30 minutes :laugh:

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I don't get the hangup on dx11. :wacko:

All the games I've played that have dx11 in them cost too much performance for too little benefit.

Maybe it's time to upgrade your Pentium 4 then :laugh:

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MMO 'stories' are pretty much never blow you away, regardless of the game. If an amazing story is want you want from your RPG, you're always better off sticking to the single player, offline type.

The Secret World has apparently a nice focus on story. I will probably test it a bit further on, but right now focus is on GW2 and I don't have the time to play several MMO games.

I don't get the hangup on dx11. :wacko:

All the games I've played that have dx11 in them cost too much performance for too little benefit.

DX11 has performance benefits over DX9 which is an ancient API. So a game that looks exactly the same should run better on DX11. The test below is fairly old, but it's an example of possible performance gains when using DX11 without adding any extra graphical features.,2793-7.html

Games that add extra effect in DX11 do have a performance cost. Often you can turn those effects off and just run DX11 without extra eye candy.


For GW2 I think they hit a very nice spot in between "free-to-play" and subscription-based games. You pay for the game and expansions, but there isn't a monthly fee. There is a Gem Store where you can buy things for real money, but it's not forced upon you as in free-to-play games. You can enjoy the game fully without using the store. I loathe how other games have the pay store showed down my throat, making me uninstall them because free-to-play was a lie.

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Well hey if I was being serious I'd point out that DX11 actually enhances performance and accuracy of effects, but since it often also offers higher end techniques those can certainly be a drain on the FPS.

I have yet to see a dx11 game my sys can't handle at 1080p, and I can't imagine a first gen Core i7 and a 6870 is considered high end anymore (though it certainly isn't lacking obviously.)

Anyway, moot point since GW2 has been permanently removed from my list of things to buy. So not much more to say.

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Soooo... Leave this thread and don't return????

If you have no interest anymore in it, then let us speak about it, considering we do.

I'm sorry DX 9 and DX 11 conflict your purchases. But please, we don't care. I've read a lot of your posts, and you hang up on such a stupid argument with DX that it isn't worth arguing. Go play whatever you play, and just leave this thread alone. Simple as that, cause as far as I care, it can run on DX9 and I will still love it. Graphics aren't everything kid, learn that. Cause that has been your argument from the beginning and frankly, no one cares.

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Soooo... Leave this thread and don't return????

If you have no interest anymore in it, then let us speak about it, considering we do.

I'm sorry DX 9 and DX 11 conflict your purchases. But please, we don't care. I've read a lot of your posts, and you hang up on such a stupid argument with DX that it isn't worth arguing. Go play whatever you play, and just leave this thread alone. Simple as that, cause as far as I care, it can run on DX9 and I will still love it. Graphics aren't everything kid, learn that. Cause that has been your argument from the beginning and frankly, no one cares.

Actually that's exactly what I was going to do, but you felt the need to tell me to. Why? I don't know. I had something to say, and I did, and so you tell me off for having something to say? Is it against your religion to let people disagree with you?

Did you even read what I said? I said I was planning to buy it later when it supported DX11, but after playing it couldn't imagine enjoying it. Which means that DX11 issue had nothing to do with what I was saying, otherwise I wouldn't have even come back here knowing what fine gentlemen you all are.

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Most of what you have said in this thread has dealt with the DX level.... And what...religion, what the hell man?

Yes I have read everything you have said, and as far as I know you are complaining about nothing.. You are going to either troll about the game, or buy the game. It is clear you are actually going to buy it, yet still complain. Why is this a big deal to you, that you have to mention it in all of your posts?

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Actually that's exactly what I was going to do, but you felt the need to tell me to. Why? I don't know. I had something to say, and I did, and so you tell me off for having something to say? Is it against your religion to let people disagree with you?

Did you even read what I said? I said I was planning to buy it later when it supported DX11, but after playing it couldn't imagine enjoying it. Which means that DX11 issue had nothing to do with what I was saying, otherwise I wouldn't have even come back here knowing what fine gentlemen you all are.

Perhaps you could have said why you dislike the game instead of just "I don't like it and no dx11". We get it, you have this huge thing for dx11 because you mention it 2 or 3 times every time you post. But nothing else to go on.. so how else should he talk to you?

If you don't care to talk about why you dislike it then why even bother posting at all? At least if you say why you don't like it we have something else to talk about.

People are free to like or not like whatever they want, but if you post in a thread about a game people have been waiting many years for and just say you hate it and provide no argument you shouldn't expect anything but negative comments in reply.

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Perhaps you could have said why you dislike the game instead of just "I don't like it and no dx11". We get it, you have this huge thing for dx11 because you mention it 2 or 3 times every time you post. But nothing else to go on.. so how else should he talk to you?

If you don't care to talk about why you dislike it then why even bother posting at all? At least if you say why you don't like it we have something else to talk about.

Thank you. I knew I wasn't the only one who noticed this.

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I posted to show my disappointment with the latest beta weekend. I thought I would enjoy the game and I did not. And 'why' is irrelevant.

Then I conversed a little and got dogpiled on. And now I'm going to sleep and will forget this conversation ever happened...just like last time.

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No you didn't...You complained about the DX level as you have done throughout the entire thread. You haven't seemed to ever enjoy it, so why not just leave the thread?

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I'm still only getting ~35 FPS. Anybody else still getting poor performance? Are they planning on more optimization? I surely hope so.

If you're comparing it to the original GW from a performance POV - don't. It's so much more graphically rich (despite it being DX9c, as is the original), you wouldn't think it was even related.

I play GW firewalled (1920x1080 with every detail maxed out) - however, I have to back down to medium detail during this BWE (and 1680x1050 besides).

Metrica Province (homebase for the Asura) is flat-out gorgeous in a way that even pre-Searing Ascalon wasn't; however, it is a DX9 GPU Shader Obstacle Course for that very reason.

Those of us used to playing GW firewalled are going to have to face facts - our GPUs no longer cut the mustard for GW2.

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I'm still only getting ~35 FPS. Anybody else still getting poor performance? Are they planning on more optimization? I surely hope so.

I'm not sure they have full optimization going just yet. Also, I'm willing to bet we'll see continued improvements once AMD/nVidia release drivers optimized for it too.

What kind of system are you running though?

Personally, I just upgraded my processor to an AMD Phenom II X4 and the game runs like very well on mostly high settings @ 1680x1050. Did it mostly for GW2 but also because my computer needed it. Haven't bought hardware for a game since I bought a PS2 just to play GTA3. :laugh:

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