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Fired up client this morning for it to patch up and got a new error message about the video driver I am using having known issues with the game, I'm using the latest release Nvidia drivers (301.42's) on a GTX 460. Anyone else seen this message? Anyone know why this message would be coming up? Ran BWE3 and the last few stress tests fine w/o seeing that message.

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Fired up client this morning for it to patch up and got a new error message about the video driver I am using having known issues with the game, I'm using the latest release Nvidia drivers (301.42's) on a GTX 460. Anyone else seen this message? Anyone know why this message would be coming up? Ran BWE3 and the last few stress tests fine w/o seeing that message.

Because the drivers have issues with the game. They limit the performance quite a bit. It's a new update so it shows that they want people to not have these drivers on launch.

Nvidia are releasing new drivers somewhere between the 15th and the 21st, so make sure you upgrade.

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Because there are known graphical issues that can occur with that driver?

If there were, I can't say I noticed them, hence me asking...

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So 3 PM eastern. 4 hour duration.

Well, atleast this one is long enough to be worthwhile, unlike sundays.

Also, for those who don't keep track of updates like i've been doing for a while, there was a ~450MB update on early monday. So you may wanna grab that before the test if you're doing it.

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@Blackhearted - you realise the stress tests are what they say on the tin, right? They're stress tests. An hour might not be worth it for you but it must have been worth it to Anet.

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Yeah, and it seemed perfectly stable, too. I played the entire hour and didn't get disconnected once. To bad the hour went by in the blink of an eye.

Oh well.. a week and a half to go.

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Fort Aspendwood sounds good. :D

Some friends are thinking about going to Darkhaven though. So I don't know. I just want a server that is actively going to pursue WvWvW and it's hard to tell which ones will at this point.

It would be nice to get a list of players names going at some point, too.

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Anyone know the server they are playing on yet? Ill be on Fort Aspenwood, been on it since the first beta.

I moved there in beta 2. Was thinking about just staying there.

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Gonna miss this stress test. Heading out to work now :(

And I'll be playing on Underworld, just because I've spent a lot more time in it than in Fissure of Woe farming for ectos in GW.

Can't remember anything of Fort Aspenwood. Also if I remember correct, that's an American server. So def. not for me.

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Well, I dunno if /v/ guys have settled on a server just yet, but they've been playing on Anvil Rock. SA Goons will be on Maguuma.

Just saying, if others were wondering where the big guilds were headed.

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Gonna miss this stress test. Heading out to work now :(

And I'll be playing on Underworld, just because I've spent a lot more time in it than in Fissure of Woe farming for ectos in GW.

Can't remember anything of Fort Aspenwood. Also if I remember correct, that's an American server. So def. not for me.

FA was from Factions, first expansion.

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Well, I dunno if /v/ guys have settled on a server just yet, but they've been playing on Anvil Rock. SA Goons will be on Maguuma.

Just saying, if others were wondering where the big guilds were headed.

And Reddit will be on Isle of Janthir. Staying away from all of those servers. Also staying away from Jade Quarry as that server's overflooded.

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Wow, almost forgot about the stress test, just clicked over to the gw2status site (which seems down at the moment) and noticed it was starting in less than 10 minutes.

That being said, I think I'll be on Yak's friend and I started using it when we first started the BWEs (which was the third only one BWE for us), but I've stayed on it during the stress tests, and it's one of the more memorable and humorous server names for the US IMO. Plus during the BWE3 and all the stress tests, they have been owning it up in WvWvW (haven't seen them losing one yet).

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I'm so so so so so so sad.... I was able to try out the stress test... and.... my computer just can't handle this game :( I get about 10 fps it seems, unless I make everything look like total ass. I may just suck it up and play it like that for a bit. I am certainly going to upgrade my pc, but it wont happen until December. I'm basically now counting on the new diablo 1.04 patch to keep me entertained until then. Just so sad lol.

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