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Look, during beta-tests and stress-tests there weren't as many players online as this weekend. The trading post/Lion trading company/whatever is done with seperate servers afaik and they are probably overloaded/ can't handle the load.

IF I were a developer for that part, i'd rewrite parts of it to be able to handle the load better and install better servers.

Be happy you can play at least.

I dunno about that. You have to remember that the betas, especially beta 3, were loaded with freeloaders who got keys via various giveaways. The numbers from then and now may not be as hugely different as you think.

And i am happy to be able to play, it's just that being unable to trade is becoming a bit of a hindrance. For example, i could be SOOOOO much further in my tailoring if i could easily buy some damn jute instead of having to go farm things like bandits and praying they either drop a light armor item, or that their bags they drop give me some cloth.

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I agree that the market being down is a big hindrance. My brilliant plan to making money was to have a ton of bags made by official launch. Bags are probably the #1 thing most people will be looking for. But I can't do that because I can't sell the ones I do have made and I can't buy more copper.

And just another small almost insignificant feature of the game for those aren't aware, is the different kinds of bags. Since I'm on the topic. You have bags where weapons and armor will be sorted into first as you pick them up, You have bags that won't re-arrange themselves when you click the compact button. You have bags that won't sell items that are considered junk if they are in them. And those are just the ones I've discovered so far.

Also if anyone is wondering just how many "set" armors/skins there are, some may or may not consider these links spoilers so far warning:

Well...there's a lot. The art assets used for just the armors alone is mind blowing to think about. We're rarely going to see people using the same armors and that's just amazing, You don't see that in other mmos, or any kind of game for that matter.

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Managed to get my wife to purchase the game for me last night and I was able to play for about 20 minutes before things went wrong. I had Guild Wars 2 installed to one of my older Hard Drives, and it was actually the only thing on it. The game started to act funny. Images not loading, text not being visible. and then the game client crashed. Once that happened I was unable to launch the game again. Took a look at the drive and the status was Failed.

So I spent last night re-downloading the game client and I will try again once i return home tonight.

Also Human Ranger (Female)

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You also got a bag for collectable items. Crafted one, just for the exp. Not very useful for me, as I always use the "deposit all collectibles" function.

But it's nice to have a separation between those items from the others.

And while we're talking about HDDs, just got an SMS that my SDD is on the way to my house. Going to waste time installing the OS and the game on it when it arrives, instead of actually playing GW2 :(

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And just another small almost insignificant feature of the game for those aren't aware, is the different kinds of bags. Since I'm on the topic. You have bags where weapons and armor will be sorted into first as you pick them up, You have bags that won't re-arrange themselves when you click the compact button. You have bags that won't sell items that are considered junk if they are in them. And those are just the ones I've discovered so far.

Bag types:

Invisible Bags - Items inside do not appear at merchants, and do not rearrange themselves when sorting or doing other actions (if you put a material in this bag and use the deposit all collectibles, the collectibles in this bag will not be sent).

Oiled Bags - All junk items go to this bag unless it is full.

Reinforced Padded Equipment Bags - Weapons and armor go to this bag unless full (not sure if this includes jewelry).

Craftsman's Bags - All crafting materials go to this bag unless it is full.

So far I've only made an invisible and oiled bags. Invisible is nice because you can keep things you want on you but don't want to sell (extra mining picks/axes, salvage kits, etc), oiled bags are great because the junk items don't go into your starter bag, but other items do, so you don't have to sort out the junk.

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Can you buy actual large-slot bags from somewhere?

I think that like 16 or 20 slot bags can be made later on. Which you may be able to then buy off the trading post... if they ever fix it.

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You can check it yourself. the only thing I censored, was the confirmation number (put x instead). And I didn't request a password reset :huh:
as far as I can tell its legit, I am only saying that because 1. it instantly comes up as unable to connect at work, just like the account link I got when I purchased the game.

here is the email arenanet sent me.

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At any crafting station or your bank. It's the button that is a bunch of small squares. It just stores crafting materials and mini pets right now.

Though sadly they kept the 250 stack size from GW1. Already ran into the problem of that not being enough space because the one thing I would actually sell on the broker (excess crafting materials and bags) I've run out of space for. :wacko:

Thats awesome, thanks man. That certainly frees things up.

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"Let's give them free **** so they have to buy more bank space"


The hat is very immersion breaking, and you can equip it on any of your character (account based) so it's not taking any space, other then your costume head piece.

Having a blast, despite odd glitches.

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I got all updated and running last night. I pre-purchased on the pre-purchase release, right after it opened up. So I had the 3 days, but was camping at my parents new trailer and didn't get home till last night. I played a necro through all the bwes and stress test events, decided to go with a Theif, and I must say it's awesome. I wasn't so sure about a rogue type character, but the damage output using dual daggers is crazy. I'm level 7 almost 8 in just over 2 hours of play last night. I accidentially a truck load of hats so it took me like 5 minutes to take them from the mail (had about 100) bring them to inventory and delete them. I noticed with my mail though it maxed out at 10 items, then as soon as I cleared it, another 10 would appear.

I got one of the lion chests but I need to get some keys. I also was unable to authenticate my email as it was giving some PHP Errors when attempting to.

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I got all updated and running last night. I pre-purchased on the pre-purchase release, right after it opened up. So I had the 3 days, but was camping at my parents new trailer and didn't get home till last night. I played a necro through all the bwes and stress test events, decided to go with a Theif, and I must say it's awesome. I wasn't so sure about a rogue type character, but the damage output using dual daggers is crazy. I'm level 7 almost 8 in just over 2 hours of play last night. I accidentially a truck load of hats so it took me like 5 minutes to take them from the mail (had about 100) bring them to inventory and delete them. I noticed with my mail though it maxed out at 10 items, then as soon as I cleared it, another 10 would appear.

I got one of the lion chests but I need to get some keys. I also was unable to authenticate my email as it was giving some PHP Errors when attempting to.

I got 6 chests and im lvl 16 now, still only got 1 key :-( and the stupid trading post has been down lol.

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I got 6 chests and im lvl 16 now, still only got 1 key :-( and the stupid trading post has been down lol.

i have only gotten 1 chest so far, but 2 keyes

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Never found any of this stuff in the one BWE I played. What chests/hats are you folks talking about... Mention of Hats makes me think of Team Fortress.

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I picked up this game on Saturday and got some game time yesterday.

These games are always disorienting at first. I haven't had a chance to really form an opinion about the underlying game. Can't really say much about any MMO until you get into it. There is a lot of polish on this one, which is nice to see. Still, there is something about the characters movements that feel like they are floating. Like their footsteps don't quite land right on the ground beneath them or are not quite proportional to the distance you travel. Idk... Thats my only complaint though, and it seems to be prevalent in all MMOs that go with a more realistic looking art direction than a cartoony/fantasy one.

The Map looks really well done. I'd say the mini-map and world map is probably the best I've seen for a game in this genera.

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Anybody making bags? I could really use some.

Depends on what server you're on ;)

Anyways I barely use more than my 20 slot bag. You should be clicking on "deposit all collectibles" to clear your bags and have your stuff be deposited to the bank. If you have gear you don't use instead of destroying it you should buy salvage kids and making them into collectibles and send those to the bank. You can use these items to level your crafting and gives you XP so you can level that way as well.

By the way, you don't have to be near the bank to deposit collectibles.

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Man. I got to level 20 on Elementalist and then decided I liked my Warrior more. :(

Depends on what server you're on ;)

Servers only matter for WvWvW. You can send mail and party with anyone.

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Never found any of this stuff in the one BWE I played. What chests/hats are you folks talking about... Mention of Hats makes me think of Team Fortress.

They're talking about Black Lion chests. But there's also hidden chest around the world with good items in them, that don't require keys to open. So far, I only found one in LA in the Sharkmaw Cavern at the jumping pazzle (pro-tip: Crank up the gamma for the last part, where you have to jump in total darkness. The torches doesn't help).

Servers only matter for WvWvW. You can send mail and party with anyone.

Send me your name. I'll send you a few jute bags (8 slots).

How do you make a 20 slot bag?

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Anybody making bags? I could really use some.

I can make 8 slot bags right now. But hopefully by the end of the day I can make 10 slot bags. Well I could make 8 slot bags if I didn't keep running out of copper, anyways.

They're talking about Black Lion chests. But there's also hidden chest around the world with good items in them, that don't require keys to open. So far, I only found one in LA in the Sharkmaw Cavern at the jumping pazzle (pro-tip: Crank up the gamma for the last part, where you have to jump in total darkness. The torches doesn't help).

Send me your name. I'll send you a few jute bags (8 slots).

How do you make a 20 slot bag?

Armorsmithing and maybe tailoring? You can make 8 slot bags at level 1 armor smithing, 10 slot bags at level 75. I'm not sure what the bigger ones are at. Probably 150+ for 16 and 350+ for 20.

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