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Its been a tough sell to my friends as well. Most of my friends are burnt out on MMOs in general, and my friends that are still playing WoW are burnt out on the whole "next WoW killer" that turns out not being as good as they hoped. As one of my friends put it, "You can't kill WoW, it's like a weed."

The price of GW2 isn't bad from the perspective that there are no monthly costs. But still, $60 going towards a WoW subscription is 4 months of gameplay. To be honest with you, I haven't really gotten my money's worth on any "WoW killer" as I get burnt out in about a month (Star Trek Online, Rift, Warhammer).

I'm staying optimistic about this one though. Wish I could convince some of my buddies. Oh well. I think if the price were $40 they would all jump on the bandwagon no problem.

After playing the Beta and finding it to be actually fun which for a while i have not found any MMO that was actually fun to play. The $60 price tag was easy for me being that there was no monthly fee. I keep telling my wife that if Wow had no monthly fee I would still be playing it.

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Its been a tough sell to my friends as well. Most of my friends are burnt out on MMOs in general, and my friends that are still playing WoW are burnt out on the whole "next WoW killer" that turns out not being as good as they hoped. As one of my friends put it, "You can't kill WoW, it's like a weed."

The price of GW2 isn't bad from the perspective that there are no monthly costs. But still, $60 going towards a WoW subscription is 4 months of gameplay. To be honest with you, I haven't really gotten my money's worth on any "WoW killer" as I get burnt out in about a month (Star Trek Online, Rift, Warhammer).

I'm staying optimistic about this one though. Wish I could convince some of my buddies. Oh well. I think if the price were $40 they would all jump on the bandwagon no problem.

Really? $40 for a game that has several hundred hours of game play out of the box without trying to look for "things to do"? I can understand that some might not like it but to think you should only have to pay that much?

Compare this to Diablo 3 and Call of Duty which have you running down the same exact path over and over again or playing the same 10x10 map with annoying as **** kill streaks and 14 year old brats screaming on their microphones.. Those are $60 dollar games so I honestly don't see how anyone can complain about paying $60 for GW2.

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If you've ever played WoW, the Armory is a great example of what he's talking about. A place where you can see your character, the armor they're wearing, their achievements, their progress, statistics, builds, etc. so that you may easily share your accomplishments or builds with others. Link for example:

MMOs like Aion and such have it too.

Oh ok, totally understand. Yeah, this would be nice.

Anyone got into the PvP yet? If so, wouldn't mind some help getting going (tips, hints, strats). Playing as Guardian.

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So the trading post hasn't worked in days... The catacombs is almost impossible to get your entire party into.. What more can they break that worked perfectly fine in every pre-release event?

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So the trading post hasn't worked in days... The catacombs is almost impossible to get your entire party into.. What more can they break that worked perfectly fine in every pre-release event?

What do you mean about the catacombs? I did it just fine last night.

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What do you mean about the catacombs? I did it just fine last night.

My party has been trying for the past 20 mins to get all of us into it together. And we're not the only ones.

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Really? $40 for a game that has several hundred hours of game play out of the box without trying to look for "things to do"? I can understand that some might not like it but to think you should only have to pay that much?

Compare this to Diablo 3 and Call of Duty which have you running down the same exact path over and over again or playing the same 10x10 map with annoying as **** kill streaks and 14 year old brats screaming on their microphones.. Those are $60 dollar games so I honestly don't see how anyone can complain about paying $60 for GW2.

You don't have to convince me! I bought the game, and am enjoying it so far :). I'm just saying that I could get more of my buddies in the game if it were cheaper. Its just that the hard truth of the matter is there have been a LOT of MMOs that have come out over the past couple of years that started out with a $60 fee and eventually went 100% freemium. I can see why people are just a little bit jaded by the whole genera. But even though I didn't really like GW1, it had some serious "stay power" so I'm confident GW2 will have at least the same amount of "stay power".

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After playing the Beta and finding it to be actually fun which for a while i have not found any MMO that was actually fun to play. The $60 price tag was easy for me being that there was no monthly fee. I keep telling my wife that if Wow had no monthly fee I would still be playing it.

I can totally agree to this. This is a new era of wehre the comapny can make money in different ways "like item shop" rather than a monthly fee. I don't like feeling like I have a new bill called "video game". GW2 is a great game and tis new F2P feature is a really good move from the developers. They will still generate revenues specially with expansion packs and such. i stopped playing WoW because I reaaly starting to see most of this companies doing the F2P move with really good games. This guy makes a really good point,

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You don't have to convince me! I bought the game, and am enjoying it so far :). I'm just saying that I could get more of my buddies in the game if it were cheaper. Its just that the hard truth of the matter is there have been a LOT of MMOs that have come out over the past couple of years that started out with a $60 fee and eventually went 100% freemium. I can see why people are just a little bit jaded by the whole genera. But even though I didn't really like GW1, it had some serious "stay power" so I'm confident GW2 will have at least the same amount of "stay power".

Same. I think the game is worth it but without a demo, trial etc it's difficult to convince my friends who are all burned out on WoW and never played the original Guild Wars. I myself was hesitant about buying it considering it was ?49.99 but after playing it, totally worth it and I'm just trying to convince my friends now.

Btw just incase you guys weren't aware the game is $79.99 USD in the UK if you buy it from the online store and $59.90 from Amazon. Quite pricey in my opinion for a PC title. But still I think it's worth it.

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Same. I think the game is worth it but without a demo, trial etc it's difficult to convince my friends who are all burned out on WoW and never played the original Guild Wars. I myself was hesitant about buying it considering it was ?49.99 but after playing it, totally worth it and I'm just trying to convince my friends now.

Btw just incase you guys weren't aware the game is $79.99 USD in the UK if you buy it from the online store and $59.90 from Amazon. Quite pricey in my opinion for a PC title. But still I think it's worth it.

This right here, I'm very interested in the game, but our funds are so tapped that I need to be sure I'm going to enjoy something before I shell out the dough for it. I tried to get into the beta but they were only open to preorders so that killed it for me. Maybe if the price comes down, or I get a new job (interviewing next week for one) then I can afford it, but with no demo I'm not shelling out any money.

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Arenanet support responding and listing reasons as to why people were banned. It is hilarious and has cemented arenanet as a top notch developer in my book. Warning it is NSFW (they are literally copy pasting what the person said).

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Same. I think the game is worth it but without a demo, trial etc it's difficult to convince my friends who are all burned out on WoW and never played the original Guild Wars. I myself was hesitant about buying it considering it was ?49.99 but after playing it, totally worth it and I'm just trying to convince my friends now.

Btw just incase you guys weren't aware the game is $79.99 USD in the UK if you buy it from the online store and $59.90 from Amazon. Quite pricey in my opinion for a PC title. But still I think it's worth it.

Considering you'll never have to pay a subscription fee, I'd even pay $80 in the US for it truth be told.

I'm strapped for cash too, being a college student again. I consider it an investment for recreation. I don't use my TV thanks to internet streaming and Netflix, except NFL games on basic programming which we in the US don't have to pay for (I think the UK has some sort of tax for basic programming?). Keeps my costs low while providing hours of entertainment. :)


Quite an awesome video, thanks for sharing that! (Y)

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Arenanet support responding and listing reasons as to why people were banned. It is hilarious and has cemented arenanet as a top notch developer in my book. Warning it is NSFW (they are literally copy pasting what the person said).

Laughing hard at some of these.

[?]gw2fan2012 146 points 21 hours ago *

Character Name: lol

Edit: This is entirely serious.

ArenaNetSupportTeam[S] 487 points 20 hours ago

Name: OK Chat -- Not Ok: "This isn't Africa, you don't adopt black kids."

On a side note, level 11 and 62% done Queensdale, been taking my time and exploring.

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How do you guys deal with repositioning? I'm using the default bindings, which I'm sure are not optimal, as it takes forever for me to turn to engage another target. For example, you defeat a mob in front of you but one attacks from behind.

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How do you guys deal with repositioning? I'm using the default bindings, which I'm sure are not optimal, as it takes forever for me to turn to engage another target. For example, you defeat a mob in front of you but one attacks from behind.

I tab target, and my one skill is to jump behind them and attack so it works out fine :/

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How do you guys deal with repositioning? I'm using the default bindings, which I'm sure are not optimal, as it takes forever for me to turn to engage another target. For example, you defeat a mob in front of you but one attacks from behind.

Tab target and I rebound dodge to one of my mouse buttons making it more easily accessible than a keyboard bind or double tapping.

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How do you guys deal with repositioning? I'm using the default bindings, which I'm sure are not optimal, as it takes forever for me to turn to engage another target. For example, you defeat a mob in front of you but one attacks from behind.

Get rid of turn left/right replace them with strafe left/right and keep your mouse on a swivel. And as firey pointed out, any ability that will auto-turn ya around works.

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How do you guys deal with repositioning? I'm using the default bindings, which I'm sure are not optimal, as it takes forever for me to turn to engage another target. For example, you defeat a mob in front of you but one attacks from behind.

I usually just spin with right-click and drag, and tap an attack to autotarget. I've never used tab targeting to be honest, since many MMOs autotarget when you go to use your abilities. Thus, double-tapping W to roll forward, camera spin 180?, and use my charge attack to leap forward. Though, I usually have AOE of some sort going on, so I'm constantly running around my enemies. :p

There's a binding for About Face, but it never worked in the beta so I can't be sure it works now. I would assume you'd do a 180? turn though.

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Great, thanks for the help all.

I actually went into the options and found rotation speed by default to be on the slowest setting. I've since adjusted it to something I can work with and it makes it easier. I use tab for target but like dead.cell I do use right click and drag. I did try trag3dy's method of binding dodge to side mouse button, works a lot better. Also went in and disabled double-tap dodge.


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Servers are down for maintenance. But only for 20-60 minutes so they say. Hopefully we can use the market after they come back up.

And I thought this scene was especially neat looking:123850366.jpg

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Personally i don't have a problem with double-tapping to dodge. But then again, i played ut99/ut2004 for years so i'm very used to it.

Also, i see anet is still ignoring trading, refusing to tell us why and when we can have it back. /sigh. they just can't stop failing on this can they?

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