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Did you fight the huge dragon at the end of the event? That thing is a beast. Plus it also leaves the loot chest after you kill it.

I logged as I had full bags and no one was going for the gate and was getting late.

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I've been having issues doing some jumping puzzles and vista because the size of my character. He gets stuck and it appears like I'm not moving my character or the camera but I actually am. I'm not the only one having that issue with max size characters though so hopefully they can fix it.

I've been getting that issue too, didn't know it was due to max height, but now that you mention it I never had the issue on my other character that wasn't max height.

On another note, anyone have bone shards or know where to farm them? I have 16 of them and I need 27....the ONLY place I know where to farm them is difficult as heck to farm. I can kill the regular guys okay (but not very great), but the elites there (they summon other enemies) just own me.

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Got to lvv 39 yesterday, gained almost 10 lvl's, 2 levels were gained just from crafting alone. got both JC and WS up to 150, took a crap ton of ore :-( but since i did 3 whole starting areas I was able to gather the mats required, I am not looking forward to doing the rest, I may just have to pick one and lvl it first, then the other.

Also those people who say the game doesnt have good graphics, hogwash! But i have SLI and everything turned up to max and its just beautiful!!!!

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Check out what I stumbled upon while getting waypoints of the map before I started questing on this new map I'm on. :D

What's your name on there?

Update: Tried again shortly after that and downed it. :D :D :D


Almost died!


Epic loots! :D

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I just went outside the main area (the Human starting zone area) and lo and behold, enemies my level and events! I quickly grouped up with random people (I like how we all get XP like in Realm of the Mad God xp trains!) and went from level 5 (or 6) to almost level 8 now. Also, watching some of the other classes, makes me want to make a Mesmer and a Thief etc :D

I love you mattmatik. So much. I LOVE YOU LIKE A MAN LOVES ANOTHER MAN! :D

Haha, glad you are enjoying it, bro.

Are you guys doing your story lines as you progress as well or just completing the areas on their own? I'm almost to 8 and haven't touched my story (besides the Great Hunt for Norn).

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Haha, glad you are enjoying it, bro.

Are you guys doing your story lines as you progress as well or just completing the areas on their own? I'm almost to 8 and haven't touched my story (besides the Great Hunt for Norn).

I can't believe you haven't touched your story line yet. They are so interesting, that it's actually an annoyance that it doesn't stay at your level.

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Haha, glad you are enjoying it, bro.

Are you guys doing your story lines as you progress as well or just completing the areas on their own? I'm almost to 8 and haven't touched my story (besides the Great Hunt for Norn).

Same, i haven't touched the storyline yet (also norn). I'm just getting the grips with the game. I've only just left Wayfarer Hills to go to Hoelbrak.

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I honestly cannot believe that people have claimed Guild Wars 2 has bad graphics. Or that WoW or any other game has better. Literally every time I enter a new area I'm blown away and I think to myself "this is definitely my favorite looking area so far!"

God I'm such a fan boy. :rofl:

Some of us need graphic card upgrades... The post processing really helps give it a nice look. The thing with WoW is, it looks good even on low end or older graphics cards. This game really needs the extra little bit. I'm thinking of upgrading my card.

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This is going to be the build I'm following for Guardian, though I may swap out 5 in precision for 10 in power instead, keeping the 30/30 in valor and virtues.

Basically designed to work to your advantage by dishing out more damage the more you're hit, so that you actually want things attacking you. With the 30 point trait slot in valor, "applying a boon to allies heals you", that'd work great for the skill setup there. Also, Signet of Judgement should help loads with that passive 10% damage reduction.

As for combat, mace/shield for regen and such while keeping sword/shield for offensive attacks. Would also seem great to teleport in with Flashing Blade to blind foes, maybe use Zealot's Defense, then swap out to the mace and continue with the battle.

At least, this is the plan I'm going with. Feel free to critique or add in suggestions. Any help would be appreciated. :)

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This is going to be the build I'm following for Guardian, though I may swap out 5 in precision for 10 in power instead, keeping the 30/30 in valor and virtues.

Basically designed to work to your advantage by dishing out more damage the more you're hit, so that you actually want things attacking you. With the 30 point trait slot in valor, "applying a boon to allies heals you", that'd work great for the skill setup there. Also, Signet of Judgement should help loads with that passive 10% damage reduction.

As for combat, mace/shield for regen and such while keeping sword/shield for offensive attacks. Would also seem great to teleport in with Flashing Blade to blind foes, maybe use Zealot's Defense, then swap out to the mace and continue with the battle.

At least, this is the plan I'm going with. Feel free to critique or add in suggestions. Any help would be appreciated. :)

I think I'll follow that build with you, even though I'm lagging at level 8 :laugh: When do you start unlocking traits?

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Someone had mentioned the sales figures on the previous page. Unfortunately you can't quote on the mobile site as far as I can see. Those numbers of 400,000 concurrent users were just the online pre-purchasers on the weekend.

Has anyone created a Neowin Guild? I've asked previously and didn't receive a response. If not, I'm going to create one in about 30 minutes.

Did you end up creating one and if so which server is it on?

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I think I'll follow that build with you, even though I'm lagging at level 8 :laugh: When do you start unlocking traits?

IIRC, level 11 then +1/lvl

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The guild is called Neowinians of Tyria and it's on the Yak's Bend server. Remember though, guilds are account/game wide. They are not limited to a specific server. Also you can be part of multiple guilds. I'll probably be on within 2 hours. Just shoot me a message in game and I'll send you an invite.

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Anyone else really enjoying the soundtrack? The classical stuff especially, just so enjoyable while adventuring.

Considering who did the music, I'd be shocked if you didn't enjoy the music in the game! Jeremy Soule did the music btw, in case you don't know who he is, he also did the music for Skyrim and Oblivion, Prey, Guild Wars 1 (and expansions), and Mists of Pandaria :)

As for the guild...I was the first to join the guild once it was set up, and I can see there are like 8 members now on the guild tab. But when I try to speak to the guild, it says i'm not in a guild...?

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After so many days(getting up to around 5, i think) i'm starting to think they're deliberately taking their sweet time with the trading post to try to force people into buying gems to get any gold/silver.

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After so many days(getting up to around 5, i think) i'm starting to think they're deliberately taking their sweet time with the trading post to try to force people into buying gems to get any gold/silver.

They've already said they have fixes for some of the choke points causing the issues, but that they're testing them out thoroughly before putting it back up. Currently, 15% of the population have access to it while they monitor the situation.

As for gold/silver, I'm not having any issues making money. What is it that you're stuck trying to buy right now? Because honestly, I was thinking about trading my money for gems actually. Can get roughly 300 gems from what I have right now on me, just from playing the game.

I think I'll follow that build with you, even though I'm lagging at level 8 :laugh: When do you start unlocking traits?

Level 11. I've got 10 into Zeal right now, since my build was going to be something else, but it'll work out anyway. This game may not have tanks, but I'm damn well determined to make my guardian a sturdy motherfugger! :D

Linking my Guardian build again, for those interested:

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