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I'm on now for anyone who is looking to get into the guild. For those who can't speak in the guild once joined, you need to make it your represented guild I think. Don't ask me how though.

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They've already said they have fixes for some of the choke points causing the issues, but that they're testing them out thoroughly before putting it back up. Currently, 15% of the population have access to it while they monitor the situation.

As for gold/silver, I'm not having any issues making money. What is it that you're stuck trying to buy right now? Because honestly, I was thinking about trading my money for gems actually. Can get roughly 300 gems from what I have right now on me, just from playing the game.

At this point i'm more stuck trying NOT to buy anything if i want to continue us traits once i get around to hitting level 40.

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Dont buy this game!

My account just got banned for 'exploiting' because of the companys own messup. Entire guilds got banned today. There was a vendor selling items for really cheap, i bought some for myself, i didnt sell to anyone, or trade for gold. I bought for ME only. Its pretty ridiculous theyre doing it to players for their own screwup. I had hte collectors edition + 20 dollars in gems, and a ban comes.

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Dont buy this game!

My account just got banned for 'exploiting' because of the companys own messup. Entire guilds got banned today. There was a vendor selling items for really cheap, i bought some for myself, i didnt sell to anyone, or trade for gold. I bought for ME only. Its pretty ridiculous theyre doing it to players for their own screwup. I had hte collectors edition + 20 dollars in gems, and a ban comes.

Based on past history from the bans, I'm not inclined to believe you, but the ban "should" only be 72 hours. I believe they have said they have not started to permanent ban anyone yet.

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Dont buy this game!

My account just got banned for 'exploiting' because of the companys own messup. Entire guilds got banned today. There was a vendor selling items for really cheap, i bought some for myself, i didnt sell to anyone, or trade for gold. I bought for ME only. Its pretty ridiculous theyre doing it to players for their own screwup. I had hte collectors edition + 20 dollars in gems, and a ban comes.

First offense Bans are only 72 hours, It's really not that big of a deal. Are you sure that's why you got the ban, as I see it most people misinterpret what their bans were actually for and anet is quite punitive over expletives and racial slurs. Either way, the same is true of all MMO's I've ever played, if the price is too good to be true you probably shouldn't buy it.

Honestly, to say not to buy the game over this is just being a dramatic teenager...

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Not entirely true on the "72 hour" thing. Many people got banned permanently for the vendor bug.

That's true, but there is this: "We permanently banned 3,000 accounts of players who substantially exploited it, and applied 72-hours bans to another 1,000 accounts of players who mildly exploited it." If you only purchased things in a normal (aka 1 weapon or so) quantity, you likely didn't get banned. It's those that abused it that did.

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Not entirely true on the "72 hour" thing. Many people got banned permanently for the vendor bug.

Ah thanks for that, didn't know! I suppose if you bought hundreds of weapons at 1/1000th of the price and thought that was totally O.K. then you're an a-hole or an idiot, both of which I don't want in my game.

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Considering who did the music, I'd be shocked if you didn't enjoy the music in the game! Jeremy Soule did the music btw, in case you don't know who he is, he also did the music for Skyrim and Oblivion, Prey, Guild Wars 1 (and expansions), and Mists of Pandaria :)

As for the guild...I was the first to join the guild once it was set up, and I can see there are like 8 members now on the guild tab. But when I try to speak to the guild, it says i'm not in a guild...?

You have to click the represent button on the guild page. As for the soundtrack yeah it is awesome, ordered the big 4 disc set from Soule's website.

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Dont buy this game!

My account just got banned for 'exploiting' because of the companys own messup. Entire guilds got banned today. There was a vendor selling items for really cheap, i bought some for myself, i didnt sell to anyone, or trade for gold. I bought for ME only. Its pretty ridiculous theyre doing it to players for their own screwup. I had hte collectors edition + 20 dollars in gems, and a ban comes.

From the reddit thread, it sounds like you deserved what you got. Almost any MMO I have played always states "if you find an exploit, report it and do not abuse it." Yes, it was a developers fault, but it is also your job to report the issue, to make a better game for everyone in the long run. Not be greedy and try and exploit to better yourself.

This is how it has always worked, so stop kicking your feet and whining, and hone up to what you did.

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Dont buy this game!

My account just got banned for 'exploiting' because of the companys own messup. Entire guilds got banned today. There was a vendor selling items for really cheap, i bought some for myself, i didnt sell to anyone, or trade for gold. I bought for ME only. Its pretty ridiculous theyre doing it to players for their own screwup. I had hte collectors edition + 20 dollars in gems, and a ban comes.

We want to thank the vast majority of players who became aware of the issue, responsibly reported it, and did not exploit it. However, a smaller group of players did significantly exploit it, each purchasing hundreds or thousands of these weapons. We permanently banned 3,000 accounts of players who substantially exploited it, and applied 72-hours bans to another 1,000 accounts of players who mildly exploited it.

I have no sympathy for you. Glad you and everyone else was banned for exploiting.

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Huh still no trial :|

Don't expect one anytime soon. I don't recall GW1 having a trial for a year into the game. It's $60 with no subscription fee. Not likely to ever even have a trial.

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Ensuring the best possible play experience for our fans is our highest priority. We?ve said before that we would be willing to temporarily disable first-party digital sales if we felt our high player concurrency may compromise player experiences. We have now reached that point.

Effective immediately we have disabled sales via To be clear, box and digital sales are still available via our retail partners. We are tracking our concurrency closely while expanding our infrastructure. We?ll re-enable first-party digital sales as soon as we feel that we can do so safely. ~RB2

Speechless. You'd never see that from any other gaming company.

It's funny seeing so many people complain about being banned because they bought the karma weapons. Morons didn't stop to think for one second that maybe that wasn't how it was supposed to be? 21 karma weapons? Sounds legit, count me in!

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Ensuring the best possible play experience for our fans is our highest priority. We?ve said before that we would be willing to temporarily disable first-party digital sales if we felt our high player concurrency may compromise player experiences. We have now reached that point.

Effective immediately we have disabled sales via To be clear, box and digital sales are still available via our retail partners. We are tracking our concurrency closely while expanding our infrastructure. We?ll re-enable first-party digital sales as soon as we feel that we can do so safely. ~RB2

Wow... That's awesome! I mean horrible for those who haven't purchased yet, but awesome for me and those who have :D. I've never heard of a company stopping sales (their primary purpose!) to make sure there current customers remain happy. Has this ever happened?

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Wow... That's awesome! I mean horrible for those who haven't purchased yet, but awesome for me and those who have :D. I've never heard of a company stopping sales (their primary purpose!) to make sure there current customers remain happy. Has this ever happened?

Never before that I've heard of. The publicity it will get GW2 and Anet will be massive though.

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Dont buy this game!

My account just got banned for 'exploiting' because of the companys own messup. Entire guilds got banned today. There was a vendor selling items for really cheap, i bought some for myself, i didnt sell to anyone, or trade for gold. I bought for ME only. Its pretty ridiculous theyre doing it to players for their own screwup. I had hte collectors edition + 20 dollars in gems, and a ban comes.

No sympathy from me. You knew it was priced wrong, you knowingly exploited a game bug.

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Today we banned a number of players for exploiting Guild Wars 2. We take our community and the integrity of the game very seriously, and want to be clear that intentionally exploiting the game is unacceptable. The players we banned were certainly intentionally and repeatedly exploiting a bug in the game. We intended to send a very clear message that exploiting the game in this way will not be tolerated, and we believe this message now has been well understood.

We also believe and respect that people make mistakes. This is in fact the first example of a widespread exploit in the game. With this in mind, we are offering the members of our community who exploited the game a second chance to repair the damage that has been done.

Thus, just this once, we will offer to convert permanent bans to 72-hour suspensions. Should those involved want to accept this offer of reinstatement, contact us on our support submit a ticket through the "Ask a Question" tab. Please use the subject heading of "Karma Weapons Exploit Appeal", then confirm in the body of your ticket that you will delete any items/currency that you gained from the exploit. You should submit only one ticket. Once you have done so, we will lower your ban to 72 hours, and following your re-activation we will check your account to make sure that you have honored your commitment. If that commitment is not hindered, we will re-terminate the account.

This is a first and final warning. Moving forward, please make sure you that when you see an exploitable part of the game, you report it and do not attempt to benefit from it.

We look forward to seeing you in game,

Yours Sincerely,

Chris Whiteside- Lead Producer ArenaNet

I don't know whether to be ****ed they standing down, or impressed they are willing to gives players a second chance. Kinda of like, you ****ed with us, we ****ed you up big time, so here's a cookie don't do it again.

And if anyone hasn't noticed. They are using reddit as a means to post info about stuff, I guess until they open forums up (which they aren't doing so they can focus on the game during the initial rush).

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I really wish they didn't allow appeals for this, as it stood you needed to really, really exploit this to get the permaban. They all deserved it, no mistakes were made.

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I really wish they didn't allow appeals for this, as it stood you needed to really, really exploit this to get the permaban. They all deserved it, no mistakes were made.

I wouldn't mind the appeal if it meant their accounts were wiped to a clean slate (aka like a new account). But yes, they really should have stuck to their guns. But I see why they are allowing the appeals. They are trying to be nice to the community of douchebags one last time.

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Now that the trading post is actually working for a lot of people, it's really cool to use. The only features I wish it had are a sort/search by class type and a "go back" button that takes you to the trending page.

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I used the trading post this morning and I have to admit I'm not impressed. The interface is very clunky and doesn't have the same UI polish that other parts of the game do. I hope they re-work it soon.

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So I can now make 15 slot darksteel bags. If you're interested I'm in the neowin guild. Send me your platinum and a green (major I think) rune of holding and I'll make them up!

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